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Politics & Government - 9 February 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

It has been told that in the end times their will be a revived holy roman empire controlled by Assyria(Germany) this body is known as the European Union wich will soon be controlled by the vatican, wich will claim Jeruselem as theirs and trigger world war 3, The US will have to fight it's european allies except England to defend Isreal, but in the end America, Isreal, England will loose and we will be forced to live under an oppressive german regime
Do you all think this prophecy will come true

2007-02-09 06:36:35 · 10 answers · asked by Eisloph S 1 in Politics

Or do you think she's a sell out?

2007-02-09 06:35:28 · 13 answers · asked by AleJunkie 2 in Politics

2007-02-09 06:35:11 · 1 answers · asked by Conservative 3 in Military

i'm doing a report

2007-02-09 06:34:40 · 4 answers · asked by crazie blonde(mommy) 2 in Military

is clearly a serious risk for our government based on her track record?? How soon you all forget that you're considering a woman who is anti-semitic; has made a number of racist comments and felt sympathy for Arafat, a terrorist; a woman who is capable and willing to mislead, lie, evade, and even steal from those who work side-by-side with her; A woman who thinks that young adults have no work ethic and pardons felons that "paid" for her campaign! This is who you want to lead our country and you're b!tching about GWB??! Amazing!

2007-02-09 06:34:38 · 11 answers · asked by panthrchic 4 in Elections

My girlfriend is Dutch and wishes to permanently move to the United States. She's wondering what her options are. She wants to become a legal US citizen.

2007-02-09 06:34:11 · 9 answers · asked by Mr. Mister 2 in Immigration

WWII is a great example as well as today`s conflicts. When were liberals ever right ? They and their policies have been proven wrong time and time again and that is a fact...but, what do you think ? Why are liberals so afraid ?

2007-02-09 06:33:27 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

funniest answer gets ten points, and a quota

2007-02-09 06:33:26 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

the phrase "i know you are but what am I" in their clipboard and just paste it to every question? Or are most just now taking highschool typing and need the practice?

2007-02-09 06:32:19 · 10 answers · asked by CaptainObvious 7 in Politics

My now ex bf claimed he filed a harassment report on me. The story in a nutshell..when i was w/ him, he mentally abused me, he made constant threats of suicide, only wanted my help, whenever I told him to get prof help, he said he would do it. He lied to me about having a baby w/a one night stand, after helping him,he ended our relationship to be with the mother, I found this out while in the hospital sick and having to have surgery.Ironically, I had to get therapy. Because come to find out he is not who he says he is. I found out more lies, how he met girls in chatrooms, he did the suicide thing to another girl, but she was smart enough to call the police and he told them she was went crazy over thier breakup. Anyhow, I feel I had a right to know who I really was dealing with for two years, I feel he playedmind games withme. So I did my own research and all the lies came to surface. I got so angry I called him and told him I knew everything as far as what he's all about.

2007-02-09 06:32:08 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

only military knowledgable people answer only, please

2007-02-09 06:31:24 · 5 answers · asked by Beaujock 1 in Military

I was sexually harrased at work, the guy admitted it and they fired him, now his friends are angry with me and harassing me I told my employer, there answer was to take my job duties from me(without compensating the pay I will lose, about 2000 a month) and there answer when I told them is that friends stick together and that I am just not allowed to go around where they are. They took my work station from me and moved me into a different department they say it is for my protection because they feel people may retaliate but I feel with the loss of my pay and job duties i am being punished and they are trying to get me to quit as I have become a liability to them what rights do I have should I obtain legal advise, please help I cry at night not wanting to come to work the next day

2007-02-09 06:30:55 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Write a statement explaining why your amendment should be passed. Try to use arguments that would persuade others to vote for your proposal, and clarify why it would be in the best interest of the nation.

2007-02-09 06:28:27 · 7 answers · asked by Fox 2 in Government

If he gets into a month from noow, he wouldnt easier rise about most of the otjer canidates

2007-02-09 06:28:23 · 12 answers · asked by falisha 6 in Elections

I seem to hear no news anywhere?

2007-02-09 06:28:17 · 9 answers · asked by peterhambelton 2 in Other - Politics & Government

"I should get nothing less as a woman then the previous speaker had" as if people are actually thinking, hum we should give Nancy a small plane because she has boobs.

2007-02-09 06:27:30 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

So what is it, is it our "freedom" to continiously become more ignorant and self-centered, and less courteos? Is it our disturbingly high crime rate, or is it our decline in overall education and intelligence? Is it our "freedoms" to allow ourselves to be spoon fed by big corporations and trashy celebrities on how we should live our lives? Is it our "freedoms" of how we can't do anything or develop new ideas ourselves without being heavily taxed? I'm just wondering what "democracy" and "freedom" it is we're defending and attempting to spread to others, what it is these "terrorists" and "extremists" are resisiting? And for a nice summary, ( and potential 10 pts.) I would love to hear some of your defintions about what you think freedom really is, and what it means to practice it. People are being duped into dying for it, for us, and people are being killed by our defending it, guess it would be good to know what some of you think they are spilling each others' blood for.

2007-02-09 06:27:26 · 3 answers · asked by broham85 3 in Politics

And is fighting in an illegal war an illegal order?

2007-02-09 06:24:22 · 19 answers · asked by Longhaired Freaky Person 4 in Politics

Read this article tell me what you think

"The GAO study involved a population of 55,322 illegal aliens. They were arrested at least a total of 459,614 times, averaging about eight arrests per illegal alien. Ninety-seven percent had more than one arrest. Thirty-eight percent had two to five arrests; 32 percent had between six and 10 arrests; and 26 percent had more than 11 arrests. Eighty-one percent of all arrests occurred after 1990."

These statistics due not look good for people simply looking for a better life, I do not buy it.

2007-02-09 06:24:14 · 5 answers · asked by Ryan T 2 in Immigration

that president Bush made it so the speakerof the house, after 9/11, had a military jet provided for them to travel in, as he felt they were at a risk of terrorist attack. This has already been done before. We never knew about it before there was a dem in that position. SHE HAS CHANGED NOTHING. SHE HAS ASKED FOR NOTHING. The house sergeant at arms has requested her to be able to fly non stop to her home in CA, as a safety measure, the same safety measures that the previous speakers have had. NOW, you know the facts.

2007-02-09 06:19:13 · 16 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6 in Politics

per, "People v. Welch (1999) C. 976 P. 2d 754; "A defendant does not have the right to present a defense of "His/Her" own choosing, but merely the right to an adequate and competent defense"". This brings up the fact that if a defendsnt can't present their facts of the case, then who is deciding the Truth, and What is presented to the Jury. Americans are naive to believe that the facts are presented to the Jury, they need to be aware that the only facts presented are the facts decided by those, whom are determining the defendants guilty, "Slightly Prejudicial and Bias".

2007-02-09 06:18:05 · 5 answers · asked by quotelawrence 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

It was only an ethical violation and not an actionable offense, that stimulates so much confidence in my government, and who authored the report, General Thomas F. Gimble, maybe it's a conflict of interest to have the pentegon investigate itself? and we all know what happens to generals if they disagree with the president

2007-02-09 06:17:05 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I'm furated that nice payee would something like that!

2007-02-09 06:16:58 · 2 answers · asked by r_teplitz 2 in Law & Ethics

The death penalty or life in prison. With the death sentence you get a huge amount of resources to defend yourself. You're provided with all kinds of free legal advisor's and you have many more chances in court compared to a life sentence.

When sentenced to life without parole you can be stuck in prison for years and years without a second trial even if there is evidence that could prove you innocent.You can be sentenced to life on even a small circumstance. One man was sentenced to life simply for being seen within a block of where a murder had occurred. He spent ten years in prison before being found innocent. For a death penalty case that would never hold up.

So my question is do you think it is worse to throw a person in prison for life without giving them a substantial representation? Or do you think that it is worse to execute some after they have had the best legal console available and have significant evidence against them?

2007-02-09 06:16:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I would guess that most of them are too smart for that. I pity those that signed up to defend America, and wound up in Iraq instead.

2007-02-09 06:16:10 · 15 answers · asked by Longhaired Freaky Person 4 in Politics

per, "People v. Welch (1999) C. 976 P. 2d 754; "A defendant does not have the right to present a defense of "His/Her" own choosing, but merely the right to an adequate and competent defense"". This brings up the fact that if a defendsnt can't present their facts of the case, then who is deciding the Truth, and What is presented to the Jury. Americans are naive to believe that the facts are presented to the Jury, they need to be aware that the only facts presented are the facts decided by those, whom are determining the defendants guilty, "Slightly Prejudicial and Bias".

2007-02-09 06:16:10 · 5 answers · asked by quotelawrence 2 in Law & Ethics

They're both great stories filled with the murder of innocents and selling out your friends, along with a few "slight" exagerations of truth. And both have witnesses saying that the stories are bogus.

So which story is faker?

2007-02-09 06:15:05 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

I was talking with my friends over lunch and we could not come to a consensus on what would be the best way to end Islamist extremism. One said carpet bombing the Middle East with nukes, another one said biological warheads on Mecca during their pilgrimage, but I favor the rape and pillage, a little less modern but equally effective and of course much more fun.

2007-02-09 06:14:13 · 18 answers · asked by wonderwhy2100 1 in Politics

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