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Politics & Government - 6 February 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

On the 15th of February 1942, about 100,000 British and Australian troops surrendered to Japanese forces on the island fortress of Singapore. The Japanese, despite being massively outnumbered, took good advantage of some appallingly bad command decisions on the part of British generals, and the fact that their planes were superior to those of the RAF, to invade and conquer the island in little more than a week. British commanders seemed incapable, in the weeks before the invasion, to come to terms with the fact that a Japanese invasion of Singapore might ever occur. On the 1st of February the last of the British troops in Malaya retreated into the island fortress, soon after that the RAF withdrew from the airfields and many British commanders were evacuated. Many 'directives' to the troops from commanders and the Prime Minister himself made bold and wholly unrealistic proclamations about 'not giving any ground' in Singapore

2007-02-06 06:21:13 · 7 answers · asked by nazilover1488 2 in Military

I was a Cafeteria Manager at Van Gogh Elementary in Granada Hills California 91344 around 2001-2003 and upper echelon management used to "BORROW" my ICONOCLASTIC IDEAS to claim as their own. I had cutting edge ideas from conventional and unconventional methods and thinking. Management only cared for profits for the LAUSD,but ESPECIALLY their own salary and perks. I ended in a HOSTILE WORK ENVIRONMENT AND STRESS MADE ME QUIT AND GOING TO THERAPY ONLY MADE THINGS WORSE!!! HERE IS THE WEBSITE http://www.lausd.net/Van_Gogh_EL/

2007-02-06 06:21:09 · 3 answers · asked by Green Lizard 1 in Law & Ethics

plz answer truthfuly with what u see fit

2007-02-06 06:20:42 · 8 answers · asked by thewanderer 1 in Military

Get 4 violations total, (3 in one night) and then get deleted? Liberals, you will never stop the scorbore

2007-02-06 06:20:22 · 12 answers · asked by Captain Planet 2 in Politics

I got my first ever speeding ticked today. I was going 131 in a 100km's per hour zone. I quit smoking yesterday and all I think about is smoking. I don't usually speed and when I do, not nearly that much so does anyone think if I appeal it I can get the ticket revoked or even reduced if I tell them I quit smoking and that's why I was speeding?

2007-02-06 06:19:32 · 11 answers · asked by Vanessa 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

In France, the average women lives to be 84 years old. In the USA, the average women lives to be 79 years old. In France like in Italy, England, Germany, etc. those countries have a national health care plan. In this country, we have to pay through the nose for our health insurance. It used to be said that our research & development was superior to other countries, and so was our health care. If so, why do Europeans live on average five years longer than we do?

2007-02-06 06:19:06 · 6 answers · asked by mac 7 in Government

If so, please define for me why some "babies" are entitled to live and others are not. If your concern truly is for the "child," then please tell me how it's okay for a woman to abort her pregnancy under some circumstances but not others. Is it not still a child?

2007-02-06 06:18:57 · 15 answers · asked by Bush Invented the Google 6 in Politics

2007-02-06 06:18:23 · 10 answers · asked by shimmyshimmer 3 in Military

I'd like to send "care" packages to our troops. What are the addresses for each branch of service to get the stuff overseas?
Also- any websites with guidelines / no-no's.
If you know a member or family who would benefit from care packages and / or specific prayer- I'm on it! I have to be creative because I have NO money- postage is going to push it... E-me.
Thank you U.S. Vetrans! I love you! God bless you and yours.

2007-02-06 06:17:55 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Hypothetically, if Hillary or Obama were to get the Democratic nomination, but a Republican were to win the 2008 presidential election...

Is there a chance Democrats will NOT call Republican voters either a bigot and chauvinist (if they beat Hillary) or a bigot and racist (if they beat Obama)?

The way I see it is if either one of them gets the nomination, and they lose to a Republican, conservatives will get called names (unfairly and inaccurately). However, wouldn't the Democrats themselves be in no position to talk since they would have not voted for the other one to get the nomination? (i.e. If Hillary gets the nomination, people could unfairly and inaccurately call them racist because they failed to vote for Obama to get the nom, or vice versa.)

Yet how many will still call Republicans sexist or racist if a Republican wins the election?

Or maybe Republicans won't get called names? Thoughts?

2007-02-06 06:15:11 · 16 answers · asked by theearlybirdy 4 in Elections

2007-02-06 06:14:34 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Such as a living will, medical or financial power of attorney?

2007-02-06 06:14:32 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I am a citizen of the United States of America and I know that in Canada, the two major party in parliment are the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party. In the United States however, the two major parties are the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. What is the difference between the values and believes of the Liberal Party of Canada and the Conservative Party of Canada and do both parties have anything in common with each other.

2007-02-06 06:13:12 · 6 answers · asked by Mr. Knowledgeable VI 7 in Politics

That they are willing to allow that government to scrap the Constitution whenever it becomes inconvenient. ie. wiretapping
That they will continue to allow a government to prosecute a war
that noone seems to know how to fight.

2007-02-06 06:12:16 · 9 answers · asked by Crystal Blue Persuasion 5 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-02-06 06:11:32 · 6 answers · asked by justicebybra 1 in Law & Ethics

Why arnt the pilots who murdered our soldier in jail ?

They seen the orange markers on the tanks.According to experts on the news they did not follow procedures.

So why are the pilots involved not in jail now. ?

They are still in the air force even

2007-02-06 06:11:28 · 7 answers · asked by Kieran 2 in Other - Politics & Government

My daughter works at a grocery store and while gathering carts she noticed a purse, she brought back into the store and her employer asked her to open the purse to look for identification, ther was no I.D. but a huge wad of $100.00 bills rolled up into a wad strapped with a rubber band. The employers placed the purse into the store safe. What i want to know is does my daughter get to keep the money if the purse goes unclaimed after a certain period of time?

2007-02-06 06:10:47 · 5 answers · asked by claudr_30 2 in Law & Ethics

mostly i point out abortion and the death penalty. most conservatives are against abortion and for the death penalty, while most liberals are the opposite. isnt this contradictory? i for one am a strong liberal, who is pro-abortion and pro-capital punishment. what is your take on this, and if you would like state your position as well.

2007-02-06 06:10:29 · 17 answers · asked by 2010 CWS Champs! 3 in Politics

2007-02-06 06:08:38 · 11 answers · asked by walkin_blues02 2 in Politics

I hear quite a bit about how President Bush will go down in history as this or that, and I only wonder do any of you really know, good or bad, how this President will be judged by history?
In the past there have been Presidents who while they were in office were thought to be the worst ever, but history changes that and those men have come to be revered for their jobs in office. Also, Presidents who were highly thought of while in office, then 20-30 years down the road, the decisions they made come to fruition or don't and the jugdement was changed. So please, all of you who can look two to three decades into the future, tell me how we will judge this President. What if Iraq works out and they become a stable democracy. What if the tax-cuts he proposed and instituted help the economy grow beyond anything we imagined. What then?

2007-02-06 06:08:03 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Does anyone here have the brain capacity to answer my question that everyone seems to skip when I ask it?

Here's a link:


2007-02-06 06:07:19 · 11 answers · asked by jpferrierjr 4 in Politics

Until last week, I just thought it was something that happened by her choice without any persuasion from anyone else. This person who I know longer claim to be related to informed me that she talked to him the day before she did it and he told her to go ahead and do it. He said the reason he didn’t stop her was from something having to do with this long running vendetta that has been going on in my family for years and years.

Was a crime committed, if he was in fact telling me the truth? If so what would it be?

2007-02-06 06:05:47 · 22 answers · asked by lil_angel_eyes686 1 in Law & Ethics

Why do right-wing conservatives think it's okay to slaughter animals for food but not okay to kill stem cells to save lives?

2007-02-06 06:04:04 · 24 answers · asked by Kalidas 2 in Politics

considering the following-


bonus question- what other agencies or systems are run as poorly is the above?

2007-02-06 06:02:38 · 16 answers · asked by Ted Kennedy 2 in Other - Politics & Government

that voting for Hillary would be a safer bet?

WASH—Jan 15—KIN-- He was born of a Muslim father and an atheist mother, who in his own words was "a lonely witness for secular humanism, a soldier for New Deal, Peace Corps, and position paper liberalism." She divorced when he was two years old and remarried another Muslim living in Indonesia, where the young man was educated in Catholic and Muslim schools in one of the most radical Islamic countries in the world. Though his father and stepfather were both Muslim, he tries to mitigate their religion by saying that by the time his mother married them, they had become atheists. After he was ten years old, he mostly was raised by his atheist grandparents.

The New York Daily News reports that he changed his life in his junior year of college at Columbia: he said he stopped doing drugs, ran three miles a day, and "He went to socialist conferences at Cooper Union and African cultural fairs in Brooklyn and started lecturing his relatives...

2007-02-06 06:01:47 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Aren't those WMD's?

Will the US invade itself because they've found evidence of the existence of WMD's in American territory?

2007-02-06 06:01:22 · 8 answers · asked by Malcolm Knoxville 2 in Other - Politics & Government

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