I will try to answer this and link it to the American system.
The Liberals and the Conservatives would both fall under the Democratic Party in the US, with the Liberals being the left wing and the Conservatives being the right wing. The Conservatives are NOT equivalent of the Republican party in the US, as the Conservatives in Canada are too central to be considered right wing anymore. The last Presidential election in the US, Kerry's platform was a merge of the Conservative and Liberals platforms in Canada.
One of the major differences between the 2 parties seems to be in regards to social programs. The Liberals value the programs and try to have the government provide everything for the people (ie socialized day care) while the Conservatives do not think the government should do everything for the people, and let the people make their own decisions (ie tax incentives for child care). It almost looks like the old Liberal = big government, Conservative = small government classification of the old times.
Another difference is in regards to social values is that the Liberals are left wing, while the Conservatives are right wing.....but are choosing their battles. Gay Marriage and abortion are not the political hot potatos that they are in the US. What is really interesting is that although the Liberals are pro-rights, in the current Canadian Wheat Board battle, they've come out against the individual rights of the farmer by backing the monopoly. Also, the leaning towards individual rights has back fired on the Liberals by having recent court cases allow for the right to pay for health care outside of the system, and allowing for individuals to use foreign satelite dishes because the individuals rights were violated by the CRTC not allowing certain channels in Canada.
The other three parties in Canada are the NDP....which is left of everyone, the Green Party, which is an environmental heavy party, and the Bloc, which is a party that wants independence for Quebec.
2007-02-06 09:28:47
answer #1
answered by Nice Guy 3
Conservative Vs Liberal Canada
2016-12-18 10:11:12
answer #2
answered by orson 4
Liberal Vs Conservative Canada
2016-10-06 01:09:43
answer #3
answered by mesidor 4
Honey, they are both lousy because they do not represent the majority of americans. Just about the entire country is waiting to get excited about a political party. We usually have two aristocratic men to choose from, and have to try to sift through the crap to figure out which is less of a bum. Democrats and Republicans both sold out lock stock and barrel to power interests, monied interests, corporate interests. One difference is the Democrats have to try to pretend to consider the needs of people other than the rich. Generally, it's easy because the media goes along and reports the minute crumbs that are tossed to the middle and lower classes. For example, it has been widely reported that Nancy Pelosi, in her big first 100 hour plan, went after the scandalous subsidies of oil companies. Bravo, Nancy, right? Well, all she did in reality is shave 15% off within the next five years. For all I know, all of it could be in year five and will have been repealed by then. They're all in cahoots because, obviously, media is big corporate America. What I would recommend is that you feel out who seems to be a geniune and authentic person for each race, who cares about people and will work hard to move the country forward. That might be a Republican, Democrat, Independent, Green, Libertarian, Socialist -- whatever. It doesn't make sense to declare yourself a Democrat or Republican. The whole spectrum is slanted to the right at this point -- slanted grotesquely to benefit corporate interests.
2016-03-18 01:38:37
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
They used to be very close together - pretty much in the centre. Now with Stephen Harper as leader of the Conservatives, they are pretty much acting like Republicans. He's basically a Bush kiss-***. The Liberals are more like the Democrats. The NDP are farther to the left of the Liberals, and the Alliance Party is farther to the right of the Conservatives. The Bloq Quebecois -the 5th main party in Canada- their only agenda is to get an independant Quebec (because it's so horrible being Canadian I guess).
2007-02-06 06:51:55
answer #5
answered by drea376 3
liberal, conservatism, democratic...
all ideologies... not organizations or something..
2007-02-06 06:18:51
answer #6
answered by Corey 4