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Politics & Government - 6 February 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Mom received ticket for uninsured vehicle in Tinton Falls, NJ

2007-02-06 00:58:29 · 5 answers · asked by daisy 1 in Law & Ethics

1)Arab peoples are calling Indians as Hindi ! if Indians knowing as Hindu is it wrong?
2)If all Indians are knowing as Hindu then for what this cast system?

2007-02-06 00:55:53 · 7 answers · asked by lamrath a 1 in Civic Participation

I mean why did they let him go? Does the public have any idea that he had supposedly escaped the jail?

2007-02-06 00:53:18 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Have you ever though about it? How can we hide from it and be protected safely?
Do people still feel the effects from the Hiroshima bomb?

2007-02-06 00:50:28 · 27 answers · asked by john j 1 in Military

I have been on maternity leave and have just been accepted for a possition in a supermarket but they have a new policy which is to ask all new employees for proof of ID to work in the UK. I have a passport but it has became out of date last FEB, i am not looking to renew it at the mo because with a young son i wont be travelling for a while and the whole reason i am going back to work is because i really need the money so i dont have the cash to renew it anyway. I have also given my employer my drivers licence, marriage cert and a proof of address. If all of this is refused what else can i use?

2007-02-06 00:50:12 · 9 answers · asked by clairemacriner 1 in Immigration

need this asap

2007-02-06 00:50:09 · 2 answers · asked by baldo 1 in Immigration

We here in the UK get to hear of the occassions when they have shot up British forces but never get to hear if they have done the same to their own.

I'm not interested in blame diatribes because being ex forces I know of the problems and each incident has to be looked into on its own merits.

2007-02-06 00:49:08 · 22 answers · asked by frank S 5 in Military

New energy initiatives have been discusses in the last 28 of 32 State of te Union addresses. Why won't Congress and several successive White House Administrations allow us to drill in the Gulf or in Alaska. People can say it's about the stinkin caribou all damn day buy there has to be a whole lot more to it. What do you think it really is?

2007-02-06 00:48:07 · 6 answers · asked by suburbandude 2 in Politics

Will the next president beable to clean up bush's mess

2007-02-06 00:43:44 · 10 answers · asked by Nicky 2 in Elections

saw the issues the same way? Why would I want to join the party of these hatemongers and shakedown artist? Then there is Barney Frank. Could you let a guy lead you that has spent most of his life on his knees. Then there is the Grand Dragon, Sen. Byrd, of the WV KKK. Do I want to be associated with that? Then old Ted Kennedy never met a gin he didn't like. What sleaze.

2007-02-06 00:43:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

She has virtually no opinions of her own. She says she will end the war but refuses to cut off funding for it.

She says "Bush Lied" but said she "personally reviewed" all the material that her to make the same decision Bush made. Therefore, if Bush "lied", then she also "Lied" to her constituants and led them into this "unpopular war".

She claims that she can "lead" the U.S. and reclaim our respect throughout the world by effectively dealing with world leaders.... but she can't even control her husband.

She wants us to be energy independent.... but voted against drilling in Alaska, Florida and California.

She thinks queer marriage should be legal.... but abstained from the senate vote to legalize it.

She criticises the war, but offers no plan for how withdrawing our forces can safely work in the region.


2007-02-06 00:40:47 · 13 answers · asked by merlins_new_apprentice 3 in Elections

2007-02-06 00:39:50 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Rudy has the record of his performance during 9_1_1.
What does Hillary have except for all of hers and Bills record?

2007-02-06 00:37:15 · 19 answers · asked by crazy_kizmet 3 in Politics

2007-02-06 00:29:52 · 12 answers · asked by coolmarius2004 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-02-06 00:29:28 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Similar question to my other, I know...but I'm curious...genuinely.

I read, daily, about the evils of Obama and Clinton. And I wonder, what do these accusers really know about the POLITICS of each? Where do they get their information? Do they actually research their politics, or do they listen to Rush and O'Reilly? I'm not a democrat, but I do find it fascinating that both democratic candidates are aligned with satan...and we've only just started the campaign process! Yes, they've been on the political stage for a few years now, but honestly, how much does the general population actually know about the stand that these candidates have taken on the issues?

2007-02-06 00:29:24 · 6 answers · asked by Super Ruper 6 in Politics

and why i need examples please

2007-02-06 00:28:49 · 10 answers · asked by Wesley™ 5 in Law Enforcement & Police

During election time, there's a lot of talk about so-called independent voters. In the United States at least, do they really exist in enough numbers to justify talking about them? Are there any Republicans or Democrats in here who'd seriously consider voting for someone on the other side - and if so, in what circumstances?.

2007-02-06 00:23:36 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

i am from The Philippines married my husband is English I am in ENgland right now how long do i have to stay here to get a passport?

2007-02-06 00:21:21 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

A person in china was going to say, hey buddy, let's start a revolution, since chinese can not pronance R he said let's start a evolution, so the two went to bed and produced many children.

2007-02-06 00:20:06 · 2 answers · asked by Lena F 1 in Politics

Ive just been watching loose women and they said from a news paper report that england is the burglary capital of europe.Alot of people rob houses for drug money for heroin,so this question is to see if anyone agrees or disagrees with me that id rather see druggies on crystal meth than heroin.I hate drugs,but crystal meth is meant to be worse than herion, but both destroy lives,and get them high,so surely its better if they take drugs they can make theirselvesand dont have to rob to pay for.Im not sypethetic when it comes to drug users and know if a perfect world no one would use them.

2007-02-06 00:19:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

It is very loud when you are on the street near a siren so its a wonder police/ambulance drivers don't go deaf listening to that awful screech.

2007-02-06 00:19:25 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I fear that people vote along party lines...that they don't listen to both candidates, and just vote according to their party affiliation. How, on earth, will America climb out of its hole and reclaim its role on the world's stage as a great and powerful nation if people don't open up their minds and vote for the BEST candidate - whoever that may be?

Who is willing to listen to both candidates...with an open mind for each...in order to learn about the politics of each?

2007-02-06 00:16:57 · 7 answers · asked by Super Ruper 6 in Politics

All the village people know the fact that our family is innocent (booked under 14 sections, 302 etc..)Police have harassed the witnesses to report against us.When, they refused, the police is not ready to file the charge sheet as yet(almost after 1.5 yrs).Also, police is demanding a huge bribe(nearly 3 lakhs) from us.We have sent a complaint to the DGP of tamilnadu,India but in vain.The case is filed in tamilnadu,India.

2007-02-06 00:13:48 · 6 answers · asked by nila 5 in Law Enforcement & Police

be honest for answering.

2007-02-06 00:13:44 · 8 answers · asked by bigbang 1 in Law & Ethics

or are they still out there in the cold...?

2007-02-06 00:13:38 · 20 answers · asked by john j 1 in Politics

We are going back to South Africa on holiday in March and I have heard he only has to enter/depart South Africa with his SA passport. Problems only arise when you use your foreign passport to enter/depart from SA.
Does him having a British passport mean he has British Citizenship? We never sent retention forms off to the SA high commission because he was only receiving a British passport and wasn't being naturalised.

2007-02-06 00:13:09 · 7 answers · asked by rsaleo88 1 in Immigration

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