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Reptiles - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pets Reptiles

Well...I got a Gold Tegu about 8 months ago, and the store where I worked told me to keep him on the ground Walnut Shells bedding. I listened to them because they've always given me good advice and know what they're talking about.
So about a month after getting him, I noticed his feet were starting to show signs of being "torn", or cut. I previously posted a question about this a few months ago and got some good answers. Once I noticed this, I took the bedding out and kept him on newspaper for about 2 months. In that time, I would pull him out every other day or so and put some triple antibiotic on his feet and also helped him with his shedding problems. The skin on his toes would NEVER shed on their own, so I had to do it for him. I got his feet looking better and decided to try putting him on the shell bedding again for a few days. Well, sure enough...after 3 days, he was back to the way he was. So I took him off that bedding for good. He's been living on newspaper since.

2007-10-10 13:23:04 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would like to know what kind of snake I could have as a pet.

2007-10-10 08:26:44 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

in a few days i'm going to a snake breeder to pick out a baby python (the snakes will be carpet pythons, diamond pythons, etc...) and i just wanted to know what i should look for in a snake and how to tell if its healthy? any help appreciated

2007-10-09 22:57:52 · 10 answers · asked by T-nuc. 2

thx guys for the response! i would go for a land one rather than aquatic.well one of u have suggesed me a STAR(I BELIEVE ITS THE INDIAN STAR).i know they are shy, kind of inactive and diffi tackle to beginners. It would be great to knw if i could find an online or a much reasonable place to buy them.

Thx again!

2007-10-09 18:08:22 · 3 answers · asked by Sim 1

He has'nt eaten anything in a week and a half, he barely drinks any water and he stays in the coolest part of a 100 gallon aqaurium (mid 60's F). All lights have been replaced and the only other thing we have changed is adding a plastic plant to the corner that he likes to hide in which we realize might affect his mood but he was like this before we added the plant. Before we take him to a vet, can anyone let us know of any obvious things that we have overlooked. Any help would be much appreciated.

2007-10-09 15:32:35 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Say a 20L? 40? 50? 60? 70? 75? 90?

2007-10-09 14:15:26 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am getting a lizard and we are thinking about a water dragon or a basilisk or another medium sized lizard. What are the caging requirements and care sheets would be appreciated. WHAT ARE SOME OTHER LIZARDS YOU WOULD RECOMMEND?

2007-10-09 14:09:24 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-09 13:32:51 · 14 answers · asked by jason d 1

my turtle just jumped out of it's cage
it just learned how to do that
how do i stop it from doing it again without putting less water.
i need a lot of water for the filter to work

2007-10-09 13:13:54 · 21 answers · asked by iluvturtlz 2

2007-10-09 11:44:05 · 3 answers · asked by Travis T 1

I was outside and just happened to come across a snake, pure black with grey or white 'rings' covering it. Also, the rings looked a tad faded.

I'm wondering what kind of snake this is, and if anyone could tell me some detailed info\give me a link to detailed info, that'd be extremely apprecatied! Thanks! I'm just worried it might be venomous.

2007-10-09 09:37:42 · 3 answers · asked by Bobinashoe 2

I have searched online but cant find anything. Is the body the shape of the shell? or does it look like a lizard and just carries a huge shell? Daft question i know but i really am interested to know!

2007-10-08 23:18:31 · 19 answers · asked by juicy 4

2007-10-08 16:45:27 · 4 answers · asked by cedric m 1

okay so last time my corn snake shed something really weird happened. i know he was about to shed, so i just left him alone. so i co me back the next day and its skin looked all shiny and new and his eyes had cleared, but no skin in the cage. i searched the whole cage, i took everything out and completly replaced the bedding. i couldnt find any skin so i just left it alone, puzzled. i came back the next day, and what do you know, the skin was sitting on top of the bedding. but how? why did it look like it shed when it really didnt? i was talking to my boyfriend and he described the same thing. whaatts going on?

2007-10-08 11:43:00 · 5 answers · asked by HIS NUMBER ONE GIRL 1

I was holding my snake and just petting him and he opened his mouth like a yawn so i just wanna know if that means he wants to bite or whatnot. thank you

2007-10-08 08:25:50 · 7 answers · asked by Lin-z 1

I want a lizar thats not messy, cant bite (no teath), its ok it can be a geko or something, i dont want it to get any bigger then like 2 computer mouses put together, it can swim, and isnt that squrmy. I want 1thats realy nice and not 2 pricey tyz :)

2007-10-08 07:35:05 · 16 answers · asked by Tabatha, Pittsburg PA 3

Is it okay and safe to keep them outside in water? Can it get too cold for them? Do they always stay underwater?

2007-10-07 17:44:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was walking my dog on a trail in Colorado around Boulder and my dog (2 feet in front of me) started sniffing a snake. I called her away and she left and there was no problem. I didn't stick around to study the snake but my best guess by the markings is that it was a rattle snake (I did not see a rattle but I didn't stay to look). If this were the case I would be surprised that a rattle snake would not strike in a situation like this. Does anyone know more about this than me?

2007-10-07 16:29:29 · 6 answers · asked by cowogo 3

I'm planning on getting a snake, though preferably one that doesn't require mice/rats. There's the rough/smooth green snake and ringneck snake but I read that those do not like to be handled, making them a "look but don't touch" snake. Are there any snakes on an alternate diet which are a bit friendlier?

2007-10-07 15:47:18 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Like any websites I could order them from? I don't really like feeding mice, even frozen ones.

2007-10-07 15:37:07 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have two red ear slider semi-aquatic turtles, and i was thinking about upgrading to a larger, better looking tank. I already have a 25 gallon glass tank, but i want a much bigger one, and was wondering if they sell tanks with land and water dividers? I made a picture on Paint showing what I want: http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/8146/aquariumne1.png

There is only one specialty tank shop near me, and i don't think they sell tanks with dividers. If you know of a website that sells tanks like this, post a link please?

2007-10-07 12:59:05 · 4 answers · asked by Russell W 2

Other then a tank? Any and all advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

( we have a dog and a cat ) so she's used to taking care of them.

2007-10-07 11:57:25 · 13 answers · asked by sentimental 3

PLEASE :( < my emotions right now

2007-10-07 11:43:18 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was feeding my baby beardie (only about 4 inches long from head to tail) And I saw papery skin peeling off on his head. A few hours later it reached his neck. Is this shedding? I'm a worried that it's some sickness.

2007-10-07 11:38:39 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My Dragon has not eaten crickets for the past 3 days although he will eat the odd bit of veg. He is around 3-4 month old and is 9 inch long snout to tip of tail. He wont refuse mealworm beetles but they are hard to digest and I no longer have any left. He has all the set up he needs like a basking light and UVB light. How can I get him to eat crickets again as I dont want him to starve, bless him.

2007-10-07 11:22:35 · 2 answers · asked by solidreckoning 2

I am thinking of getting a CWD. I live upstairs as will the CWD. Right now, i have a 20L cage with 2 hides, a large water dish and a feeding dish. Could i keep a baby in there and upgrade him to a 75 gallon tank in a couple of months? How hard would the humidity be to maintain at 60-70%? Would a thorough misting a day be enough or what would u suggest?

2007-10-07 11:04:25 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I talked to someone who had an iguana that the lizard was 7 mnths or so old and it was only about 1.5 feet long where as her other 2-3 month old babies were like 1.5 long. Is this iguana going to be short and not as long or is this iguana going to be as big or bigger? I would like to know because i am going to purchase this short iguana if it will stay smaller.

2007-10-07 11:00:03 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My corn snake has refused to eat for about two months now. It seems to be in good health and the cage is clean and at the right temperature. I usually feed the snake about 1 large mouse per week. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions I would appreciate it.

2007-10-07 09:36:35 · 11 answers · asked by JASON B 1

i've got a 1 year redfoot female 3 1/4" (shell). wondering what the norms are?

2007-10-07 08:38:49 · 3 answers · asked by amy b 1

Thanks for any help guys!!

2007-10-07 08:20:45 · 8 answers · asked by Lin-z 1

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