I got a Yoyo Loach last weekend. He (she?) is young, only about an inch long.
Over the past couple days His tummy seems to be swelling and now he looks really odd because it is so distended.
My husband is convinced that he is just over eating and that it will go away. We had a snail problem, and knew they were voracious eaters, but didnt know they were THAT voracious. Now there are hardly any snails in the tank aside from empty Trumpet Snail shells (he seems to like those better than the pond snails).
Other than the belly, he seems fine. He is acting just like he always has, spending every spare moment searching for more snails. He has no spots or leigions.
Is this normal? What can I do? I cant very well take away the source of the food. Could it be something else ?I was thinking dropsy, be he seems fine other than the tummy
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