I have had 6 tetra's (4 penguins and two neons) die in the past three days. All of my water conditions are good, and the fish do not show any indications of ich, fungus, worms etc.
The only noticeable issue is that the black line of the penguins seems to be less solid than usual, and the fish seem a little less active than usual, right before their death.
Other factors about my tank:
29 gallon with live plants
1 Plecostamus
2 corydorus
3 neons tetra(formerly 5)
5 rummy-nosed tetre
1 penguin tetra (formerly 5)
3 endlers livebearers
4 whiteclouds
...also recently a few snails have appeared in my tank, probably came with a new plant. Also there has recently been small amounts of black algae grrowing on one type of my plants.
Does anyone have any idea what could be going on?
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