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Dogs - November 2006

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I have recently got a bull staff pup, she is about 8 weeks old, I have a 4 year old son and I'm expecting a new baby in the next couple of weeks, family and friends are really trying to put me off her by telling me that they are very jealous animals and because it's a bull staff that she will more than likely bite my son. At the minute she is very friendly, my son is a bit frightened but he likes playing with her, but I've also noticed that she is snapping while playing. What should I do?

2006-11-16 23:37:41 · 15 answers · asked by Leanne 1

It comes and goes but I think it's at its worst when she is excited (the dog, not my mum!), i.e. when my mum has visitors or takes her for her walks etc. She has had a skin and fur scrape test which proved negative and the vet has just suggested that she starts having Hills Ultra Allergenic z/d dog food instead of her usual James Wellbeloved just in case she is allegic to a certain food type to see if that makes a difference. I wondered if it could be connected to adrenaline at all?

2006-11-16 23:17:33 · 8 answers · asked by Sue K 1

I have a bealge, could you give me a comparison to it? If not familiar a beagle, give me a comparison to any other breeds. Eg, one of the easier breeds to train? More Independent, Doesn't bark or howl much..and so on.
More personal, the better.

2006-11-16 23:06:15 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous


We are looking for a puppy. We want one that does not shed much and I would like 1/2 lab retriever. We are considering a labradoodle. What breed would you suggest would be good with kids and just plain fun to own?

2006-11-16 22:55:21 · 12 answers · asked by Lighthearted 3

I do not know if this is a silly question, but I am about to buy a Pedigree Bulldog. I am due to pick it up in 2 weeks, but have just been told by the breeders that it has a kink in its tail. Not knowing much about this, I would like some advice on if this means anything, has it any health implications? I am not buying the dog to stud out or as a show dog, it is purely a family pet. But I am just a litle concerned if this means anything, and do not want to spend lots of money just in case. The tail is has a kink and points downwards. The parents of the dog are both healthy as are all the other pups. Any advice would be welcomed. Thanks

2006-11-16 22:41:02 · 10 answers · asked by Dnew3 1

we have recently moved and our back garden has obviously been used by cats......my puppy (18weekss) digs up the cat poo and eats it, and then often vomits ......over my sofa the last time eugh......... any ideas how I can stop him doing this?

2006-11-16 22:02:41 · 13 answers · asked by julieh88 3

Whenever I wake up, within seconds, my dog jumps up and runs over to my bed (he sleeps across the room in a corner).
He does this BEFORE I actually get up. So by waking up, I mean that I will open my eyes and realize I am awake, and before I have done anything else, he jumps up and runs to me.
This happens EVERY morning, regardless of what time I wake up (so for example, on weekends at 8am, but weekdays between 5am and 5:30am, so it's not a time issue...)
Any ideas?
Does he hear my breathing pattern, or do I change the way I move? How does he know?

2006-11-16 22:01:53 · 11 answers · asked by bistekoenighasteangst 2

My dog is a 1 year old Pomeranian.

2006-11-16 21:59:50 · 11 answers · asked by megcruz29 1

I am just curious.....

2006-11-16 21:59:01 · 4 answers · asked by wladyanimal32 1

I know it's only been one day, but I'm ready to bring him back if I can't find a remedy soon.

We got him today and he's a pet store puppy, so he's eliminated in his crate his whole life. I did what the books said and took him out every hour and was going to try training him with the pad but he totally rejected it. He actually held it until he went on the carpet. My boyfriend took him out for a half hour before we went to bed and he went on the carpet right after they came inside. Now we went to sleep and four hours later he wakes me up, I took him outside for 10 mins so he could do nothing and then he pee'ed in his crate right after I put him in there.

I didn't realize how much extra work would have to go into untraining and retraining housebreaking and ontop of that I'm starting a full-time job soon and we'd have invested over a thousand in him in just the first month.

So advice would be appreciated because I just don't know if I can handle this much longer than 2 weeks.

2006-11-16 21:57:27 · 6 answers · asked by Pocket 1

I know it's "meant" to, but does it really? My GSD is 8 months old and he's started getting a bit too boystrous for my liking. He get's over excited and tries nipping us, and whereas he used to respond to my every command, he now sits there testing me before he does what I've asked of him. So I'm thinking neutering is the next step, but I want to make sure it will actually help before embarking on it this early, as I'd ideally like to wait until he's fully grown.

And yes, we do go to training, before anyone says it.

2006-11-16 21:33:48 · 23 answers · asked by Anon 4

I've tried various air fresheners, and even leave the window open for most of the day, but nothing works. He has a crate in the living room, and I've removed all of the bedding because I thought it was that, but no, it's still there. I don't want to keep bathing him, cos it's not good for his natural oil's, but I can't take much more of this smell.

And before anyone says "get rid of the dog", I can't, my kid's love him, he's only 8 months and I got him for life! And before anyone says "get a cat"...I've got three. So needless to say, serious answer's only please.

2006-11-16 21:30:58 · 40 answers · asked by Anon 4

hiya i am looking for a lhaso apso to give lots of love an care to please can any1 help i live in northumberland ??

does any1 have 1 what are they lyk as puppies ???

thanxs xxxxxxxxxx

2006-11-16 21:29:50 · 6 answers · asked by sara2007 1

my english bull keeps jumping at the back of my legs,she does it all the time to say hello but she hurts how can i stop this,she is a very good dog apart from this.

2006-11-16 20:46:34 · 10 answers · asked by pegs_down 3

A lady from the humane society want to place my dogs in other homes. I love my dogs. They are my family. But these dogs are guard dogs (due to a prison break, in my area). I believe my dogs will bite people. I don't have the moneys to take them to a vet to put them to sleep. And I know the humane society will uthenize them. What law says, I can't uthenize them myself?

2006-11-16 20:30:55 · 10 answers · asked by Patches 1

I have a 7 month of St Bernard. He has bad hips AKA hip dysplasia(HD). His right is severe, his left is moderate/mild. Any tips, tricks, or any advice would be greatly appreciated. He doesnt show signs of pain at this point. He just favors one leg slightly when he walks and his hips "clack" together when we were training him to sit. When we would push on his hind end, you could feel and hear the bones "clack" when you pressed down. I am against surgery unless absolutely necessary.(they want to break the pelvis in several places) I am looking for anyone who has been through this recently. Anyone who may know anything about alternative medicine for animals. Acupuncture, herbs, suppliments, or therapy and where to get these things for animals. Any other suggestions will be a great help, no matter if its main stream or alternative. I'm just looking for all the options out there. Thank you.

2006-11-16 19:31:08 · 8 answers · asked by Lori T 2

I can leave him outside for 2 or 3 hours going out there with him periodically. He will use the bathroom multiple times, but when he comes in he still smells around and pees. I have a female pug aslo and the male does it all the time not only when she is in heat. Please help. Thanks and God Bless

2006-11-16 19:30:21 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

are you guys getting your dogs anything for xmas? if so, what are you going to get them ? this will be my dog's first christmas :)

2006-11-16 18:13:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

dogs . blue heelers . acd

2006-11-16 18:13:11 · 9 answers · asked by dicksatrucker 1

how big will a min pin get? i am getting a pup and i want to know how big he'll get? any one know?

2006-11-16 18:06:15 · 3 answers · asked by Mrs.Me 3

14 year old rotwelier
Here are symptoms:
.not eating
.looking depressed
.having trouble breathing
.stays in same position in bed whole day
.doesnt even lick me anymore... lol

She is my best friend! What do I do?!?! (don't say vet, tried it...said there is nothing he can do)

2006-11-16 17:51:51 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

this stems from the question i posted earler about Ameriacn Bulldogs! my dog's NKC papers has a space on the back for DNA testing! dose anyone know how to get this done and how much it cost? i'm hoping it will help in keeping my dog alive!! i will be inturnaly greatful for help!!!

2006-11-16 17:44:18 · 6 answers · asked by rblankenship_rblankenship 5

My dog Zoe had 2 beautiful puppies last Thursday. On Monday I took them to my friends (who works at a vet's office) she said she could doc there tails. So on Monday night after they closed the office I went over there so she could do it. I thought everything went ok, but when I got home to put the puppies down I checked to see if they were ok and I noticed that you could see the bone of one of the puppies. I don't know if he lost a stitch or if she didn't do it right. I don't know if I am over reacting or what. I asked my brother in-law and he says that it is normal. I don't know. It just doesn't feel right to me. I fell so bad I regret getting there tails done.

So can anybody tell me if this is normal????

2006-11-16 17:35:19 · 13 answers · asked by M L 1

my dog has a condition called megasophagus, he is a one year old yorkie, it breaks my heart to have to give him up but he is just too high maintaineced. is there such thing as a rescue group that can take him and treat him well and love him. he is such a perfect little happy playful loveable little guy except for this problem, but my patience has totaly run out!

2006-11-16 17:33:17 · 10 answers · asked by apiece420 1

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