Ok, my chihuahua is 11 months old. I had potty-trained her fairly quickly to use little pads, she was going to be my apartment-dog.
We moved to a house where the roomies' dogs were neglected, and they shat and peed on the floor. My dog regressed. Moved again, started trying to re-train her to use pads and go outside with us every few hours. The pads didn't seem to work anymore, seems like she "forgot" the difference between pad and floor. So I thought maybe it was time for her to start only going outside.
Right now, I make a habit to ask her "OUTSIDE?" and see if she perks her ears. If she does, we go right away. Also, if she messes on the floor (daily), I put her nose to it, pop her with a rolled-up paper, and say "NO! BAD!!" carry her to the door, and say "OUTSIDE!"
She seems to think "OUTSIDE" is where we go to smoke, not to pee and poo. We've been doing this for a month and she still seems confused. Is there any chance of teaching her? HOW?
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