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Dogs - June 2006

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I got a dog from these people who basically lived like pigs. He's 70% wolf. Beautiful Dog! And supposibly 30% Malibu.
They didn't take care of there home and they let the dog do just about everything! They fed him human food all the time and now he won't eat his regular dog food. Isn't human food bad for dogs? He won't listen when I call him away from an area I don't want him around. He jumps on people and licks their faces. And he jumps on my couch and furniture. He just basically does what he wants.
My boyfriend and I rescued him because we felt he wasn't being taken care of too well. We're taking him to the vet tomorrow. He has flees but I don't think they are that bad yet. I think he may have worms because he only weighs 45.4 pounds. He should be alot more filled out and way bigger for a cross between a Wolf and Malibu! They say he's 2. Years or months? I don't know.
How can I train him properly without shouting at him?

2006-06-20 01:33:54 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-20 01:31:08 · 51 answers · asked by catherinemeganwhite 5

I'm looking for a puppy in my area that is free or has a very low fee. I am kinda lonely at home, and need a puppy to call my own.

2006-06-20 01:24:03 · 14 answers · asked by Christina 1

2006-06-20 01:13:37 · 10 answers · asked by nandanmaster 1

My Mastiff is 12 years old..past her life expectancy...and she has this huge welp on her leg that is infected. She also has one growing on her tail. Does anyone here know anything I can do to at least ease the infection? I would take her to the vet, but she is so old she can barely walk, much less step up in a car. I am also afraid that if a vet looks at it, they will want to put her asleep...PLEASE HELP.

2006-06-20 01:04:49 · 5 answers · asked by beethovenswig 1

i think biting is a way for the dogs to touch you but my friend told me that it is a bad habit.my rottweiler is a darling.so is the biting problem something to be worried about?

2006-06-19 23:50:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

We have a chow chow and she is 10 months and has just started bleeding a weeks ago -
1) how long will she bleed for?
2) how long will she be on heat for?

Why are there no books or websites that discuss this issue - it's very stressful for a first time dog owner!
thanks for your help

2006-06-19 23:10:06 · 13 answers · asked by Lulu Ferrari 3

Would be coming from the UK to California. How much does it cost comparitively (i have a chihuahua) and how was your pet afterwards? any advice please!

2006-06-19 23:03:44 · 2 answers · asked by Megan - 1

I have been told that poodles, which I don't care for, and Newfoundlands, which I am seriously considering are ideal for people who are severly allergic to dog dander due to the type of hair they have..does anyone know of any other breeds(preferably large) that are suppose to be ok for those who have allergies or asthma? Thanks!

2006-06-19 22:51:31 · 8 answers · asked by celticwitch 2

I'm going to get me a German Sheperd. I like them a lot! I'm going to Germany to live and I'm thinking about getting one when I get there. I heard they are because they're the purest pedigree over there for their breeds. Anyone know if this is true if they're bigger than the ones over here? Someone was telling me they are almost twice the size of the American German Sheperds. He said they're huge! I'm like cool!

2006-06-19 22:03:58 · 7 answers · asked by Shawn J 2

i have a small chihuahua she weighs 1/2lb and the vet says she cannot be treated with common chemicals and treatments due to her size. I would love to find an all natural chemical free totally effective remedy for eliminating fleas in the home and on my little dog

2006-06-19 21:11:23 · 11 answers · asked by LYNN A 2

Ok, my chihuahua is 11 months old. I had potty-trained her fairly quickly to use little pads, she was going to be my apartment-dog.
We moved to a house where the roomies' dogs were neglected, and they shat and peed on the floor. My dog regressed. Moved again, started trying to re-train her to use pads and go outside with us every few hours. The pads didn't seem to work anymore, seems like she "forgot" the difference between pad and floor. So I thought maybe it was time for her to start only going outside.

Right now, I make a habit to ask her "OUTSIDE?" and see if she perks her ears. If she does, we go right away. Also, if she messes on the floor (daily), I put her nose to it, pop her with a rolled-up paper, and say "NO! BAD!!" carry her to the door, and say "OUTSIDE!"

She seems to think "OUTSIDE" is where we go to smoke, not to pee and poo. We've been doing this for a month and she still seems confused. Is there any chance of teaching her? HOW?

2006-06-19 20:47:23 · 7 answers · asked by happy-dance 2

2006-06-19 20:40:16 · 5 answers · asked by snotpuller 1

Why is it that you will meet people who hate cats, and very few people that hate dogs?

The exact question is, is that people who hate cats would love to kill them and probably without guilt, but people that hate dogs mostly just try to avoid them, but don't have the desire to kill them? WHY!?

2006-06-19 20:22:26 · 5 answers · asked by careercollegestudent69 4

2006-06-19 20:19:28 · 4 answers · asked by Cwhale98 1

I have taken in 2 orphaned puppies. I have been bottle feeding and they are eating great, however, I am a little concerned about one of them. She seems to have a hard time going to the bathroom and a warm cotton ball is not working anymore. It has been about 2 days since she has deficated. Is there anything i can give her to help her along?

2006-06-19 19:21:06 · 11 answers · asked by rochell1996 1

help me please!!!!

2006-06-19 19:03:57 · 20 answers · asked by bobby_brenda_slone2002 2

i need a funny dog story to cheer me up im kinda blah, any that are really funny and short. thanks

2006-06-19 19:02:17 · 14 answers · asked by bbmcgee65 2

My chocolate lab will be going into heat in august, and this will be her first time. Also we have never breeded before, just need to know some details on the does and donts of this?

2006-06-19 18:59:59 · 10 answers · asked by ccg187_00 1

2006-06-19 18:40:29 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there any way I could find one cheap?

2006-06-19 18:19:32 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-19 18:13:43 · 20 answers · asked by americanmalewhite 2

i have white a poodle dog 2 years old.she is getting brown marks on her fur, I believe from her eye ducks. how can we stop this from happening and or clen this brown mark

2006-06-19 18:08:40 · 11 answers · asked by vino y 1

My dog started off as Sadie but now she goes by "Baby Dog" and "Little Lou"....I was just wondering if I am the only one who does this....

2006-06-19 18:05:57 · 31 answers · asked by Alauria B 3

or free

2006-06-19 17:58:39 · 12 answers · asked by allen t 1

Can anyone tell me why my pitbull is tearing the bark off of four different trees outside everytime I let him outside. And has anyone elses pit done this?

2006-06-19 17:56:41 · 18 answers · asked by kgsm 1

She was emotionally blackmailed into keeping the dog by a "friend", and since it's her house, and I'm just renting there, I can accept it or move. Well, it's not so easy to just instantly pick up and move. The stress is giving me chest pains, from when that awful dog comes pouncing over and tries to jump on me. I am now confined to my room, reluctant to use the bathroom or kitchen since the dog is waiting there to pounce. While I am trying to find an alternative place to stay, it might be 3-4 weeks yet. I'm trying to recover from a chronic stress-related illness. Any ideas on how to keep that awful creature AWAY from me?

And pepper spray is NOT AN OPTION!!! I don't want to hurt the thing - it being abandoned by it's family is bad enough - I just want to keep it away from me and my room (yes I close the door, but my husband is not so careful all the time, AND, whenever we open the room to go in or out, the creature rushes us and often gets inside.

2006-06-19 17:55:18 · 27 answers · asked by laradawn 2

any ideas my foxie gets fleas and dry skin, any home made remidies would be much appreciated

2006-06-19 17:54:08 · 5 answers · asked by sugarpantsangel21 4

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