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Cats - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pets Cats


are they good pets? how do they compare to other cats?

2007-02-23 15:51:30 · 7 answers · asked by Miso 2

I was watching an animal planet special, and a lady had some cat toys that looked like little mesh butterflies on a wifre that you could tease your cat with...I checked EVERYWHERE on the internet...but no luck...not at petsmart, or anything like that...I would LOVE to have them!

2007-02-23 15:48:13 · 7 answers · asked by claireandmouse 3

She was found in a trap before coming to the pound. She runs when she hears me coming. For awhile, she lived in my wall. I can't get near her much less pet her. Help

2007-02-23 15:45:06 · 13 answers · asked by modemo62 1

I found spots on my bed and on more spots on the couch.
He's 10 months old and nuetured.
He has a litterbox i clean 2x a day, not scented.
i've never spent more than 10 hrs away from him-which i have to becasue i work.
It is just me and him in a 2 bedroom apartment.
I have never seen him do it.
Could he just be that needy or rebelous? I don't know why he would be mad at me and do this-i spend plenty of time with him.
Is there any way of telling if it is medical w/o going to the vet?

2007-02-23 15:23:54 · 17 answers · asked by sofun 4

It was in the paper today in OK, They are a cross between a tiger stripe cat and a Bengal tiger in 2010 the process will be finished.
Round ears, white belly, striped upper and lower body and the swirls in the middle. The cost will be 5 G's

2007-02-23 15:21:49 · 5 answers · asked by msprissysmom 3

I am an unskilled carpenter with a tape measure, hammer, screwdrivers, a handsaw. Oh, I also have an electric drill, and a level. I can get carpet remnants and scrap boards and hope to be able to make some semblance of cat entertainment nirvana for a lot less than the $200-$500 price ranges of some finished products. Suggestions?

2007-02-23 15:11:27 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

She was found in a trap and brought to the pound. She is friendly with my other cat but hides if she hears me

2007-02-23 14:35:17 · 10 answers · asked by modemo62 1

I think they stink up a house and are filty!

2007-02-23 14:30:19 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a cat that does this, and i have carpet so its a pain in the neck. i was wondering if my cat is straight bonkers, or if he is like other cats out there. thanks!

2007-02-23 14:04:14 · 15 answers · asked by carlos 1

I have 3 indoor cats. Recently my 2 male cats have started to lick off their fur and leave little sores. On one cat, he has spots missing on his back, sides, belly, base of tail, and leg. The other is missing it from his lower belly. It's like a BIG patch missing off his. I'm thinking fleas, but I'm not sure. Any ideas what it could be? And do you think giving them flea baths & collars will help?

2007-02-23 13:55:38 · 15 answers · asked by Katie 2

i have three cats about the same age that grew together since they were kittens. one is male and two are females. is the male cat going to want to have sex with the females.

2007-02-23 13:53:56 · 15 answers · asked by Angie 2

not like they are born and they see you first thing.
but i have this cat the was dropped off at my place and he is about a year. i took care of him while he was here. real good care, fed, snuck him into my house on hold nights...
then my dad dropped him off at a farm, then a month later he came back. to me. he wnt follow, sleep with, grab their leg when they walk away or by, or get depresed when they arent there, with anyone else. he is literally my cat. when he gets scared or hungry or what not he comes to me. i feel like im his momma.

can cats get that kinda of attachment?

2007-02-23 13:48:18 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

my cat is in heat and all she does is meow all day. until she is fixed is there anyway to ease her and not have her "talk" as much?

2007-02-23 13:46:21 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

will my kittens pee all over the floor of my house because they are marking their terriroty? also, even if the odor isn't noticeable to humans, will this effect the cats still in any way?

2007-02-23 13:39:59 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Our cat jumps up to the counter and tears apart bags of bread. We can't tell if she's eating it, or just terrorizing the joint, but she love food, so she probably is. Any ideas why she might be doing this???

2007-02-23 13:37:02 · 19 answers · asked by Al319 1

2007-02-23 13:34:56 · 13 answers · asked by louraylou17 1

she is in indoor outdoor cat and comes home everynight but we kept her in for 3 days because she is not spayed yet..she got out and has not come home for 2 nights now..this is not like her but could it be because she is in heat and we kept her from going outside

2007-02-23 13:31:37 · 17 answers · asked by jlt111804@verizon.net 1

Mine's been gone 5 days now and i'm worried sick.

2007-02-23 13:21:39 · 13 answers · asked by t_mac772002 1

My cat keeps scratching the sofa but not the scratching post! She doesn't even touch the post but she always scratches the sofa. If I put catnip on the post she just snifs it for a minute or two and walks away! If I show her she won't listen. What should I do to get her to scratch the darn post!

2007-02-23 13:03:19 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

my roomate had the bright idea to feed this poor cat that was literally on her last leg. It ate and rested into full recovery and left. But now, there is a mom cat and kittens and a whole bunch of other cats. We made the pact to not feed them anymore as hard or bad as it may sound, but they are still there, is there anything that will help us get rid of these cats?

2007-02-23 12:56:40 · 12 answers · asked by agent_orange45177 1

I have a long haired cat, and I think there are fleas in my apt, I keep getting bites on me which look like little pimples with infection inside, but my cat does not go outside at all and is on flea treatment. The thing is he is black and so I can't see any fleas. I feel something like crawling on me, but I see nothing at all and never have. Are these fleas or could it be somthing else.

2007-02-23 12:51:08 · 17 answers · asked by ddh818 2

I think my cat is sick..he is about 7 months old,and weighs about 11 lbs.... he is breathing really hard. and i dont know what to do? does anyone know what the normal temperature for a cat/kitten is? any tips? please help!! i dont want my kitty do die!!

2007-02-23 12:51:08 · 16 answers · asked by RoxStar81 1

My cat's eyes have been interesting lately. She's 3 years old. Sometimes the black dots inside her eyes (pupils) are small and sometimes they are very large. What is the reason for this? Does it have to with light or what?

2007-02-23 12:40:20 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-23 12:12:51 · 10 answers · asked by saschneider1983 1

The threee year old cat (male) and the puppy (female) mostly play. It can be irritating, but the behavior is correctable and I'm working on keeping them in line. However the old cat is scary and the puppy is markedly more aggresive with her. Also the younger cat is aggresive with her and will chase her through the house or they fight, which gets the dog all riled up. Even when the dog is caged the cats fight for position on the bed, sometimes in the middle of the night. This has become more prevalent as the older cat has become more and more frail. She is also exhibiting undesirable behaviors she would never have done when younger. The vet said cats can actually become sort of senile and outside of being moody, frail and senile, she's in farily good health for her age. To keep the peace and my sanity, should I put the old cat down or find the puppy a new home?

2007-02-23 12:01:35 · 13 answers · asked by shugabuns 1

Thats what I believe for having cats all my life. However one of my kitten loves to sleep under the blanket. In a hot day his fur gets damp when we touch him. Is he sweating? He is sleeping alone and the humidity can't be transfered by other living thing except himself. He doesn't smell (if cat's sweat smell) his damp fur smell just like fresh linen from the blankie.

2007-02-23 12:00:33 · 4 answers · asked by Speck Schnuck 5

I have no idea about givin cats milk and she loves milk so i give it to her everyday.

2007-02-23 11:53:28 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is a followup to another question I asked earlier (thank you to everyone who answered, very helpful!).

I am starting my cat on insulin tomorrow. I've never done this before so just wanted to know if there is an air bubble in the syringe, is it harmful?

I saw a video online that just said an air bubble would make the dose not as exact. while I will obviously try to never have an air bubble in there, I was wondering if it is dangerous if there is by accident and it is injected into the cat? I will be injecting it into the skin on my cat's neck.

I just remember always hearing about an air bubble being injected into someone's vein and it traveling to the heart and killing them (maybe an urban legend thing almost, though I think it's semi true). But since this is just going into his neck, is it *lethal*, besides a dosage error? Thank you all again.

2007-02-23 11:49:06 · 6 answers · asked by someoneoutthereishere 2

I know it is normal for kittens teeth to fall out. I was wondering if it will hurt him? If it will, is there anything i can do to help him/make him feel better? Should i change his food (i.e. more wet food) or just treat him as normal?

2007-02-23 11:35:52 · 7 answers · asked by Jenni C 3

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