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Cats - October 2006

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Edward is our youngest of three cats, he's one and half years old, we can't figure out what is wrong with him. He miaows constantly, whether its for attention, we pick him up, give him hugs, strokes. Their food bowl is always topped up, he's loved and we talk to him, but he still continues to constantly whine. He doesn't sit on our laps and will follow us everywhere. He hasn't been neutered. Is there an underlying problem? Or he just a 'vocal' cat. Is there anything to worry about? We did mention it to the vet 3-4 months ago and it didn't seem to cause concern. Any suggestions, warmly welcome

2006-10-15 00:16:00 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am a girl i love animals i have mice a fish and a dog my dog i friendly

2006-10-14 23:48:00 · 9 answers · asked by indiana l 1

My cats, one in particular, likes to groom me from time to time. If I am laying down, she will come up and lick my eyebrows, or along my hair line on my forehead. She, along with the other cats, will sometimes lick my hands, in between my fingers as well. It doesn't hurt and I think it's cute. Just wondering if other cats do this and what do you think is the reason they do it?

2006-10-14 23:24:41 · 18 answers · asked by Jennifer L 6

I hear it is genetically impossible for a female cat to have three colours. is this true/

2006-10-14 23:18:56 · 31 answers · asked by Aiso 3

2006-10-14 23:00:34 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

They have gone off all brands of cat food that exist here in ireland.
I just don't know what else to feed them,

2006-10-14 22:39:38 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

We rescued her from her owner abandoning her 2 weeks ago. By the looks of her, she's about 6-7 months old. We have given her food, shelter and played with her constantly-but it seems like she gets really lonely when we aren't home, because when we come in the house, she won't leave us alone, she meows constantly, and follows us between our legs all over the house. We are really afraid we might step on her because of how closely she follows us. She doesn't even want to sleep alone.

She seems afraid to step out and discover stuff on her own, which I think is kind of abnormal for a playful kitten. When do you think this behavior will stop?

What can we do to assure her we're not going to abandon her? I have even resorted to leaving the TV on for her when we're not at home. Is this ridiculous?

2006-10-14 22:12:32 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I adopted a cat last Sunday who was spayed on Friday. She's an adorable one year old calico and we were given vitimans to give to her daily, which we did. They told us at the humane society that she was used to IAMS brand of cat food, but she wouldn't eat it. Now, all she eats is the Dad's brand and she has HORRIBLE diarrhea. She goes on EVERYTHING. She will eat every five minutes, literally. Then within the following hour or so she GOES! I would feel like an *** if I gave this cat back to the humane society. She also had an upper respiratory infection which we are treating with antibiotics. Could those meds be making her sick? She eats everything in her path and gets sick from it. WHAT SHOULD I DO? I like the cat, she's gorgeous and kind of gets along with the others but we can't watch a poopy cat 24/7!

2006-10-14 21:56:03 · 16 answers · asked by Karen D 1

I was sleeping in my room the other night and I kept hearing a thumping noise so I went and opened my door to see if my cat wanted in, but there was no cat there. I laid down agian and heard the noise again. I went and checked all of the doors in the hallway to make sure she did not get locked in another room, still wasnt the cat. By this time I was realy freaked out and I went back in my room. I heard the thumping noise again and figured out it was comming from my dresser. I walked up to my dresser, realy scared and opened it, and sure enough there was my cat. I have no Idea how she got it there but I thought there was a ghost in my house! : )

2006-10-14 21:43:39 · 15 answers · asked by Megan G 3

My cats name is spaz and whan he gets playfull he runs around the house going rawr raaawr raaaawr! I think he thinks he is a bear : ) anyone else have a wierd kitty?

2006-10-14 21:35:51 · 13 answers · asked by Megan G 3

Help other municipalities with their overflow of unwanted cats??
The SPCA services two small towns and a large rural area and it is well supported by the communities. In the past they have accepted overflow dogs from puppy mill closures, shouldn't they do the same for cats.

I have cats and dogs so I love both. I just don't understand why cats are more disposable.

2006-10-14 21:06:44 · 5 answers · asked by LAUGHING MAGPIE 6

Okay, I adopted a 7-week-old kitten from some really awful people yesterday. He was covered with fleas when I brought him home last night, so I immediately took him straight to the tiled bathroom and he has not left it since. Obviously cannot use any commercial flea remedies since he is far short of 12 weeks. So far I have rinsed him with a water/white vinegar mix, scrubbed him with Dawn dish soap, applied straight vinegar to his fur with cotton balls, and soaped him up with Dawn dish soap and then rinsed him. The fleas are definitely better, but still there. Does anyone have any other ideas? Also, since he's only been in the bathroom, do I need to worry about fleas in other parts of the house? Thanks!

2006-10-14 19:54:27 · 15 answers · asked by faelfe 1

Perhaps mine is.

2006-10-14 19:24:29 · 8 answers · asked by Mémé 38 3

she runs around screeming and running into things sideways..she acts like something is biteing her or is she going crazy?
is this at all normal. she is 9 months old.

2006-10-14 19:23:34 · 16 answers · asked by J B W 3

We got a new cat three years ago and i havnt done anything to her to make her hate me so why is she not spending any time with me on the couch???

2006-10-14 18:46:39 · 23 answers · asked by jachabra 1

i have just bought a new persian cat.i already have two local cats at home.everytime they meet,they'll growl at each other and their bodies will tense.it's only been two days.should i give them more time?or do i need to take some actions?all 3 of them are around the same age.

2006-10-14 18:46:06 · 12 answers · asked by mel J 1

I looked for 2 hours and still can't find her my parents said she may have went some where to die. Where would a cat go to die? any ideas of where?

2006-10-14 18:29:20 · 10 answers · asked by babygirl2bad 2

2006-10-14 18:21:22 · 16 answers · asked by Kelly Bundy 6

hey all
my cat is a oriental shorthair/ siamese.... i call him a oriental shorthair for simplicity's sake. and since i dont plan to breed or show him, i dont really care. but technically speaking, is he considered a oriental shorthair, or would he basically be a very unique domestic shorthair lol. just curious. i hope i dont offend anyone. i know serious breeders and such might be upset that i am calling a non purebred a OS. like i said, its simpler lol that's all.

2006-10-14 18:04:49 · 4 answers · asked by Critter_Queen 1

I tried to feed her dry cat food but she only eats little ammounts of them, and wet cat food but she only eat half of what i Provided her and sometimes she eats less than a half.

2006-10-14 17:45:09 · 18 answers · asked by Aisya 1

has anyone else experienced a severly co-dependant oreintal shorthair???? my male just can't get enough attention, when u pet him he seems frantic for more, by the time u reach his tail he has whipped around and bopped u with his head for more. he follows me around screaming at me. he hasto be with me 24/7. hes such a sweetie! and is such a lovely cat. i'm just wondering if this is a breed thing, the constant need for attention, or if it is because he is a rescue and had a bad start in life. he has to sleep right beside me on the pillow and have both my arms around him at night. and he will come up to me when i'm sleeping and put his face in mine and let out the loudest oreintal scream he can muster ( you all know the voice LOL) and when i'm on the computer he literally hangs off my arms to get my attention. he is VERY insecure. and we are dealing with urinary behaviour because of it, but we are getting that under control, how can i make him more secure.

2006-10-14 17:17:48 · 4 answers · asked by Critter_Queen 1

Some times we have stray cats in our garden or on our bouconey, what do I do about that?

2006-10-14 17:10:24 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Should you like scare them away, or seperate them?
thanks! :)

2006-10-14 17:08:11 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-14 17:05:42 · 13 answers · asked by Ms Tracey Lyn 2

I have been trying to train her by spraying water so she will stop jumping on the furniture, but it hasn't been effective. She is such a rebel and doesn't mind when I skirt her.

2006-10-14 17:02:38 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

She always does it, my 6yo cat scratches around the walls and edges of the kitty litter tray instead of in the kitty litter, why does she do this? amd how can i get her to scratch in the kitty litter instead of the walls?

2006-10-14 16:58:14 · 15 answers · asked by lily paige 2

I was petting my cat today and noticed that he smelled really bad. Then I heard my sister say that the cat had a cut on the paw of his back left leg. So then I went to check it out and I smelled the cut and it smelled like dead animal and the cut was not bleeding but it was all gooey and wet. What should I do about it? is there any way to disinfect it? And if I go to the vet will it cost a lot?

2006-10-14 16:51:42 · 11 answers · asked by ajrms8600 1

She likes her food and eats fine but whenever I am eating something she goes crazy trying to eat get the food. Is it ok to give her some scrapes of food? She also loves to lick the kitchen floor looking for food.

2006-10-14 16:45:53 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

The worm looked like a thin maggot. Does anyone know what kind it is? And do I have to take my cat to the vet, or can I get an over the counter med. Can my dog catch it? If I give my dog medication for worms, but doesn't have worms, will it harm her?
Any info is greatly appreciated.

2006-10-14 16:36:28 · 24 answers · asked by rchlpack 1

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