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Pets - 26 January 2007

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

What type of arrangements have you made for your pets in the event that they out live you?

2007-01-26 18:11:41 · 5 answers · asked by marilynn 5 in Cats

What type of arrangements have you made for your pets in the event that they out live you?

2007-01-26 18:10:42 · 6 answers · asked by marilynn 5 in Other - Pets

My 17 year-old brother wants a ferret and doesn't seem to care what other people tell him about them. I was told by a worker in a pet shop that ferrets have a distinguished odor to them. He also pointed out that they scratch everything they see in sight. Can anyone help me out with this little situation we have here? Thank you...

2007-01-26 18:08:43 · 10 answers · asked by Sweetness666 1 in Other - Pets

My black moor goldfish has a split fin so is it high ph or low ph

and does it mean that the water is alkaline or basic.

Also wonder if the water is soft or hard.... not that it should matter right?

2007-01-26 17:53:29 · 9 answers · asked by Ben 3 in Fish

My mum has this huge gold fish, claims it knows her greets
her every morning and stares.......
don't know..he's just a little dumbie to me
however a cute fat ball of gold
with boobly eyes

2007-01-26 17:51:36 · 8 answers · asked by deirdrefaith 4 in Fish

Ok so i just cleaned out my tank... added new plants and some salt to help induce my females into giving birth.. my question is i bought black worm for them as a treat but they are not interested?? The worms are sitting on the bottom of the tank??

2007-01-26 17:49:56 · 5 answers · asked by LC 2 in Fish

2007-01-26 17:34:22 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

i just took my dog outside so she can do her business. right now it's snowing and there is a lot of snow on the ground. when she was done i let her back inside. she was snorting or sneezing or coughing i don't know what it sounded like but it sounded horrible. after 2 or 3 of those it somehow stopped. but that really scared me? i thought she put her nose in the snow and it went in and she was sneezing it out or something. should i be concerned?

2007-01-26 17:32:22 · 10 answers · asked by Dodo bird 2 in Dogs

I have a 3 year old tabby cat I named Saber. I had no idea when she was a rambunctious little kitten that she would grow to live up to her name. She is just flat out MEAN. Sometimes she likes me to pet her, but it's only on her terms. If you try to pet her otherwise, she'll bite the hell out of you after she scratches the hell out of you. She's really crazy. And I recently got a 2nd cat hoping Saber might make a friend, and she won't have anything to do with my new kitty, Sahara. So now Sahara bullies Saber. Sahara is the sweetest most affectionate cat I've ever had. Saber is the meanest. I love her to death, but what the hell can I do to change her pissy attitude? She's NUTS! I never abused her, never hit her, always LOVED her. What gives? She really loves to follow me into the bathroom, and she hangs out in there all the time. She likes to lay by the sink and will beg for me to turn the water on to a trickle so she can drink it. She's sweet at that time. So??

2007-01-26 17:29:52 · 9 answers · asked by wickidgrrl82 2 in Cats

Me and my freind where drunk, and we decided to get my dog drunk. we gave him excessive amounts of whiskey, then he passed out, threw up, fell, and stopped moving. what happened?

2007-01-26 17:28:53 · 26 answers · asked by lightbulb in ass 1 in Dogs

I was thinking about getting a ferret. I hear that they can be litter trained so you don't have to keep them in their cages all the time. I currently have 2 cats and a dog. All my cats do is sleep and my dog is getting older and she is very gentle so I don't have to worry about problems from them. Do you have a ferret and do you like it? Are they like a ton of work to keep? I would really appreciate the input. Thanks.

2007-01-26 17:23:44 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

2007-01-26 17:03:28 · 6 answers · asked by Unhinged 1 in Dogs

i'm sure when it's the biggest bomb on our hearts... i'm just wondering how you can overcome it, and what u can do to feel better?

2007-01-26 17:02:05 · 18 answers · asked by la virgen 2 in Dogs

I am

2007-01-26 16:58:00 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

Tiny little goosebump looking white bumps showed up on my fish today. Please, tell me what it is now!!

2007-01-26 16:52:54 · 10 answers · asked by hot_sports_chika06 1 in Fish

I have a 95 gal critter tank with a stand.It once was home to an iguana.It isnt a sliding glass tank,it is a solid side. If i reinforce the stand and reseal the tank will it be safe to hold water? Are critter tanks glass tempered different? One pet store told me that the tanks are constructed the same except the critter tanks arent guarenteed to hold water.. another store told me the glass is thinner and weaker...anyone with info plz help...also im not rich or else id of just bought a new one.

2007-01-26 16:51:07 · 6 answers · asked by khaymen2231976 1 in Fish

i have a yellow tang that keeps getting ick, we did a fresh water dip and it worked for a while but its back again.. what medicine do i need to put in tank to clean the ick from the tank , and what is it called. sites i can look at?

2007-01-26 16:49:22 · 6 answers · asked by sweet_love45648 1 in Fish

i have a pulsating xiena and it dont pulsate since ive brung it home. so how do i get it to pulsate ? my PH is 8.4 (did test tonight it was low) and what about the flow of the water? and and where should it be placed in the tank near the flow or good lighting or little lighting? all info will be helpful and web pages too?

2007-01-26 16:47:37 · 4 answers · asked by sweet_love45648 1 in Fish

I just found out that my dog has cancerous Lymphoma. He has a mass growing against his esophagus which is pushing it to one side sometimes making it hard for him to breathe. He also has some kind of infection in his lungs which the vet says that we can treat with antibiotics. He is going on 13 years old and I feel that he has been extremely well taken care of throughout his life. Right now he is acting normally, just sleeping a lot and moving around as is expected for a dog his age. Based on his age I have decided not to operate and I am concerned that I will end up waiting too long or not long enough to make the decision to put him down. Can anyone help me with suggestions on how to go about making the hardest decision in my life? I have only had one pet and have never had to make this choice before. Please help.

2007-01-26 16:43:54 · 27 answers · asked by Mark A 1 in Dogs

I notice that the puppies already have teeth. I believe this plays a part in her decision. What steps can I take to make sure that the puppies are being feed?

2007-01-26 16:39:17 · 17 answers · asked by pamela y 1 in Dogs

2007-01-26 16:38:14 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I have three cats, 2 spayed females and one male (not neutered yet), all under a year old. The females both know how to use the litter box well and have no problem covering their poo/pee. Sometimes my oldest cat will even follow behind the male (he's the youngest) and cover his poo for him, but only sometimes.

I know he was taken from his mom too early. We got him when he was only 5 weeks old! I'm not sure his mom was the greatest at cleanliness either though.

He'll go into the box, dig a hole and go potty. Afterwards, he'll dig/scratch at everywhere but the litter. The wall, the side of the litter box, the carpet outside the litter box, etc. He's had some bowel problems in the past, such as diarrhea and such so he's had problems with getting it on his paws and what not... that hasn't been a problem recently as he's been to the vet and been put on a solid diet.

He just doesn't know how to cover it! It gets so annoying hearing him try to cover it for sometimes as long as 5 minutes.

2007-01-26 16:31:37 · 4 answers · asked by Jenna 1 in Cats

he is mixed with boxer and an english bulldog..=] thanks!

2007-01-26 16:29:59 · 45 answers · asked by bbygrl 3 in Dogs

I have a particular budgie that seems to have a huge mass in it's stomach. At first I thought it was constipation, but it became obvious that I was wrong. It seems to be oval, so I'm guessing it's most probably an egg that has been stuck in there! Anyway, the bird seems fine, doesn't show fatigue and it acting perfectly normal... The onnly thing I se out of lpace (other than the egg ofcource) is that her eyelids are a bit too bright red.

I know the obvious answer is to take it to the vet, but I wanted to get some advice first, and see if anyone else had experienced this before. Thanks...

2007-01-26 16:29:12 · 12 answers · asked by Hi, how are ya? 1 in Birds

Do they suppose the Federation for the Blind has erred by not breeding "Pitt Bulls" for Service Dogs? Do you suppose dogs might have inherited charecteristics and this is why certain breeds are proferred?

2007-01-26 16:26:28 · 13 answers · asked by Faerie loue 5 in Dogs

2007-01-26 16:25:59 · 9 answers · asked by Shriraj 1 in Fish

2007-01-26 16:16:31 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I have an old pump for a long time now, and now it isn't blowing out bubble fast enough, I think it beause the drum inside the pump is lose overtime, i need to replace it with a new one. Help is greatly appreciated

2007-01-26 16:15:44 · 4 answers · asked by daquietaznguy 2 in Fish

fedest.com, questions and answers