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Pets - 21 January 2007

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents


Sometimes my dogs.... both black labs.... act like they can't breathe.. and it makes me feel sad ... sometimes i pat them on their backs to get them thru it.. i don't know..... they've have always done this......it's like they snort .... please help me... i don't want something to happen to them.....

2007-01-21 08:22:07 · 9 answers · asked by *Isabella's Mommy 7/23/11* <3 3 in Dogs

I just spoke with a woman with the cutest dog ever. She said it was a Pometon. I asked what that was - she said a cross between a Pomeranian and a ______?? I can't remember the name, but it was long (maybe 3 words) and sounded French. She said it is similar to the Bichon Frise....I can't find out anything about this.... can someone please help?

2007-01-21 08:20:16 · 7 answers · asked by ca_kerri 2 in Dogs

Does anyone know of any simple games I can play on the ground with my 2 year old gelding to deepen our relationship. I can tell he is warming up to me (I've only had him for 2 weeks) and I want to encourage him to bond with me. I go to the stable every day....even twice a day most of the time, just to spend time with him grooming, tending to his wounds (he was just gelded) and hand walking him. He's been introduced to tack, and I've been on his back a couple times (my vet gave me the OK) but I am really looking for some easy ground work games. Any suggestions?

2007-01-21 08:18:40 · 10 answers · asked by rockerchic821 4 in Other - Pets

i was looking online on how to look after outdoor rabbits during winter and i read that beacause there used to cold weather and they would hop around in the snow, it's o.k to let your rabbit out for a 30min run? is that true, i thought that you keep them in the hutch with hay? it may sound like a stupid question but i was just wondering. thanks!

2007-01-21 08:16:54 · 16 answers · asked by kammy r 2 in Other - Pets

my dog has the body of a pit bul and the face of a lab. The brindle coat really makes her look like a pit. Is there any way to tell for sure I got her from the pound and they are clueless

2007-01-21 08:16:15 · 5 answers · asked by ungerstew 1 in Dogs

We recently found an american bulldog. checked by a vet he is approx. 8-10 months, very well taken care of. He is very friendly, playful and partially trained. Until we find him a good home I am afraid of exposing him to my grandchildren and my 15 yr old small dog who is the alpha. Should I be concerned?

2007-01-21 08:15:04 · 6 answers · asked by Melvin M 1 in Dogs

like shes in stealth mode or pretending to be john wayne!is it in their nature or is she just of her head?(lol)

2007-01-21 08:13:14 · 6 answers · asked by sezcoco 2 in Cats

My friends cat has a serious issue. He licks off his fur.
He usually does it on his tummy, but has started doing it on the back of his legs and on the base of his tail. He doesn't have fleas and his skin seems healthy, I am thinking it is a nervous thing. (started doing it when he got fixed last year).
He is about 6 years old, in great shape other than this licking thing. I am trying to find a solution I used on my cat when he did the same thing years ago, but can't find it. It was orange based, I put it on my cat and he hated it so much he didnt lick anymore, and it broke his habit.
If any of you out there know of any solutions (available in Canada OR online) to put on a cat to stop excessive licking, please let me know asap!!

2007-01-21 08:09:48 · 13 answers · asked by melaniecampbell 3 in Cats

go all out!!!

2007-01-21 08:08:49 · 11 answers · asked by Jade 2 in Dogs

my dughter was playing with our new dog who has yet to get his rabies shots and was accidentaly bit by him. he has not been exposed to rabies nor has he been around any rabid animals, should I be concerned about rabies with my daughter and this bite? any help appriciated.

2007-01-21 08:06:54 · 18 answers · asked by zeniada b 1 in Dogs


2007-01-21 08:06:32 · 10 answers · asked by Iris 4 in Dogs

Will you please go and vote for my dog. she is a blind yorkipoo and i put her in all kinds of contest and pet parades around town and she has never won. i want her to atleast win something in her life. She has had a very difficult life. we found her in walmart parking lot and she was born without pupils . She is the One from Thomaston GA Please go Vote!!!! her site is http://contest.dogshowusa.com/portal/gallery?cat=&order=&q=Maggie&pge=1 she is the sixth dog on that page the one from thomaston ga

2007-01-21 08:01:22 · 7 answers · asked by pipes1884 2 in Dogs

We have a rabbit that's in an outdoor hutch and its water bottle keeps freezing HELP!!!

2007-01-21 08:01:07 · 13 answers · asked by flamingbeans247 2 in Other - Pets

need answers asap

2007-01-21 07:59:52 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Birds

ok, do you need the little rocks at the bottom of a fish bowl, or can you do without them. i need to know for a science fair project i'm doing. (don't worry, the project's not on that, i just need to know)

2007-01-21 07:57:54 · 30 answers · asked by spongebob11_19 2 in Fish

This has been a chronic problem since I have owned my cats. They are about 4 months old, and I have brought them to the vet twice for this. They were checked twice for worms, both times negative. Still, I was given oral meds to give them for the often occuring worms, and then went back a second time and they were given a pill for tapeworms. While I "think" one has stopped scooting, but I just saw the other cat scoot. I asked the vet about anal sac issues, and he said they were really too young to have those issues. Any other relevant facts...hmmm, neither one of them is stellar with cleaning their rears (they left their mother too young and I don't think that they were taught to clean themselves). I end up washing their butts for them (yuck). Anyway, I need some help because I just finished steam cleaning my carpets and I really don't want to have to deal with this on a regular basis.

2007-01-21 07:56:05 · 12 answers · asked by Kari 2 in Cats

They want a small dog like 10-15 pounds. Minimal to no sheding. Doesnt need a big yard, easy to train, and of course loving and a good house dog.

2007-01-21 07:55:56 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I have five cats and a jack russell. My Dog is such a sweetie. She's a bit hyper, but she's so loving! How do I get my five cranky cats to accept her?

2007-01-21 07:55:17 · 9 answers · asked by Je veux changer le monde 4 in Dogs

A girl from my work is moving and can't bring her bunny with her. I told her I would take care of it, but I am concerned that maybe my ferret will hurt it. While I know it's a possibility- what are the chances they will get along? My ferret used to play with cats at his old house. And what should I take into concideration when introducing them?
-Thanks in advance...

2007-01-21 07:54:11 · 7 answers · asked by Ch33kS_x00x 3 in Other - Pets

we have seen a british bulldog who needs a new home and would like to adopt him. he has epilepsy and is two years old. does anybody have a dog with epiliepsy and could you tell us what their treatment and medication consists of. many thanks

2007-01-21 07:53:58 · 11 answers · asked by bumbersquat 2 in Dogs

Hello, I just adopted a stray from the shelter.

I adopted her to be a companion for my current dog. Who is a Akita mix (black & tan w/ a black face) named Captain Jack Sparrow.

She is about 4 months old, very short & stocky. little legs big belly (but strangely not over weight) all black w/ a thick coat. Golden Retriever mix (believe it or not, nobody has a clue what with & she barely look like a golden retriever. Has a Retriever attitude but with a little more gumption. Super friendly loves everyone.

I have no idea for a name. I'd like it to go with my first dogs name. We were thinking Miss. Swan, but the problem is she's not tall long legged & beautiful. She's short, stocky & unattractive to be honest. (Don't get upset she's as cute as a button but...really not an attractive animal. But I love her just the same.)

So I'm picking her up tomorrow tell me what you think would be a good name for this dog!!!

Thank you!

2007-01-21 07:50:25 · 27 answers · asked by Marie 3 in Dogs

I do not want a mixed breed. In or arround WI/MN

2007-01-21 07:48:20 · 12 answers · asked by x007_55037 1 in Dogs

How do you know when a snake is hungry? I asked questions yesterday about how I would go about feeding it since I was so scared of it and got some suggestions on things to try. However I do not know the last time it was fed and am wondering how do you know ifs it hungry. I went to check its water and put my finger on the outside of his tank and it followed my finger where ever it went. Does this mean its hungry?

2007-01-21 07:47:47 · 4 answers · asked by **Damn its cold up here** 3 in Reptiles

my friends n relaives r saying dat the kids might get allergic 2 the kitten ,,,and a kitten need open space like a back yard

2007-01-21 07:47:36 · 29 answers · asked by glitter 1 in Cats

My cat Ariel was spayed on Friday morning. It is now ~1:30 PM on Sunday, and she is still under the weather. She is barely mobile, and will not eat or drink. She did wobble over to her dishes but I haven't observed her drink. After what time lapse should I begin to worry if she doesn't improve noticeably?

2007-01-21 07:46:48 · 10 answers · asked by Marcie 2 in Cats

2007-01-21 07:43:12 · 4 answers · asked by Ruby 1 in Dogs

I am looking to buy a dane pup. I have done all my research about exersise, diet, and all that. I want a puppy that is up at akc standerds, like the ones in shows. The ones on some google sits aret very good. do u know any sits where i can find some good puppies?
perferibly male, but female is fine
color doesnt matter
dont want to spend more than $1,600
can b anywhere in the US
thank you very,very much!

2007-01-21 07:41:48 · 4 answers · asked by Look great Hunting it! 2 in Dogs

I just got this fish yesterday I put it in a bowl with 2 other comet goldfish thay are way smaller than the one I got yesterday anyway it is not moving much it circles around the bowl really fast then settles back on the gravel on the bottem of the bowl it usely does that thing when it cicles around the tank when I look ta it from the top of the bowl I am really concernd this is exactley what I did when I into my hous I I put it in a nother cup so it would be easier to scoop it out in my hand beacuse it is hard to take a fish out of a bag then I dumped it with my hand in the fish bowl I thought there was something wrong with the water at first so I changed the water the old way thats when you take the fish out of the bowl and into a cup then you clean the bowl put new water in put the water clarifier inthen wait a few seconds then dump the fishback in the new water with my hand I dont have filter that is why I had to clean the filter out with my hands do you guyes think there is any

2007-01-21 07:40:32 · 11 answers · asked by sara 1 in Fish

am adding live rock to my saltwater fish tank and I wasnt sure if you need sand on the bottem? I currently have crushed coral on the bottom of my tank. Will it work to ad the rock to the coral or do i need sand?

2007-01-21 07:39:25 · 8 answers · asked by par55347 1 in Fish

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