She digs right under it. We try and let her stay out for about 2 hours a day. We leave her with fresh water when she is outside. She has a dog house. We think she does this so she can come back in the house. We have a HUGE back yard where she can enjoy roaming. She also climbs the fence, and has climbed the gate, and has pulled out the electric fence... We have since placed blocks around, but she gets through them. We have also purchased the continuing hot wire, not the kind that stops every few seconds. We also have covered the gate with wood, so that she can not get a grip on the gate. She can still climb over. She is a big hyper baby.. We tell her "NO" and place her back in the fence. She will stay in the fence as long as I am outside. If she can't see me, then she is out again. My hub has tested the hot wire, and it works, she yipes, and pulls it out with her mouth. Its the craziest thing.
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