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Health - 23 March 2007

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

After sports, usually cardio i.e. running and soccer, I occasionally get flashing lights before me eyes (aura) followed by intense migraine headaches. The migraine lasts for approx 4 hours each time.

2007-03-23 01:56:10 · 9 answers · asked by Mike-sheff 1 in Pain & Pain Management

cards for performance and general comments made by the recipients.

2007-03-23 01:53:32 · 1 answers · asked by niya06 1 in Other - Health

I love sweet teas. I know it's bad with too much sugar. If I make 2 quarts of tea, with 1 cup of sugar, how bad it that per 8 oz?

2007-03-23 01:53:30 · 4 answers · asked by jrhod263 3 in Diet & Fitness

2007-03-23 01:53:02 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Alternative Medicine

I have a dream vacation coming up, the only problem is that I always seem to get sick right before I travel. Any recommendations (besides handwashing, good sleeping schedule, eating healthy...all of which I do religiously) to avoid catching something before I go?

2007-03-23 01:52:02 · 8 answers · asked by Mary J 4 in Infectious Diseases

Information, treatments, cures, support

2007-03-23 01:51:28 · 11 answers · asked by nalu 1 in Mental Health

What is the name of the specialist? In other words. How are these type of doctors called? Please let me know. I'm trying to find one

2007-03-23 01:50:20 · 2 answers · asked by unlargocaminoalcielo 2 in Skin Conditions

This whole diabetes thing seems a bit confusing to me - it seems you can have a mild form of it or on your death bed - can someone sort our 'the grey area' for me please?

For example, how do you know if you are going to the loo excessively or if your eye sight is not as good as it was due to problems with your eyes or some form of diabetes.

Basically what is truth and what is political correctness.

I know everyones body is different and all that, but what are the signs you should really look for and what is chaff - if you are overweight, what are the real danger signals please ?

Sometimes I'm suspicious that the motives of doctors are more about their relationship with the drugs companies than it is with their patients!

2007-03-23 01:49:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diabetes

My 13 yr old daughter recently had an op on her neck, which has left three very red, "angry" looking scars. The op was done 4 weeks ago. Why are they so red and how long will they take to fade? She is not bothered about it at all but it worries me! I use DiproBase cream three times daily - is there anything I can use to reduce the redness?

2007-03-23 01:48:44 · 4 answers · asked by Helga C 3 in Skin Conditions

just last 2 weeks ago, i found that my bro, who i love dearly had HIV.. my life seems so different, i dun want to lose him, yet im freaking out..
I've been living with him for the past 6 months.. We share food, we share bed, we share drink, even he sometimes used my sruff.. i remember i read a case about a mom, whose son is infected, the mom got infected because the mom help to put some medication on the son's wound. this makes me even freakin out, cause once i remember i help my bro on his wet wound... i know im paranoid, but can i get infected? on the day he know he result, I actually went to test my blood, and the result is non reactive, but im still paranoid..especially when i read that it took 6-12 weeks for the virus to be able to detect.. about 4 weeks ago i got very bad sore throat, and flu like illness too.. even my hubby haa a prolong dry cough for almost 3weeks. i'm very very sad about him know, yet i'm worried so much i'll get infected.. the worst thing, i remember once he use my hubby's razor and get cut, buy my hubby didn't get cut, but guess after sometimes my hubby also use the same razor, can he get infected? he haven't do the blood test tho..

2007-03-23 01:48:17 · 5 answers · asked by I J 1 in STDs

I have been suffering with an extremly bad back for the last 9 weeks. My Dr had been treating it as acute muscle spasm for 7 weeks but now fears I have a prolapsed disc (also pins, needles and numbness in my leg all the way down to my toes) He wants me to have a MRI scan and physiotherapy but could take at least 12 weeks to be seen.
I can't stand the pain and discomfort any more so am thinking of seeing a chiropractor, Has anyone had any experience of them and more importantly do they help.

2007-03-23 01:48:00 · 9 answers · asked by siany 2 in Pain & Pain Management

Im 20 years old and suffer from depression. I went to my doctor asking for help and she told me I was too young to go on anti-depressants. She sent me to a Psychiatrist who made the whole situation worse. I dont know who else to turn to. I've told family and friends I'm so upset and considering suicide, and they just tell me to stop being stupid. I wish I could, but I dont feel like myself any more.
Does anyone have any answers?

2007-03-23 01:47:56 · 18 answers · asked by steiny_weiny 2 in Mental Health

I am having issues. My mom kind of freaked out on me because i am going to a new councelor and she is canceling all of my appointments. i really need counceling because i overdosed and i used to cut. i am getting over my dads suicide and i need help with it. She started sweraing and breaking bowls because i asked about going to counceling the following week... Any advice??

2007-03-23 01:44:25 · 12 answers · asked by becki t 1 in Mental Health

I was up stdying all night. I have to wake up at 8am if i go to bed now and that'll get me 2hrs of sleep! What should I do not sleep and go to class or take the 2hr sleep? which way would i be more productive?

2007-03-23 01:42:07 · 14 answers · asked by Alexis 2 in Mental Health

I read some where that it helps students remember studied answers at the time of exam. I want to know from aroma therapist ===THE FACT===. Is it available in market in Mumbai. How much it costs?

2007-03-23 01:41:41 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

and also milky liquid is coming from my breast

2007-03-23 01:40:13 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

k iv bin on the pill 4 a year and a half with no problems.but now iv bin gettin pains, feeling sick in the mornings and i got my first ever heart burn.i got my period as normal but half way threw my packed of the pill i bled 4 a day, but i was takin my pill correctly i took a pregnancy test, it was negative but my friends say my stomach has got big what could b wrong???

2007-03-23 01:39:00 · 13 answers · asked by traceymad 1 in Women's Health

2007-03-23 01:37:26 · 1 answers · asked by Bimbola i 1 in Mental Health

my neighbor is claiming to be "dangerously allergic" to my 6 lb. well groomed Maltese. Yet, she does not claim to have any problems with any of the other dogs in the building.

is it possible to be allergic to only my dog?

2007-03-23 01:35:17 · 7 answers · asked by christina r 1 in Allergies

I am a chocaholic", though --not regular sweet shop brands, just high quality . Much has been said in recent years, regarding the health benafits, of high cocco dark chocleate., taking this in to account , as I incedentaly have high colestarol, I have been eating mostly dark for many years now.

How ever I recently compered the fat contents, of two bars, one milk the other dark, both well known organic brands) to my suprise, the dark bar had a fat content of 41.1g whille the milk was just 29.7g.

I find this very confusing, dark, is said to be good for the heart, "so how can that be reconciled with higer fat levels?.

"Is it just good for the heart of a person, without high cholestrol .

2007-03-23 01:33:27 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

Has anyone used or known someone who has used the Paradigm Real-Time system or glucowatch? I am a 40 year old single mother who has been diabetic since 19 and over the last year I have had 2 very severe low blood sugar incidents overnight where my son has ended up calling 911 for as I was unresponsive.

2007-03-23 01:32:25 · 6 answers · asked by Spaceyangel 3 in Diabetes

My face is swollen from my wisdom tooth to the corner of my mouth. My gland under my chin isn't very tender any more, but my cheek is huge! Dr says it's normal for some people to experience this. When will the swelling go away? Will I need different antibiotics to clear this up? HELP!!!

2007-03-23 01:32:02 · 2 answers · asked by Heather H 1 in Dental

My husband says that when he sneezes he's been seeing silver flakes or sparkles. Has this happened to anyone else? Because he thinks he now has brain cancer (he's extreme like that). But is it something else??

2007-03-23 01:30:22 · 4 answers · asked by angel32984 3 in Other - Health

Teabags !!! Did you also know that there has been a proven link between IBS symptoms and fluoride?? Yikes !! Have a guess what the early warning signs of fluoride toxicity are ?? Yep, gut pain, bloating and cramping, nausea, flatulence, constipation and intermittent diahorrea. Here's the link:-


Crikey !! They are saying that ingested fluoride is transformed in the stomach to form hydrofluoric acid, which has a corrosive effect on the epithelial lining of the gastrointestinal tract. Thirst, headaches, abdominal pain, vomiting and diahhorrea are usual symptoms !! Haemmorrhage in the gastric mucosa and ulceration erosions and edema are common signs of fluoride toxicity !! The source?? Environmental Protection Authority 1999 - Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings ....................... Hang on, just gotta get back up off the floor here. Is this saying that they know that fluoride causes severe gastrointestinal problems???..:0)

2007-03-23 01:28:32 · 3 answers · asked by Minx 7 in Other - Diseases

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