MY grandfather has cancer. My grandma had it also in another organ and she died last year.God knows how I suffered cause I loved her so much!And in its last stadium this desease produses lots of pus..Like I told you,my grandpa now hai it at his throat.He has a tube and he can't speak...he caughts a lot and I saw sometimes this pus gets out of his throat on the floor or..anywhere else..I'm sorry I imagine this makes you sick but think at me..I am with him,I support him, it is an awfull desease and I know it's not contagious..because I've been through this last year I know how it's like...and it's a very sad question is as serious as it can be..I want to know if this pus can affect me or my family in any way if an accident happens and we get in contact with it...It's full of microbes and unhealthy things there and I'm quite frightened in thinking of this problem and it concerns me a lot for a few days...pls I need an answer from someone who really knows this problem.Thanks!
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