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Marriage & Divorce - 21 December 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

They have 5 children together - all will be at our house for the party. The ex is re-married, but apparently they don't have anything to do. She makes me uncomfortable when I see her at any function (kids birthday parties, etc.) but I deal with it. Should I have to be uncomfortable in my house on Christmas Eve, or am I being selfish?

2007-12-21 08:26:52 · 25 answers · asked by Sissy 1

I am not talking about sex here. I repeat! I am not talking about sex here. Open minded people are people who are not afraid to try out new things, new experiences and new challenges in life in general. Closed Minded people are people who don't care at all to experience and see new things in life---- they are pretty much comfortable where their at, living a simple life.
Thanks guys for your honest answers.

2007-12-21 08:22:50 · 13 answers · asked by Pain_of_Unhappiness2 3

Her father, who is named after his sisters father instead of his own, was suppose to change his name before she was born. And of course he didn't so we named her after him. But I want to know can I either add my last name or change her last name without going through him? We were never married and I am the custodial parent.

2007-12-21 08:19:43 · 9 answers · asked by purrfection02 1

Me and my husband split up because he cheated on me with 2 girls (SISTERS AT THAT) He tells me that he loves me and only me and that he is so sorry for doing what he done. We have been together for 2 and a half years and we have a 18 month old baby..

2007-12-21 08:18:04 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me and my husband split up because he cheated on me with 2 girls (SISTERS AT THAT) He tells me that he loves me and only me and that he is so sorry for doing what he done. We have been together for 2 and a half years and we have a 18 month old baby..

2007-12-21 08:17:23 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have an autictic son and Im a stay at home mom! I dont know what to do with him if I get a job even if i work at home! What should I do! And if you have an autistic child I would love or you to email me!

2007-12-21 08:14:33 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

three years ago my husband had an affai. The girl said after the first week she was pg and then she lost it. Then a few months after he was back home she called him and said she was pg again. Then she called and said it was not his. Now three years later she found him on myspace and said the little boy is his. SHe said she wants him to know his dad and that she never lied to anyone. She married and said the little boy does not call him dad. She told me I am a side item and that I need to stay out of it. She said it is between her and my husband. She told me to shut my christian mouth because she was pissed. She has lied so many times I don't trust her. I have not called her one name or been mean to her at all. I told her I want what is best for the baby. She told me to stay out of it. I told her I am behind my husband 100% no matter what. She is very good at getting her way and working what she has to get it. What should I do! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!

2007-12-21 08:11:12 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

leave work early.. ?????????

2007-12-21 08:03:30 · 14 answers · asked by Life*goes*on 3

My wife recently broke her leg, and I've been charged with a lot of her care. Lately, she seems to get upset and depressed easily, even going from elated to depressed within minutes over the slightest thing. Her biggest moment of happiness lately was her doctor's appointment, during which she gushed to me about how wonderful and good-looking the office staff is. She even went so far as to ponder if she married someone like that...handsome, successful (I make average wages and have battled a weight problem all my life.) She had previously gushed about how great a classmate who lost weight looked. However, when it comes to me, she seems to oppose my desire to get in shape. I honestly feel like she's not attracted to me anymore. I'm at a total loss.

2007-12-21 08:02:11 · 7 answers · asked by mrhorton1982 1

what do women really want from a marriage a husband and life in general.

2007-12-21 08:01:21 · 17 answers · asked by William M 1

it just seems like its such a rapidly growing up and coming kink, i wonder if anyone else has noticed it.

some psychology student might have a better reason for it, but if you ask me, if its happening it has to do with changing times. women by nature have a certain amount of sexual freedom becuse they are the choosers, but have been reigned in with labels, threats, and practicality. In a world where women don't have to marry a man to feed herself or be independent of her parents, and she can prevent pregnancy and vd through safe practices, why shouldn't she do what comes naturally

i, for one, think some women are naturally a little (not alot) promiscuous (studies show this is true, particularly during ovulation, as women have evolved to want one type of man to pass on genes to their children, and another to support them - whether you beleive that mumbo jumbo), and i think a day is coming where not even marriage will stop women from enjoying what mother nature has given them.

2007-12-21 07:51:50 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mom and dad are getting a divorce, no one cheated. They just got tired of bickering at each other. I am 21 years old and have a 6year old sister and a 16year old brother. We have 3 vehicles and a house that are all in my fathers name. All of the children are now living with my mom at our grandmas house. Is it possible for my mother to win anything in court? we also have a lot of expensive things like HDTV's and stuff...Its so confusing.

2007-12-21 07:50:27 · 9 answers · asked by Girli 3

My husband and I have been married since July 7,2007, on July 11th, 2007 my in-law said they were getting a divorce. It has taken a toll on him, as his parents were married for 25 years. We have had a lot of changes since we were married, we moved off to college only to have to move back because of finances(so we moved in with his dad, and now with my parents). He's a very optimistic person, but lately has been depressed, giving up his church and taekwondo(that he's done for 5 years). I don't know what to do, I try to be there for him and we do things together, go out and such, both of us work, he works days(Monday thru Saturday), and I work nights(15 hours, Thursday-Saturday). I would just want some advice to how I can help my husband especially this holiday season. Thanks!

2007-12-21 07:47:23 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

what's better?
let's say that you have a standard for your life partner. you wish he will fulfill your expectations in 100 percent not less, but you have just two choices:
1. a person who can achieve right now just 50 percent, but the number is growing up cause she loves you so much and she wants to improve and learn and never says no
2. a person who fulfills demands in 90 percent but will never develop to 100 cause of opposite attitude

2007-12-21 07:45:17 · 17 answers · asked by Rokaya 4

Thanks guys for your honest answers.

2007-12-21 07:44:59 · 8 answers · asked by Pain_of_Unhappiness2 3

Should I set up a slip n slide in my backyard and ask my wife to join me in acting like a kid in a water park... but as mature adults and naked?

2007-12-21 07:40:33 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Over the course of our lives we make mistakes. With those mistakes we learn and grow. I know for myself every mistake I have made, I have strived to become a better person from those mistakes. I still have my problems and I have a much longer road to travel to solve those issues. But I know that the road that I take will be better with you there at my side. You complete the circle in which I call my life. We have started a family and slowly over time have started to grow as a couple. Wife, you make my life better and I love you.

But my question is this….is love ever lasting, can it really stand the test of time ?

2007-12-21 07:31:15 · 10 answers · asked by potato 2

my partner has been calling and texting another woman 24/7, I found out about this on our itemised phone bill. He denied he was cheating and said I jumped into conclusions. This woman is married and I know the husband[didnt know them before], should I show the husband the bill and see if he is not going to think like me.

2007-12-21 07:15:52 · 20 answers · asked by loveness 1

Since he's a guy, won't he want to sleep with other girls?

2007-12-21 07:09:36 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

My lover here Cisco can do it better than my hubby??? S e x is important in marriage right!?!?!?!

2007-12-21 06:38:16 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous


My wife has gotten to where she expects me to rub her feet with lotion every night. I've explained to her that sometimes I just don't feel like doing it (like if I'm tired and just want to relax), but when I don't do it, she will say something like "oh, I'm sorry rubbing my feet is such a hassle" and then I feel bad about it. It's really starting to feel like a duty that I'm expected to perform on a nightly basis, and I don't know how to explain this to her without sounding mean or selfish. Anyone have any advice?

2007-12-21 06:36:19 · 13 answers · asked by dave999212 1

I'd like to know what others interpret this as. My husband and his ex gf have a court order regarding holidays and I'd like to know what you think this means. I ask because if we need to enforce visitation, I want to make sure we have our facts straight so we don't look like fools. Thanks!

Our order states for holidays : The parties agree to alternate holidays. The mother will have all the holidays in the even years and the father will have all the odd years

How do you interpret this? Thanks for your help!

2007-12-21 06:20:07 · 11 answers · asked by Momto2inFL 6

okay at my school if your cell makes any sound they take it away and your parent has to go pick it up and pay 20 bucks if they want it back. I think its wrong, in otther schools in my hometown they just take it to the office and your parents have to pick it up without having to pay money.

2007-12-21 06:15:25 · 62 answers · asked by Sammy 3

Married 12yrs,7yr daughter,he moved out because of unhappy,depressed. Its been 3weeks since hes gone, I pleded for him not to go. He says he loves me but not in love w me anymore. His mom is coming for xmas and staying in our home we own together and i live in. He has not told her we are sep hes afraid to. Yet he wants to stay in the house and sleep upstairs while his mom visits. should i let him?

2007-12-21 06:05:02 · 61 answers · asked by Anonymous

He says he never feels like he has 100% of me! What the heck does that mean anyway? I do my best to be a good wife and mother.
I stay home with the kids.
I have a hot meal ready for him every night he comes home from work.
His clothes are always washed and neatly folded for him.
I keep the house clean and organized
I take care of ALL the finances (even his child support payments)
The kids are always getting the best care, fed and clean and happy.
He gets laid, not as much as he wants but a few times a week on average.
I do ALL of his shopping as far as clothes.
The house is always stocked with things we need, I stay on top of everything.

He gets sooo mad if I think an ACTOR is good looking, I mean COME ON!! I actually, out of respect for him, never ever say "Oh he's so hot!" but he'll ask me when we are watching a movie and when I say well yea sort of, he'll flip out. He'll say things like "oh you wish you were with him and you want to f*ck him, huh?"

2007-12-21 06:03:30 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-21 05:55:49 · 13 answers · asked by High Fructose Corn Syrup 2

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