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Marriage & Divorce - 17 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

whenever we argue about something, he takes it seriously and instead of resolving the issues. he acts like he wants to leave me and he says "you know I never loved you" and everytime, my heart breaks even more.
and today, I told him I felt alone last night and I couldn't sleep because of blah blah and he was insensitive about it and now he acts like nothing happened.
And I'm hurting so much I feel like I'm getting sick and I haven't eaten anything today because I've been crying all day long.
Why is marriage hard?

2006-11-17 08:35:22 · 17 answers · asked by Pedro Xavier Ramirez 2

I'm at my wits end with my husband and our sex life. He's a wonderful man but sexually he does nothing for me. He tries so hard and I know he loves me but I'm left so frustrated after we have sex, and he cums so much that I'm laying in a puddle of yuck that's everywhere. I'm at the point now where I don't even want sex with him anymore. He tells me that I can get satisfied by other men and we do have an open marriage (don't judge me, just help me out here) but I'm in love with him............ just not with having sex with him. What am I supposed to do about this?

2006-11-17 08:25:43 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't want to give her anything. Can I get a new social security number and move out of state to spite her? This is entrapment.

2006-11-17 08:23:37 · 105 answers · asked by Ratzo 1

like board games and maybe made up ones we though of one trtuh or dare anymore

2006-11-17 08:22:29 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am dealing with a very difficult issue. My "boyfriend" and I have been having severe relationship problems. They've escalated for well over a year now. We are facing eviction from our apartment (that we just moved into) and I don't want to stay with him anymore. However, I am afraid of what he might do when I tell him when we get evicted that I am taking our two girls and leaving. I really don't want to go into a shelter with my girls and I don't have any close friends that I can stay with. I am looking into asking my parents for help even though we don't have a close relationship (and hoping they won't turn their backs on me). I know what I need to do but I have this fear. Fear of him, fear of what's to come, fear of raising my two girls by myself. I currently have a full-time job and I know deep down inside that I can make it on my own. I know that I deserve better than this. I know my girls deserve better than this. I can't really up and leave without him knowing since we have one car and he usually has it. I just need some words of encouragement to get me through this. Thanks so much!

2006-11-17 08:20:16 · 13 answers · asked by sunshine12 1

My husband cant find a job. he goes on interviews , but no one hires him. were 31 with one child, what are we doing wrong. he goes to school 2 times a week(eve).

2006-11-17 08:16:24 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

about doing my wife's sister (she's fugly) and when my wife tried to wake me up I punched her in the face and now she's mad at me what should I do not to make it up to her ?

2006-11-17 08:14:30 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

She is from Romaina and we were married for five years. long enough to get her citizenship one mounth later she left.

2006-11-17 08:10:27 · 7 answers · asked by Douglas N 1

My husband wastes all $ he gets his hands on crack. I need to get out, but when he's thought I was leaving before, he beat me and left me stranded at home with no $$ and no phone. I havem a 3yr old son and a 2 yr old daughter. I need the quickest, safest, cheepest way to leave.

2006-11-17 08:07:57 · 25 answers · asked by Krystal M 2

Me and My boyfriend have been dating for awhile now. Sometimes he mentions marriage other times he says things like he wants to move off to another state to finish school. A lot of the plans he made, he made before I was in the picture. I don't want to mess up his plans, I just want to know that I am in his future plans too. I drop little hints that I want to marry him, and I have even told him straight out that I wish we were already married. He said he thought the same, but then a day or so passed and he was saying he wanted to move. I dont know what to think anymore!

2006-11-17 08:06:18 · 10 answers · asked by LahLah546 2

and explain why you're unhappily married.

2006-11-17 08:03:24 · 12 answers · asked by choosinghappiness 5

2006-11-17 07:53:19 · 8 answers · asked by soro 1

It you go out with another women and your married does your wife never forgive you

2006-11-17 07:51:05 · 7 answers · asked by Jeffrey A 1

Well first and foremost. I have cheated on my husband, and he knows this. He has forgiven me. I slept with his brother when I was 17. (we pin it on me being young and dumb.) I also slept with one of my brothers friends, his cousin, and another guy I barley knew. I haven't got feelings for any of these men, and it's like I just look for sex. I'm some what older now, and havent cheated in quite sometime. But I still i guess "look" for men, to sleep with. I really have to hold myself back. I don't want to cheat anymore. And I just look for the "first time thrill" of it all. I haven't slept with any of them just once, they have all been multipule times...
Are any of you this way... or do I really have a problem?

SERIOUS answers only please.
AND please be nice!!

2006-11-17 07:47:42 · 36 answers · asked by LOST 1

I went to a pyschic this week and can not believe what I heard...., My sister was accusing my husband of molestation since she was a little girl I was upset and going through some painful stuff with my boys and family and when I was about to make him get a lie detector test done I asked on Yahoo Questions what I should do and what else I could do to find out if he did it??? and Someone on here told me maybe a psychic could help out what else do you have to lose, So I did just that and she told me lots of stuff that blew my mind that my sister had a affair with him and she went after him so I confronted her and she admitted to it CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!! holy.. she is saying yes I did have a affair with him but,he still molested me.now here is the question.."Do you think I should still get a lie detector test or do you think she is lying about the molesting part? because how can you have a affair with a man for nearly 2 years that you say molested you and did bad things to you.

2006-11-17 07:46:16 · 7 answers · asked by angel b 2

Everyone is different, and some people just don't have an interest in s e x. My spouse is one such person. But I sure have an interest. What's the best way to find a friendly lover?

Note: I don’t need to hear from the ignorant sanctimonious meddlers. If you’re opposed to my question, just move along to another question, please.

2006-11-17 07:41:09 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

My ex wife has been living with her new boyfriend and they are engaged for almost two years. They have not gotten married nor does it seem like they are going to. My child support was built around her being a single mother of two - on her salary (schoolteacher) - paying all her own expenses. She actually brought me to court almost two years ago to get an increase - which she did.
Now she is living with him (he is a doctor) - still making her salary - has less expenses (no car payment) and my support is till at the higher rate.
Do I have any options??
Note: She moved away from me 3 years ago (out of state) and I had to sell our house and move also so I could be near my kids (big expense for me and higher cost of living adjustment). In addition to my support - I pay for their Health and Dental Ins. AND she still asks me to pay for other items such as back to school clothes, supplies, etc.
Help me please. I cannot put any money away for my Kid's future.

2006-11-17 07:38:27 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have been thinking something about getting married, but how is marriage? i mean, what is the thing behind marriage? some older people who have been in a marriage can share something with me to make me more conscious about it? thx!!!

2006-11-17 07:35:47 · 9 answers · asked by Pepsi 1

My ex wife has been living with her new boyfriend and they are engaged for almost two years. They have not gotten married nor does it seem like they are going to. My child support was built around her being a single mother of two - on her salary (schoolteacher) - paying all her own expenses. She actually brought me to court almost two years ago to get an increase - which she did.
Now she is living with him (he is a doctor) - still making her salary - has less expenses (no car payment) and my support is till at the higher rate.
Do I have any options??
Note: She moved away from me 3 years ago (out of state) and I had to sell our house and move also so I could be near my kids (big expense for me and higher cost of living adjustment). In addition to my support - I pay for their Health and Dental Ins. AND she still asks me to pay for other items such as back to school clothes, supplies, etc.
Help me please. I cannot put any money away for my Kid's future.

2006-11-17 07:34:58 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Date eachother

Have time together alone and time for yourself alone.

Don't argue about eachother's families....there is nothing either one of you can do about the in-laws.

Don't let the kids sleep in your bed.

Don't try to fix her problems just listen to them, your arrogance is irritating.

Don't ask him do do the tthings you need him to do, ask him to do the things he thinks you need him to do. Then He'll do the others instead.

Don't call him 50 million times a day...do you want him to make a living to pay for your beautiful house or play patty cake on the phone with you all day? He loves you...get over it.

and for God's sake HAVE SEPERATE BATHROOMS!!!! (he has to clean his own)

2006-11-17 07:34:42 · 20 answers · asked by sasha 4

I have had the worst bad luck this week! First I had an injury on the job, then my uncle passes away, so what is the third, why do i always seem to have some suffering, what did i do!

2006-11-17 07:31:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

A couple of years ago, my husband was laid off at his job. He stayted home all day, or rambled around, and was basically lazy a*s. He drew unemployment (which was very little) and I was pregnant, and stressed, and overworked. He wouldn't hardly look for another job, in fact he still took our lil one to the sitters so he could "look for work" and "work around the house" (which he did neither of). When we were together, he just didn't act like he gave a crap about me or the baby. I got fed up, and told him I was leaving. Now, I've gotten my own place, gotten my feet on the ground again, and he wants to try to make it work again. He's improved somewhat, and I like his companionship at times, and he's essentially a good guy and he's a better dad now, but I just don't love him anymore. Should I take him back for the kids sake? I've told him that I don't love him, but he says he loves me and the kids and wants to try again.

2006-11-17 07:27:28 · 39 answers · asked by Kat 3

This is the second man I've had this sort of problem with. The first was in a long term relationship. Neither of them asked me out or anything, but they were very liberal with compliments, very accomodating. They asked questions about my relational status etc, but never mentioned the fact that they were involved. The married one even talked about how he was attracted to me since he first saw me... I think they would have allowed it to go on if I hadn't been direct and asked. The thing that bothers me is the fact that they didn't/don't see anything wrong with the friendship. Isn't that playing with fire? How do I explain it to them?

2006-11-17 07:27:01 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Should i stay or should i go?
I have been married for nine years since then I moved out because I was out of control due to my drinking and being abuses. me and my wife were still seeing each other and she was ,all for this .I’ve done this because I wanted to save our marriage I am now a recovery alcoholic have been for six months . Since then she has meant someone. at first he was just a friend then found out they are involved. They have only been seeing each other about five months that’s what she is telling me, since then he has moved in doesn’t work and collects SSI I feel he is using her, he is 37 and has lived with mom till wife came along I have ask her does she love him, she tells me it’s none of my business We also have a 8 yr old daughter and a two yr old son. Which my daughter misses her father very much and wants him to come home This guy is also an alcoholic by what he has told me. I love my wife very much and there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do 4 her all i hear is the pas

2006-11-17 07:26:59 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

married 25 years. am i suppse to just give up?

2006-11-17 07:24:49 · 23 answers · asked by ardie 1

For my girlfriend on christmas i want to give aher a promise ring and then valentines propose good or bad idea for a 16 year old couple who are deeply in love

2006-11-17 07:22:04 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

do you believe in God? or are you one of thoes stupid ones who think we came from monkeys or something? God Recks, and he loves you and me.

2006-11-17 07:19:10 · 8 answers · asked by sucker hint hint 1

I known this girl 4 over 15 yrs & we were best friends 4 most of our lives.She met this guy *Brian* at a club, & talked off & off. Suddenly they got serious & after 2 months into their relationship they decided 2 get married, even if all of us her friends/family opposed. too quick 2jump into marriage. Plus I knew she felt lonely & wanted 2 get married & have kids, I guess she saw him as her only chance. Anyway to sum it up, one of my close friends *Jason* went out w/ her hubby *Brian* to a bar. Brian confessed 2 Jason thatHe only married 2 use her, 4 financial & other personal gains, not because he loved her. He told him that he’s soon going to divorce her. I feel horrible 4 my friend, cause I know they r always fighting & she always looks depressed. My friend Jason told me this under secrecy & I swore I wouldn’t say anything. I feel horrible seeing my friend being mistreated &mislead by this guy who never luv her. SHould i stay quiet, say something? she wants to get pregnantSoon!

2006-11-17 07:15:09 · 32 answers · asked by A_Latina 3

I have to see my stbxw who wanted the divorce. She is very good at manipulating me, always has been. Anyone have any strategy for remaining strong in the face of tears, begging etc.?

2006-11-17 07:07:29 · 7 answers · asked by Johnboy 3

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