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Marriage & Divorce - 15 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

I know this sounds stupid, but I here it all the time. A husband wants to keep his old playboys or pornos and his wife wants to throw them out. Or the husband wants to attend a bachelor party, but there will be a stripper there so there are objections. I have asked a similar question and people say that married adults can indulge as long as it is together. Should husbands/wives be allowed to read an adult magazine, watch an adult video, or maybe enter a strip bar? Is that cheating? Does the other spouse have to know?

2006-11-15 06:32:58 · 34 answers · asked by The One Truth 4

In the past year or so my husband, who is only 29, has had major problems functioning during sex. He gets very upset and embarassed about it and I just pretend that it's no big deal to me, but of course it is. We've never discussed it, but everytime we try to have sex he has problems, and I'm fed up with it. I guess I want to know if I should say something to him about possibly getting some help, although it may upset him or hurt his feelings?

2006-11-15 06:31:16 · 18 answers · asked by Winnie08_98 2

My husband and I have been together for almost 6 years up until august 06. We realized our marriage wasnt working and he moved out. I just spent 5 wonderful days reconnecting with him and now he has gone back to playing games, you see i asked him twice to come home and each time he told me no. During the 5 nights we spent together we slept together and everything was just as it was when we first met. my question is should I just go ahead and file my divorce now that he seems to be cruel yet again and is still playing games? Or should i stick it out? When I want to talk to him about our situation he just tells me that he needs more time to think and If I loved him i would wait. I have been waiting since August...What should I do?

2006-11-15 06:30:54 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-15 06:30:17 · 11 answers · asked by mini tripod 1

I found out the other day that if i ever get married again i need a copy of my Divorce papers but have discovered that this costs a small arm and a leg.....Is there anywhere i can get it for FREE?????

2006-11-15 06:24:32 · 7 answers · asked by shuffles 1

I come from a family with a history of borken homes.
Is it in the genes?
I am also now quite blasey about the whole thing as if it doesn't mean that much.
I'm not married and have only asked 1 person and she didn't take me serious?

2006-11-15 06:22:49 · 43 answers · asked by willygromit 3

What are some concerns and standards for a spouse to strive for regarding care of their spouse's rear end or what goes on below the belt line.

This is a serious question. I am thinking this is something that can go overlooked in a marital relationship. The result is possible friction later on down the road in marriage.

If all you can think of is sex then please give a little more explanation. And I am getting at other issues besides sex.

2006-11-15 06:20:51 · 11 answers · asked by devotionalservice 4

I have taken some nude pics of my wife and she looks stunnng. I would love to get her to pose for some web sites or get other guys taking her pic. She is so sexy i want to show her off but she says absolutely no. I kind of have two questions. Am i weird and how can i get her to do it?

2006-11-15 06:16:47 · 35 answers · asked by boobmam1 2

ever feel like maybe you made a mistake and think maybe you missed out or feel like you want to cheat sometimes

2006-11-15 06:15:34 · 5 answers · asked by Lanie 3

I have been separated for 11 months and know now that divorce is pending. This is after 14 years of marriage and 20 years of being together. Now I have had two or three dates during the separation and all have come during the last month. My question is what is the best advice you can give during a period of time when everything seems stacked against me financially and emotionally being that I am the one who did not want the divorce? My next question is did you date during this period of time and how did that work for you trying to start over?? Finally, how many of you have remarried and what is different from your first marriage???

2006-11-15 06:12:49 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-15 06:09:34 · 10 answers · asked by mama of two 2

what do they do , that annoys you , or you think is not worth getting upset about -

2006-11-15 06:09:13 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband and I have been off and on together for 13yrs we got married this year. The problem is with myself, how can I let go of the past and move on as far as me feeling like everytime my husband leaves the house that he is cheating. please help

2006-11-15 06:08:03 · 21 answers · asked by its just me 3

You have a wife who has strayed from you twice. You have been seperated (not legally) for about a year. You have met someone else. Only because you are just tired of waiting for your wife to chose you, and you just want to be happy. Then your wife just one day decides that she wants you back. Now you are curious about this other girl. Your trust for your wife is non existant. Your wife threatens suicide, and in your past you have had to many people commit suicide, and you do not want that on your concience. She has attempted this before in her past,and you believe she will do it. You just want to make sure you are taking the right path, and are not making the wrong decision. I WOULD APPRECIATE ALL ANSWERS.....thanks

2006-11-15 06:06:58 · 14 answers · asked by EternalBlueMemory 4

He either doesn't listen or "mirrors" it back on me. For instance, when we were talking one day, I told him I didn't feel like he respected me. He, in turn said that I don't respect him. Today, I told him I had a job interview and after him saying "See, I told you, you were going to get a job today." he then said, "So, are you going to have time to pick up the girls." When I said no, he huffed and puffed, acted all mad. Which, in turn made ME mad. It's like he gives and then takes away. What the heck is up with that??? We are seperated, I moved out and am trying to work on our relationship. Somedays, I feel as though our marriage is a lost cause, while other days I feel like I need him in my life. He's a good guy, just sometimes sooo over-bearing and egotistical. Yikes, some advice please....

2006-11-15 06:05:15 · 8 answers · asked by Erin 2

2006-11-15 06:04:55 · 6 answers · asked by huseyin m 1

my shrink told me 8 out of 10 men cheat on their partners....
does that necessarily mean my husband to be is 80% more probable to cheat on me?
how do they do these statistics anyway? im in shock

2006-11-15 06:03:50 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a 55 year old female have been living with a man age 57 for 8 years I have been ill the intire time and on disablility. We live as a couple which he calls me his live partner. He takes care of me I do not work he doesn't want me to work even parttime because of my disability. Will I ever have any leagal rights as a wife if he dies or decides to ask me to leave?

2006-11-15 05:56:44 · 4 answers · asked by sara 2


It is me and my husbands 3 months anniversary Friday and i want to do something special because he is in the navy and leaving to go to guam on saturday and i want to know if anyone has any romantic ideas they would share with me?

2006-11-15 05:42:23 · 10 answers · asked by Kayla P 2

my wife recently asked me for a divorce. i can't say that i blame her because i have not been there for her lately. i have been uncommunicative, sometimes lazy,and feel like i just forgot about all the little things. she seems pretty adamant about going through with the divorce. we do have two girls together, age 4 and 1. she says that she still loves me and cares about what happens to me. so my question is do i try to give it my all for what i feel is my true love or do i just let go and try to move on

2006-11-15 05:38:53 · 54 answers · asked by automag721 1

My boyfriend cant really seem to get aroused anymore, He said he tried to today by flirting with me, but he cant without thinking of something like another girl with me. Will this go on forever? Did i lose my looks? He tells me im his girl and he loves me very much and wouldnt trade me for anything in the world, Whats going on with his body and mind? Ive tried to like some of the things he likes, and im working on it, Help??? How can I get myself to not be scared? I hate this rotten feeling like a girl will take him away, or he will fall in love with someone else, and dont give me any of the Your so young Bullsh*t. Im 18, going on 19, Give me an ACTUAL ANSWER! He says im so beautiful, But I think everyone else is better, and he thinks on girl is cute and he asks me if I think she is cute and I just say "Sure" Help?? He says im so much better, and that no one will be better than me. Whats wrong with me? And whats wrong with him? why cant he get aroused anymore?

2006-11-15 05:37:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My house before we were married, so she wants a house to call her own. Plus, she told me that no-one can come over unless she approves it first. She says she has no say so living in my house, although were married now. Have not heard from her in two days. Should I just move on and file for divorce or what? I love her, but I think she is manipulative and controlling and spoiled. What should I do?

2006-11-15 05:36:12 · 6 answers · asked by Wondrin Dude 3

My husband is in the Navy he has been stationed in Guam for a month now and he came back home for 15 days because his grandma got into a car accident and during the day i work and i get off for lunch at 11:00 and he always tells me that he will be at the house waitting for me so he can eat lunch with me and he is always reallly late and we never get to eat lunch together and he always come up with this crazy excuse that he was doing other things...... should i feel upset and mad like i do????

2006-11-15 05:29:47 · 4 answers · asked by Kayla P 2

i have told my husband he has until march to find a new place to live because the marriage of four months was a mistake and he said well if you think i m just gonna sign your wrong, ive spoken to my lawyer and he says he will get nothing and that i shouldnt wait to get the divorce filed. has anyone had the problem of their ex not wanting to sign and it doesnt matter if they sign right? you can still get the divorce.?.there are no assets or children between us.. he has no vehicle, a poor paying job and very few friends plus he is on parole so that is why i am giving him 4 months to find somewhere else to live. i have 2 girls and i have paid all the bills over the last 12 yrs we've lived together and i have 3 animals, it is easier for him to relocate than me, besides why should i move he's the one who won't give even 30 percent into the relationship, he has been a moocher and user for a long time.

2006-11-15 05:27:44 · 10 answers · asked by kittykitty 2

About how long should intimacy take and how long should foreplay take. about an average.

2006-11-15 05:26:08 · 14 answers · asked by urhomiesid 2

Because of several family tragedies that happened to my wife of eight years now she claims to have built a "wall" around her heart to protect herself from getting hurt. We have two beautiful young children and the last thing I want is for them to have to grow up in a broken home. At this point we have been discussing divorce over problems that occur everyday. I have tried everything I can think of to try and show her how much I truly love her but because of this "wall" she has she says that its impossible for her to love and care for me "like most people love one another." I'm getting desperate for a way to get back into her heart and she tells me she still love me so why cant she take a chance after 8 years??? Is there anything I can do or should I just give up and go on without her? She hasnt had to work during our marriage and I cant help but worry about how she will make it trying to provide for herself. PLEASE-SOME GOOD ADVICE!!!!!

2006-11-15 05:24:47 · 20 answers · asked by Mike S 1

i am very upset i wore that ring every day of my life for many years should i aproch this prerson and tell her i know she took it and she needs to return it?? this person i feel that took it is a cousin of mine and she was the only person in the house at the time it got taken ....should i approuch her and tell her if she did take it the best thing to do is return it now??? The more I think about it I get upset I just feel I should tell her something...She comes here to my moms cause her mail comes here so she comes to pick it up ...I am for a fact gonna have her mail fowarded to the address she lives at so I will not have to deal with her no longer..but I must say shes walking arround ythinking I do not know..

2006-11-15 05:23:47 · 5 answers · asked by blugeanie923 3

I just want to know if its possible. I'd like to hear from people that r still with the person that cheated on them, and if it's possible to be happy again. And also, how do you get past it?

2006-11-15 05:15:04 · 14 answers · asked by Kristin K 2

A woman marries her high school sweetheart after being married for about 2 years she gets pregnant by a man she is having affair with, her husband forgives her of the affair and gives the baby girl his last name, they continue on being married but the wife is still cheating, she gets pregnant again with a son and this child was actually concieved with her husband, 2 years later she leaves her husband for a man she thought had alot of money and collects childsupport and health insurance for both children without question from her X, she remains married for 10 years to this man and decides to divorce him so that she can get allimony from him, she works herself at a daycare center making less then minimum wage because of her being paid over 12 months for 9 months of work, she draws goverment assistance due to her low income, because she does not have to report child support or allimony for repayment of any bills, and thru all of this she claims to be a christian, What is your opinion??

2006-11-15 05:15:00 · 11 answers · asked by mom2many 2

more than 1 woman at a time

2006-11-15 05:13:45 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

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