My daughter is 5 and I told my husband a month ago that I wanted a divorce. I am divorcing him for many reasons, but mainly because he has anger issues and is capable of being vicious and nasty to me. He blames me for his behaviour and until he crashed our car because he totally lost control of his temper and was driving like a maniac, I believed him. I have given him so much love and forgiveness and wanted so much to have a happy marriage and then an amicable breakup when I realised he was never going to change. He is incredibly hard to live with and seems to be swinging between saying he loves me and doesn't want to lose me, then in the next breath insulting my family or making derogatory comments about my past or my personality.I am so exhausted living in the same house with him. He won't move out until the house is sold, and there is still lots of work to do before it can be sold. I don't know when is the best time to tell my daughter and I don't know how to cope with this help!
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