My Sister's husband could give her divorce,she has two girls, both very young,below 3 yrs of age, the question is according to islamic law a guy can marry 4 times,but in america only one wife, can this person keep his other wifes in different country and still be allowed to carry on with his first wife here in usa?i mean my brother-in-law is saying if she doesnt come to his home country, she can stay here and he will stay there, he didnt mention divorce, but he did say he will get married there otherwise,will INs people allowe this, my sister says she will not take any responsibility if he marries another time and comes to us,she will report him to INS,and if he divorces her, what rights does she have being a us citizen, can she get allimony,and the kids?can any one plss help me with this.iam asking this because islamic laws allow different marrieges but not us law, so what will likely happen,plss can some one shed some light on this?
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