Why when a person is caught cheating they always say, you made me do it? My wife said that when I foud out she was having an affiar. She was going out to clubs 5 nights a week. I purchased a spy program and was able to print all of her e-mail as well as yahoo questions and answers. When I confronted her, her answer was that i made her do it. It takes two people to make or break a marriage. I have my faults like every one else, but I have a hard time with that remark. i told her that I was no way responsible for her sleeping with the other guy. If thta was what she wanted, she should hav eleft me to sleep around` all she wants. Since then, she has stopped going out and has asked to try to work things out, but is placing demads on me and when I mention to her what I need, such as additional support, attention, love, etc, she says to give her space and not to push her. i think that she is playing me for a fool and it is only a matter of time before she hits the streets again.
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