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Marriage & Divorce - 25 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

I am trying to locate a recent proper address on my enstranged spouse. How can I access data records of his where bouts, using the internet.

2006-08-25 17:18:08 · 5 answers · asked by betty_sweet56 1

We live in a relatively small town. A girl that I work with has a "cheating husband". He has been caught before and she always takes him back. He is doing it again - in fact, I don't think he ever stopped seeing his "girlfriend". Should I tell her? Or should I have someone let her know?

2006-08-25 17:12:30 · 37 answers · asked by amy s 1

The over-the-counter release of the morning after pill can only mean STDs will skyrocket. The same thing happened when they released them in England, why wouldn't the results be any different here? I am EXTREMELY worried about this. I want to be able to find an clean man, I don't think this is a lot to ask. I'm only 20 and a college sophomore, so I still have a few years yet anyway until I'd even think about getting married but I just hope that the day when my future guy proposes to me, I'll ask him "Are you clean?" and the response will be yes. I know STD rates are different in certain regions- I'm from WI if that helps (but not from a big city like Milwaukee). Also, I'm 100% clean (I don't need any testing because have no desire to give my virginity to anyone that's not my husband), but my worry is will he be infected?

2006-08-25 17:08:08 · 20 answers · asked by livininthemoonlight 1

My husband cheated on me with his friends wife. After i found out we went to counseling. I thought things were better but recently i found he had a profile on adult friendfinder were he said he was looking for a local woman to have a discreet sexual relationship with. He denied it until I showed him the proof. We have a 5 year old son and I have just started a very stressful new job. I don'tknow what to do. He says he loves me and wants to stay with me but I know he is a liar. I am scared to progress at this point. Should i give counseling another try or just walk away?

2006-08-25 17:05:11 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

she was a friend to both of us but flirted with my husband till they kissed in private. he told me about it and we are no longer a friend to her. he says nothing more ever happened. should I believe him ? I FEAR some thing more DID and he just won't tell me. Should I TRUST him 100% again ? I can't help but worry about him getting too friendly with another friend of both of ours so I always watch close and he can tell I don't trust him and he says it is putting a wedge between us and it is my fault for not trusting him BUT...I can't help it. The hurt is VERY deep and it will take time. He doesn't understand why I feel this way. after all it has been a couple years back and he has not lied to me since he told her to get lost and that he didn't want to lose me over her flirting with him and comming on to him in private till it ended up in a kiss. I can't get the thought out of my mind that more happened that day than what he is telling me. She is long gone and I wouldn't ask her anyway .

2006-08-25 16:57:12 · 15 answers · asked by lcj43938 2

he looks at it as we are still married he gets very angry if I ask him if there is anyone else and he asks do I want there to be. I love him, I don't want to but I do, my head screams stupid my heart and gut says hold on, but what for, until his health is completly gone and he wants to come home when his fun is done. I have always catered to him and put me on hold. I'm scared I can't make it on my own and am afraid of being totaly alone, I work full time.

2006-08-25 16:57:05 · 8 answers · asked by startin' again 1

help me please, I have a wife who shows no interest in making love to me, even though, she is well pleased when we do(she comes at least once every time we do). She doesn't initiate it, she just lays there, until she cums, they she moans and yells sometimes. I just don't get it. Help me please before this marriage falls apart.

2006-08-25 16:31:14 · 15 answers · asked by badass6927 1

I have been happily married for 5 years, but recently reconnected with my ex (first love, together for 3 years). Just talking and occasionally hanging out, hubby knows about it, and doesn't seem to mind, so why do I feel guilty? I think about him a lot, but not sexually, just the need to talk to him. He and I had ended very badly ( i was the dumper) and had lost touch for about 7 years. I had always assumed that he was in a similar place in life as I was, but found out that in fact he has had a very tough time. I think I feel the need to fix him, seeing as how I feel partially responsible for braking him, but it is really consuming me, to the point were I am thinking about him all the time and not my husband. I am so glad that he is back in my life, I think we can be great friends, but I am afraid that it will eventually become an issue with my husband.

2006-08-25 16:27:21 · 21 answers · asked by momma m'shell 1

Long story short.....wife left me for another guy and we have two kids. We are separated, but not divorced yet. She has physical custody of the kids. Since the day she had me leave, I have been paying her 25% of my gross income for child support and also paying 100% of my company's deluxe health insurance plan ($813./mo.) for them.

It will be months until the divorce and I'm having a tough time with the medical premium expenses. It seems that since she is on the plan that I should deduct half of the cost of the plan from her support check. I would, of course, pay half of any non-insurance covered expenses, too. That's fair, isn't it??

If you agree, would you help me write a note explaining this to her. I still love her and the kids and don't want to go to have lawyers and go to court.

Also, changing insurance is out of the question if you know anything about group plans due to pre-existing conditions and such.

2006-08-25 16:22:00 · 6 answers · asked by 2 2

Ive decided to divorce my wife of 8 years because she voted for bush in 2004 and 2000. My values are for freedom and democracy and I cannot be married to her knowing she supports a war that has caused thousands of deaths based on lies and fabrications and special interests for halliburton.

I spoke to an attorney and told him about filing the divorce but I do not know how to break the news to my wife. I LOVE HER more than anything but she doesnt share my values of peace and tolerance. How do I go about doing this?

2006-08-25 16:04:32 · 28 answers · asked by ast5792 1

I found out my wife had an ongoing affair with a friend of mine (obviously not any longer). She has proven herself as repentant, and it's been okay since (about 4 years). Everyone always complains that the guys are the dogs, and I'm here to tell you they are hooking up with SOMEONE! Any views on this? (Feel free to e-mail me too but be honest and open!)

2006-08-25 16:00:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you really believe that? If you do something to somebody it will come back on you? I so why. If not why?

2006-08-25 15:58:02 · 17 answers · asked by LovelyMe 2

I am 40 something and do not work , moved in the last 4 years to a place unfamiliar, I bought a 93 Blazer so I can take off afraid of "man" I am with I already know get out asap. yea so easy, right. no money no house 3 friends I can rely on , none of them work , I don't work , on ssi ?????????

2006-08-25 15:56:41 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

were ever seperated from your spouse before you had 2nd thoughts and decided to try and make things work?
Anyone ever threaten to divorce their spouse during this seperation then not go through with it in the end?

2006-08-25 15:54:23 · 5 answers · asked by althor989 1

I have been married to my husband for 10yrs but with him for a total of 18yrs.....I'm dying...he's driving me crazy and I wonder why I got married in the first place! What am I going to do? I am 38yr and he is 42yr...We still have sex 3-4 times a week but we can't be any more creative than we already are! What do we do now?

2006-08-25 15:53:56 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 24 and 9 months pregnant and due in one week. My husband,22,is still going out with friends one night a week while I sit at home alone. I try not to complain but I feel incredibly alone right now. All my friends all go out drinking on the weekend, or have kids themselves and are at home with their hubbies so that rules out my options of going out, too.(Plus, I am too exhausted to go anyway) I know he is doing nothing wrong while he is out, but it bothers me that he does not want to spend the last week of our child free life together with ME. Am I letting my pregnancy hormones get the best of me or do I have reason to be upset?

2006-08-25 15:37:06 · 29 answers · asked by Pondering 1

My nephew (by marriage) is marrying a girl from the former Soviet bloc in a week. Several of us are speculating as to how long it will last. I say until the moment she receives her green card but do not know how many years or months this is. Does anyone know?

2006-08-25 15:26:20 · 12 answers · asked by intheskeye 2

Please be honest and sincere with your answere,this question is for married, or two people just in a relationship.

2006-08-25 15:20:26 · 24 answers · asked by Cobra 5

2006-08-25 15:16:37 · 30 answers · asked by Cobra 5

Hang on, I need some help here badly!!I have been married to the same man for 17 yrs. We have a son, 16 yrs old. For the last 2 months I have been witness to him telling a certain woman he loves her, wants to be with her, that she is wonderful, the most important thing in his life, they cam, mic, listen to love songs, all night long. He has not come to bed with me once this entire time. He tells her he is dreaming of her, yet he won't sleep with me. He tells me I am his life, that he can't believe I would through away 17 yrs, just because of some silly internet thing, he says they are just good friends. I feel in my heart he does love her, but when I try to leave it becomes insane. I've tried 3 times to seriously leave him. This last time has to be the last time I try, I feel I am being jealous, but its always in my face, every night.

2006-08-25 15:15:52 · 43 answers · asked by easydoesit 1

I just got out of a 3 yr relationship not willing it was the guy. He cheated on me. Keeps saying he did it cause he was unhappy. Well my question is Why do I feel like I need the man in my life? How do I move on with my life? I live with him and he told me today that he and this girl are going to try and make things work. We have a 3yr old together. I tried to leave today to go home he won't let me leave. He says he doesn't want me to go to my family saying they are a bad influence on my life. I don't understand why he wants to keep me here. Its like he doesn't want me to be happy or he wants to rub it in my face.

2006-08-25 15:15:41 · 7 answers · asked by mandyrp21@sbcglobal.net 1

My wife and I have been married for 13 yrs. We have 3 kids and have recently seperated. About a 1 yr ago we both did some dumb things. I had a friend that was a girl and kept her a secret and She had on online affair after she found out about the girl. She said she forgave me for the secret friend but then went and had cyber with a man that she would call all the time. I found all the emails and since then I guess I have become jealous and made her feel as if she had to do it with me just like the letters. I made her feel trapped and dont know whay I did it. She finally left on 8/1. All I can do is think of her and how much I truely love her. She will only tell me that she doesnt know what she wants, divorce or to work it out. But I have to move out and give her space. Now she wont call me and she has found a new group of friends that she talks to all the time. I go to counseling and I know what I have done wrong and have talked to her about it. She says she loves me but why must I go

2006-08-25 15:12:17 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

let their spouses or boyfriends take pics of them nude and post them on the net??? I have once.

2006-08-25 15:09:34 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just got a new job TODAY!! After all this time!! Well i mention to my spouse that the guy who will be my supervisor was nice and he hug this girl at work, i assume they know each other... it seemed anyway then i was telling him my boss was teling me about his kids and one is a baby that had to have surgey and all... then my spouse acts mad, saying i shouldn't go to work and talk about personeel stuff, which I was not, the guy was just tell ing me and that he may need time off with his son, !! My spouse said i should of stoped it there and say i don't need to know !!! I said i can't be that mean so i listened but i diidn't talk about anything but work!! He started accusing me of gosping!!!??? He has always said that you should only talk about work at work and leave personal stuff at home and i agree, but whats wrong with people talking about there kids.... The head boss even said they are like family there and get to know eah other and about their family!

2006-08-25 14:59:07 · 15 answers · asked by sports_runner_racing 2

And if you answer no, two follow-up questions. 1. Do you think this makes you less desirable to high net worth men? 2. What moral justification do you feel you have for taking this position?

2006-08-25 14:46:18 · 18 answers · asked by Like An Ibis 3

( This if for my boyfriend ) He is currently paying child support for two children in WV. Recently he found out that his ex - wife has quit her job and is going to school full time....is she allowed to do this?? That means that her half of the child support that she is supposed to be paying isn't there anymore, and that means that he is now supporting HER and the two kids, which is not what the money is for...can anyone please tell me if she is allowed to quit her job legally? And if she is legally allowed, how is this possible, he can't quit his job, he has an obligation and so should she?? We have already looked at all the websites we can find on child support and we havent found anything that says anything about the wife having to work or if she quits what happens. We are really desperate to find out, can anyone tell us the truth?

2006-08-25 14:41:25 · 10 answers · asked by Stacy 2

What would you do if your hubby no longer wanted sex?
Please, serious only...

2006-08-25 14:40:10 · 15 answers · asked by n9wff 6

My hsband of 9 years confided in me with out being asked to having slept with my closest b/f 3 times over a 3 year period,she confirmed this. She was having marital problems (serperated and living with us because she had had an affair with a co-worker!) My husband and I agreed we would try to work things out. Well, I called one of my other b/f's the next day, also married. I wanted to ask her if she had and got a "No Way!". That night when I got home there was a message on my machine. I knew in my gut who it was and why. Sure enough, she had slept with him once. I was passes out and they were "totally drunk". Basically, I have lost trust for 3 of the most important people in my life. I am crushed. I have no one to talk to, they have all betrayed me. BTW, the first one actually stole my first boyfriend that way. So this is twice for her. I have let both of them live w/ me when they were broke, rent free. The last affair was 3 years ago. Are any of them worth keeping? I love all 3...

2006-08-25 14:32:25 · 29 answers · asked by Lost 1

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