my daughter has been in the nicu in a hospital an hour away from home since monday. She was born on sunday, a month early. i have 3 kids at home and have been taking the drive back and forth to the hospital, staying with my baby, then coming home to be here for my other girls. very little sleep, very little money, lots of stress.
today i talked with 2 of the other nicu moms, i felt guilty for the blessings i have, because i dont apreciate them as much as i should...both of these women had thier babys at least 3 months early, one only wieghed 1 lb. 6 oz. they had both had a previouse stillbirth, neither had any other living children, and here i am, getting to take her home any day, with 3 other beuitiful children at home, and i'm completely wraped up in how much stuff is going on in my life. i am so much more fortunate than many others, i think by understanding that no matter how bad things are, someone else is or has suffered more...
what makes you appreciate your blessings more?
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