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Family - July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

Ok my boyfriend of 4 years almost has the most annoying mom... I am a VERY nice person but I just can seem to get along with her at all! I am a Sagg. and she is a Taurus and that is a very BAD combination. She tries to outdo me with material things and everything I do she does the same thing.... like she tries to be me and acts jealous in a way cuz she always looks at me like she hates me but always asks me where I bought this or that. She always tells my b/f that I am too loud and she would rather me not be at their house. I really cant stand her at all. She tries to act like she has all control over me and treats me like I am a little kid and I am almost 21! Also.. I try to hide everything I buy or even not let her hear what music I like b/c she will imitate and do the exact same thing. She talks bad about me and is always rude to me. We know we both pretty much hate each other. What should I do???

2007-07-21 12:44:05 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

All they do is hurt me in every way possible by starting rumors about me, beating up on me, & causing me to lose out on great opportunities in life. I have it when I forgive them & they hurt me again, & other people say that I put myself in the position to DESERVE to be abused by being too nice & forgiving of my family. They hurt & scam me worse than anybody in the world.

So by people being taught to forgive & forget, how can I if other people tell me that I keep putting myself in dangerous positions by contacting my family? It just hurts me so much that my family only loves me when I have what they want & then kick me up the @$$ once they get it. I'm tired of being depressed & crying over my family. I guess things are never going to change since this has been going on for years, & my twin sister hurts me the most out of my family, when we're supposed to be the closest. So should I avoid them for the REST of my life to prevent from being hurt again & blamed for being the victim?

2007-07-21 12:19:57 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

my mom is very always yelling and she is super sensitive, so yells some more ,my dad always tries to calm down the situation but today mom was yelling at me as usual and my dad just left the house after i cleaned the whole house and the car, and he took the car so we dont know where he is going. My sister isnt helping either because she only helps fuel the rage in my mom against me. any suggestions, ideas, what happens next, ANYTHING will do!?!

i just turned 18, and i am in my first year of running my own business where i teach people how to retire and manage their money. she also yells for me to get a "real" job, like at a bank. I make great money but she wants me to get a job that pays a lot less just because "she thinks" its a real job and what i do is just a hobby

she always threatens me by saying the same thing over and over... "Im this close to not loving you ". blah blah blah

2007-07-21 12:13:39 · 3 answers · asked by ImaYam 3

If you don't act project, thuggish or ghetto, then you're crazy & not normal.

I get shunned the most because I'm the youngest person to go to college & the only one with a degree. I'm the family geek.

2007-07-21 12:01:42 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

my counsin is 7 years younger than me but weighs 10 pounds more. she has an eating problem but its so hard to tell her to stop eating when i babysit her. i want to help but i don't know how. HELP!!!!

2007-07-21 11:37:45 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My twin sister keeps being repeatedly abused by her husband, & when he takes the car & leaves her & the kids, that's when she calls telling about what he did to her, but then she always takes him back & betrays the rest of the family for him, & when she sneaks & takes him back, you don't hear from her until he beats on her & leaves her again. & she hides away from the family because she thinks that we're gonna call her stupid for getting back with him after he has beaten her upside the head with a wrench, raped her, & set her up to get raped while pregnant.

I've tried to be supportive & be there for her & help her, but she keeps taking this dude back & then betraying me & making it like I'm the bad person, & it makes me depressed & feel like I did something wrong. & this dude has given her STD's & cheated on her & everything, & she acts like she can't live or function without him. Now she's betrayed me ONCE AGAIN for the nth time, & I'm tired of it! I can't help her anymore.

2007-07-21 11:33:03 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I do what she asks, whether it's dishes or homework. She argues I should get it done faster, or about it when I do it. I clean up her messes, when she blames it on me. I never complain to her, even when she calls me useless. When I ask for her help, she declines and says she "quits". I am nothing but a trophy to her, and if I dont do something that she wants to show off(mainly to the family), she gets mad. How do I deal with a mother thats able bodied, but doesn't want to get a job? how do I deal with a mother that would rather buy a flat screen t.v with my child support, instead of a new computer for school? How do I deal with a mother that complains about helping me with home-schooling, when she is the one insisting on it?

I know this sounds brattish to all the mothers, but I am basically to tears with her. She treats me wrong, even when I do everything for her.

2007-07-21 08:18:02 · 12 answers · asked by babbaler 2

Now mine is a peculiar situation,i live in a russian city which has studies mostly in russian v have only one Indian school(v r Indians)&the standard is not so high,and the other International schools are so costly that v cant afford .Me &my husband are like any other couple loving but at times v r very violent so now the catch is our son is going 2 b 5 he cries a lot at our fights which r every 3 mths (very violent ons)& v need to b really serious about his studies ,my husband suggests that i need 2 shift bak to India with my in Laws for his studies in Delhi.Inspite of all the fights i dont want 2leave my hubby alone (no case of extra maritals with him at least i trust him completely)just cos i feel like living alone may grow the distance btw us als I m not used 2 staying with in laws for past 7yrs.He says he will b visting us every 3 mths or earlier and v can always spend the 3mths summer break here .So do u think i shud acept his suggestion of movin bak.Thanx 4 readin my long tale

2007-07-21 05:56:12 · 8 answers · asked by Anoymous 2

right now, i am 13, my brother is 18 (mike), and my other brother is 20 (matt). 2 years ago and before that, matt and mike got along great and hung out sometimes, and i was rarely ever included. but, 2 years ago, matt went away to college at westpoint. he only came home on some weekends and most holidays. mike was in high school at the time and i was in 5 grade. i never thought i would miss him so much. it made me think about how much i loved my brothers, so me and mike started talking and bonding more. when matt came home for a few days at a time, me him mike and matt's girlfriend were always together, cheriching the last few years we have as the "children". now, two years later, matt dropped out of westpoint and me and my brothers only kept some of the bonding we had. how do we get that FULL bonding we had back? please answer!

2007-07-21 05:49:04 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

my mom was vacuuming and she found a note i had wrote my friend in school . and it was about how my boyfriend sells weed. she confronted me with it and i told her it was my friend who wrote it and she got really upset and was pretty much crying and saying how i could be lying and stuff .i dont want to tell her, so whut do i do? just let it go?

2007-07-21 05:48:54 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

well i dont know what to do my parents dont like him because he is from another country well we have been going out for one year alredy and this year that i have been with him is the most wonderful year that i had and every time that we are together he mades me feel so special and he always tells me how much he loves me. one day i got in trouble with my parents because he gave me a gift for my birthday so my dad found it and went to his house and gave back to him. my dad told he that i didnt need anything from him.Then one day i got so mad and i told my boyfriend to come to my house so we could tell my dad that he is my boyfriend but my dad started to talk and ask him a lot of things and after they finish talking my dad told him that he was not from our country and that we were to young to be in a relationship.i always get so mad when my dad starts to talk about people of the country because i really love my boyfriend and i dont like it when they talk bad about him sometimes i even cry

2007-07-21 05:31:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

please read I dont know what else to do ...
for the past couple of months my mother has continually bought my child :





and a lizard.
Even though my husband and I say TO STOP,so she keeps them @ her home.

I always tell her to please stop buying all these animals.@ home my 13yr.old already has 2 dogs a cat fish and hermit crabs.so its not like hes pet deprived.

the big deal comes in when the pets die and I end up having to deal with my child crying for days over these animals.
so now the lizard has DIED and my son has been away with his uncle on summer break.I really dont want to deal with my son been broken hearted over this,and my mother keeps calling me @ work telling me to please buy him a new one befors he gets back and I always have to deal with this B.S. please help me should I buy him a new lizard to save him from been broken hearted or just let her deal with her consequences???
please I cant take it anymore what should I do?

2007-07-21 05:18:50 · 19 answers · asked by Art 4

I am a 45 year old man and whenever I make advances to satisfy my natural sexual urge, my wife scolds me or shows an indifferent behaviour or even sometimes quarrels with me. She says I have become aged and I should abstain from sexual activities with her. This has caused quarrel between us several times but she is bent on continuing her rude, indifferent or rather cruel behaviour with me.

What should I do?

2007-07-21 05:03:12 · 11 answers · asked by Paresh P 1

If you were raped by a neighbor and you reported it and the police wanted to arrest him right away while you still lived near his gangsta family (who walks around like they own the area) would you allow the police to arrest him or would you want them to wait until you moved out a week or two later.

2007-07-21 04:53:53 · 3 answers · asked by nessa913 4

what is the best possible way of helping her without calling her a liar or telling her that she is crazy? she is taking quite a few pills at the mental institute and i had suggested that she stop taking the pills but the doctors disagree! please help!

2007-07-21 04:52:01 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Loyalty is so much talked about, but how far would you take it? Let say your brother murdered someone, and told you how would you deal with it? Or you son shot his girlfriend in the head and told you it was a accident? How tight would you be then with your family, would you break you silence?

2007-07-21 04:46:55 · 6 answers · asked by flannelpajamas1 4

I've heard of people asking for huge amounts of child support per month, and I start to wonder if all that money is really for the child or for something else. I honestly feel that there are some people out there that abuse the system. Thoughts?

2007-07-21 04:42:12 · 16 answers · asked by mz_neemarie 4

like if a mother had atention deficit disorder, would she pass it to her unborn baby?

2007-07-21 04:32:24 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

would it be ok if i called her "pink monster" or do you think she would get angry?

2007-07-21 04:29:23 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a 5'11" female. My brother is 6'2" tall. However, we two sisters who are 5'4" Our parents are tall. What happened to the other girls?

2007-07-21 04:28:08 · 5 answers · asked by lahlahdipsypo 2

im 15 and my moms friend is 56. she takes me out once a week. we go shopping and go to her house. her name is nancy. she is married and has two adopted daughters that are 26 and 28. i known her for 5 years. we do fun things together. last night, i saw her from 2:00 to 10:00 at night. she is like a mentor. i gave her a 4 paged story on how much i love her and admired her. i wrote in the story that she puffs her hair a lot. she was laughing through the whole story. she holds my hand and kisses me on the cheek. she calls me honey and sweets. she says her daughters get jealous. is this normal?

2007-07-21 04:25:53 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am about to lose my mind, b/c of my in-laws. Everytime I try to tell them NO, they keep persisting.

Here is the list of questions they REPEATEDLY ASK ME!

1. can we, ( FIL & MIL) be in the delivery room and take pictures? And Just "BE THERE" to witness...I think they are sick to want to see my neither regions!

2. Will you, hubby & son go with us to the water park? ( Even though I am having complications, Back & heart problems) Even BIL from Texas asked me 3 times, and I told him NO!

3. can you take a week off while your BIL and family is in town, to spend the entire week with us and them?

( they are coming down next weekend! How can I get the ok by next week? DUH!)
I am NOT supposed to be under any stress...I just got out of the hospital with my heart, luckily the baby is ok.
What do I do?

Please help me!

2007-07-21 04:24:18 · 15 answers · asked by Midnight Winter WOLF 4

i heard that my sister has smoked pot from people and i found in the internet browser she has been looking up how to roll a blunt, also i heard that she has had sex but can't prove that, its really gross. what do u think i should do? how should i punish her im her older brother and were catholic i don't go to church and i used to smoke too

2007-07-21 04:14:15 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

If so, Why?

2007-07-21 04:10:27 · 14 answers · asked by Sherry 1

I have always been a kind and peaceful person. I am proud of the fact that I have never raised my hands to a single person in my life. Now, I find myself in a feud with a simple-minded person (my sister-in-law) who surely will come at me with violence. You see, her boyfriend, who was released from prison a few months ago, gained entry to my home one morning and assaulted me. When I told my husband and the news got to his sister, she decided to convince herself that I wanted that to happen to me, and has gone on a hate vendetta against me. (Her boyfriend's story is that he doesn't remember what he did.) She is still with him, but continues to persecute me. So, after almost thirty years of never having to physically fight someone, I know that inevitably she will try to fight me. I am taller and much stronger than she is, and if it comes down to a fight I want to be able to not only defend myself, but do it well. Please help me find the best way to prepare myself for this. Thanks

2007-07-21 03:58:50 · 7 answers · asked by angyeen 1

When I was 15 I made some mistakes. I decided to change and meant it, but my mom was cruel, said she didn't trust me. She ended up agreeing I had changed and said she was proud of me, but I couldn't see her as a loving mon any more. I've never got over and today, 9 years later, a mom, graduated, I hardly talk to her. She had a problem and despite my extreme ressentment, I helped her. But now she broke her word about something serious involving money and she's not a teen. She apologized, pleaded with me to forgive. If shen hadn't been so cruel to me I'd forgive and forget, but, though my hubby doesn't agree, I'm about to do to her what she did to me. She was so cruel to me when I was a teen, so how come she asks for forgiveness and trust when she messes up much more seriously at age 50?

2007-07-21 03:47:06 · 24 answers · asked by Beth 1

In the state of Pennsylvania

My 21 yr old brother found my 16 yr old brother smoking a cigarette. The 21 yr old started to choke the 16 yr old to 'tell him where his pack was'. the 16 yr old said No and tried to run. The 21 yr old grabbed the 16 yr old and tried to drag him up the stairs.. the 16 yr old got away and called me (his older sister who is 2 hours away at school) for help. I called the police

The police talked to the 21 yr old, then told the 16 year old "If we have to come back here again, we'll arrest YOU for underage smoking"

I was FURIOUS. Since when is it ok for a 21 yr old to assault a minor, brother or not?! He has marks around his neck from being choked.

Did they give the 16 yr old an empty threat, or can they really arrest him? WHat about arresting the 21 yr old?!

2007-07-21 03:27:35 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

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