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Family - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

i want my sister's name starting with'Y'
help me pls

2007-02-19 22:33:14 · 8 answers · asked by katie l 1

i am the daughter..
so her it goes..
this was after school.... me and my friend were the only people there..(hes a guy)
he dragged me to somewhere no one can see us
then he showed me his d*ck.... i was tempted to touch it ... and i did!!i feel so bad.. he touched me too.... i couldnt stop him....

he said that its our secret and if i told anyone, id be in trouble
i want to go to church and confess.... and should i tell my parents??

i need ur help...i feel really bad.

(im 13)

2007-02-19 21:07:59 · 21 answers · asked by Johan 4

my dad is an A** H**, a B******. HE IS a Coward! who always find fault with mum and hit her when she is asleep.
I got mum and siblings out from home and put them in a hotel to for a few days til my elder sis and her hubby comes to visit us this Wed.( tmrw). Then, me and my sis will work things out to bring my mum stay at another place( so long it is far away from the MONSTER ).

2007-02-19 20:48:33 · 9 answers · asked by rinoao 3

to go stay with his dad. long story short- his father is getting remarried- and his clearly confused about where he will now fit in (with new wife and two kids) so lately he has been very teary eyed and often says he misses his dad very much. basically, i need advise from a MAN or boy whose mother sent him to stay with his father. was it the best idea? or would you have preferred to have been with your mother. i am not married, nor am in a relationship. and my sons father is NOT the best role model around. but do i have a right to decide for my son whether he is is or isnt?? i dont know what more to do. my son seems so unhappy lately. i just want him to be happy....

2007-02-19 20:40:42 · 8 answers · asked by halfpint 2

I am in my mid twenties and planning a vacation out of state. I am single and for some reason, my parents feel the need to come along. When I tell them I wanted to go alone, they said it sounds strange for me to want to go by myself. I want to tell them to stay home, but keep the peace. I have been told to tell them off and been told I should just let them go. Any suggestions?

2007-02-19 20:01:33 · 6 answers · asked by Elmo in the Trees 1

their problem why their relationship is not working

2007-02-19 19:56:05 · 3 answers · asked by dark_angel 1


what do u think about giving children their allowance and then keeping a eye how they spend it or we should not give them any allowance?

2007-02-19 19:54:05 · 17 answers · asked by nikumaragarwal 1

My Boyfriend is a good person he has NEVER done drugs, smoked, had sex, gotten drunk,etc. He had some problems in high school and he missed a lot because he has Body Dismorphic Disorder and going to school for him was very hard ...eventually he left school and now he has a job and does very well for a teen. His mom's HORRIBLE. If he gets a bloody nose he has to hide his tissues cuz she accuses him of having a crack addiction (what her psychics told her). She tells him that she is embarassed to be seen in public with him because he is hideous. He has been working out and lost like 20 lbs of fat he weighs 145 now, but she tells him he's annhorexic and his butt fell off. She tells him that he is going to Hell. He can't see his cousins cuz she think they will turn him Homosexual, although they themselves are not (psychics again). She always tells him he's ugly...now he is so scared to even look in a mirror!What can i do???She's DESTROYING HIM! Every chance she gets she tears him down...

2007-02-19 19:37:15 · 10 answers · asked by 1.2..3...Boo 4

has anyone ever been a hostess at a fast phase resturant! is it a hard job ?what do u as a hostess i want details thank you?

2007-02-19 19:35:12 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want peace and happy life of family
tell me some vaastu predictions also.

2007-02-19 19:27:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

what is the advantages and disadvantages of big family/ small family

2007-02-19 19:23:22 · 11 answers · asked by elvin l 2

My friends father recently died. My friend is 19 years old, and I know her because her mom babysat me since the day I was born, so we grew up together. Her father was having knee surgery about a week ago, then the doctors let him home early. 3 days ago he started having a fever and felt week. The next day he died of a heart attack. I must attend his funeral this week. I am very nervous. What should I say to my friend (almost big sister) and her mom(which i call my momma kim or second mom)?

2007-02-19 19:20:22 · 7 answers · asked by youjrys 1

I'm 21,my sister's 30.My sister has 3 kids by 3 guys.She has no job(by choice) & lives off a combo of my 7-year-old deaf niece's social security check,food stamps,& WIC.I'm living with my fiance,who is also 21.We both work full time & support ourselves.We're getting married in Sept. & paying for the wedding ourselves.My parents promised to help out,but backed out because they had to help my sis,something they always do.Recently,my sister asked me if she could borrow all my wedding things for her own wedding.This includes the decorations,my dress,veil,garter,everything but the wedding rings.She says she's marrying the dad of her youngest child & they're waiting until after I get married so they can use my stuff.She gets in violent fights with this guy every other week.She burns his things,kicks him out,cops are called.I'm offended she even asked b/c my fiance & I worked very hard to pay for our wedding.I feel she's just trying to get attention.Am I being selfish?Should I loan it to her?

2007-02-19 17:35:22 · 15 answers · asked by Keruma 2

2007-02-19 17:09:06 · 8 answers · asked by lizlerma03 1

My boyfriend lost his mother and i really want him to know that I'm here for him...what support from family, friends, wife/girlfriend helped the most.

2007-02-19 17:08:01 · 3 answers · asked by Divine_10 2

what do you do when your parents dont go a day without fighting...and is this like..normal..does everybodys parents do this?I really need some advice...i feel powerless...my parents always yell at for stupid stuff....and i just want to no how to handle this....

2007-02-19 16:58:48 · 20 answers · asked by yo 1

ex;frm father ,mother,friend,god,animals

2007-02-19 16:30:40 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

to everyone out there. how do you tell your in laws that everything you do is your way of making your own decisions and that it's not wrong when you screw up. they expect you to be perfect on everything even when you are not. there trying to run my life and i tell them over and over to stay out of my family's problems. help with advice. i tried being nice.

2007-02-19 15:41:07 · 10 answers · asked by basic324 5

My daughter turned 16 on January 24th. She is a sophomore and her boyfriend is a senior. My husband thinks 10:30, I think she should be able to stay out until 11:00 or so. However, my inlaws believe that she should not stay out past 10:00. All of this refers to Friday & Saturday nights. I do not understand why my husbands parents have any say so in this matter. Through the week is a different story.. not much problem there because her boyfriend lives in a different town & mostly only comes over on the weekends. Do I have a right to be upset if my inlaws are trying to control what time our daughter should be home on the weekends??

2007-02-19 15:26:34 · 16 answers · asked by ~Sheila~ 5

Ever since my sister got a boyfriend, my parents and my sister always kept fighting, her telling lies, untill they yelled at her to move out. I didn't feel happy of sad about it. I just felt "ok?" my sister then calls me and say that she is with her boyfriend. Its been two days already and she misses us. She wants to come back home but my parents doesn't like her lying again.

My parents let her go out w/ the boyfriend as long as she is a full time student. the boyfriend keeps her away from school and then maybe take over her. Telling her what to do and how to do it. They have been off and on and it has been driving the family crazy!

her boyfriend keeps controlling her. like doing her laundry and cleaning his shoes and stuff like that. they are not even married!
my parents, my cousins, and my sister's friends know all of the bad things that the boyfriend does to her and they don't like how he is treating her, but she doesn't want to break up with him

what should i do?

2007-02-19 15:26:08 · 24 answers · asked by RS98 3

Does the punishment fit the crime here?
i allowed my nearly 21 y/o neice to marry in my home without her telling her dad////my brother...i didn't like doing it...but was feeling pressured to do so from my neice...who was actually more like my daughter....we were extremely close...long story short.....when her dad found out.....i was totally banished from the family....even my dad threw me away....that was 3 years ago......they say they will never forgive me......i'm not allowed communication with their other 2 children either....he says he has to protect his children from me......before this i was the perfect aunt and sister......was available to babysit at a moments notice.....kept at least one of his kids every week end....we were all as close as a family could be.....i miss them so very much and blame myself for losing them...the neice is back in their good graces.....he says its all my fault.....much more here.....but no space left.....should what i did be a life time punishment?

2007-02-19 15:24:03 · 10 answers · asked by bestest nana 1

2007-02-19 15:15:21 · 2 answers · asked by becky_tubbs 1

I understand that she is 3 and I am 11 so she must want for me to play with her how can I get her to stop. Thanks for your support on this question I appreciate it.

2007-02-19 15:14:35 · 11 answers · asked by Kiki T 1

My son is the first born and is 16 yrs old me and him dont see eye to eye all the time.Like most teenagers and their parents I think. We have problems with the hair cuts he wants the clothes he wears and school grades. He does mostly good in school in grades and behaving. He is a very good kid never no problems with the law or school,drugs,alcohol, pretty good kid.Me and his mother are divorced been that way for 12 yrs. It seems like when I tell him something he doesnt have to listen to me when he is at his mothers house. I try to be involved in his life as much as I can with band, driving, all that he is interested I support him in every way that I can, but I worry about him all the time. I know a teenager needs time with his friends and to have a life of his own but he seems to pick his friends over me to do things with,even after we schedule time to do things together.He breaks his promise and it no big deal with him. Please help me understand! no sarcasim please.

2007-02-19 15:08:53 · 7 answers · asked by WILLIAM W 2

Has anyone ever used a medium to contact the deceased?I'm having a terrible time in greif,and i need help.I want to know if daddy is wanting me to know anything or if he is thinking of me and mom.I miss him and i'm tired. Thank you.

2007-02-19 15:07:53 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was giving Sole Custody of my 10 years ago by NC courts his father has been in and out of his life . Four months ago I moved to MI but still made sure his father got the same amount of PT time he was getting part of christmas and easter break and summers now that we moved he gets the summers and every christmas . He called to tell me that he is taking me back to court in NC for custody again. He doesn't have custody of any of his kids! My son expressed to him that he loves him but he wishes to stay here with me and his brother and sister , Today my son is 11 it is his birthday and his only wish for his birthday is not to be took away from me. I am not a prefect mother it has been alot of trial and error but I have always tried to give my son the best education and love possible and it is breaking my heart inside that he is in pain. His father states that my sons feelings are not important here that he is doing what he feels is best . any advice here to make it easier on my son

2007-02-19 15:05:41 · 2 answers · asked by k®ì§ 2

my brother and his wife asked me to be the God mother of their new baby girl. I said yes, and they are having her baptised the last sunday of march. My husband is in the army and well we live in Kansas at the moment. I am having to go down to my home town to be apart of my niece's baptism.

My question is. What do you wear to this sort of thing? I have never been to a baptism before. What is alright to wear? I dont want to go and be under dressed or over dressed. Please help. I have plenty of time to find something, but I dont want to wait until the last minute to look.

I appreciate your answers.

2007-02-19 14:59:12 · 6 answers · asked by Katherine S 2

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