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Family - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

My mom is coming in for new years and I wasn't sure if she should stay in my house or at a hotel. She's never met my husband and we've been married for 7 months and me and my mom were estranged before I married him. Also the other problem would be I only have a futon in my extra room. I think it would be very uncomfortable for her to sleep on the futon, and my husband would probably not like to have to sleep on it either. What should I do?

2006-12-18 09:32:35 · 19 answers · asked by Louise 3


i'm wondering, if you're over 18 and your sister lays a finger on you can put a charge on her. or does that go with outside the family. i'm just asking this question since it popped into my head

2006-12-18 09:20:52 · 1 answers · asked by Dodo bird 2

mother-in-law.. I wonder Why?

2006-12-18 09:10:25 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

After finding my long lost Dad (despite everyone telling me he was scum) after 33 years, I made a joke about the size of his xmas card and he took it the wrong way. Now he has said he wants nothing to do with me, the kids and my hubby, In a very verbal and abusive way.
I dont need him never had, just would have been nice to have a Dad that was a Dad like my hubbie is to our kids.
Whats your worst with your Dad?

2006-12-18 09:04:44 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

for a very young grandmother

2006-12-18 09:02:54 · 18 answers · asked by shannon r 2

He is a control freak, stops her from seeing me, hates her spending time with me. He only sees her twice a week and has taken her car because she has epilepsy and can no longer drive. He causes her to have fits by stressing her out and arguing about me, he also has an unhealthy interest in my younger brother, will do anything for him. My mum says he is jealous of me but why does she let him do this? I dont know why she is with him. He has ruined our xmas because i cant even go round to see her because he will be there and she will let him slag me off and stop her from talking to me. Its just me and my boyfriend this year and im so depressed because i just want to be with my family, and i dont understand why she has chosen him over her own daughter,i would do anything for her. He just treats her like **** using her and walking all over her. I really dont know what to do i have told her everything i feel. She shows no interest.

2006-12-18 09:01:09 · 7 answers · asked by Cherry Pie 3

Just wanna know

2006-12-18 08:59:02 · 4 answers · asked by felicadc_1 2

ok for christmas eve i have to go to my grandma's house and that's on my dad's side of the family. i have tried to talk out of going and my mom has to go to work cause she is a nurse and so yeah long story short these people are snotty, mean, judgemental, and they talk behind your back and i can't say nothing cause i'm 14!! what should i do!!!??????????

2006-12-18 08:54:02 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mother-in-law and my birth mother were both still adjusting to the fact that i decided to get married at the age of 19 at the Justice of the Peace (instead of having a big wedding like my sister) they could believe that I really loved my husband and was ready to settle down. Slowly though they got use to the idea or atleast stop complaining now I find out that I'm pregnant. They think that it's the reason why I had to get married now and it's just not! I had no idea what do i do?

2006-12-18 08:51:26 · 31 answers · asked by ? 2

they're in cahoots! his mom gives his ex our home phone number, our cell phone numbers, brings her to our house & family functions. the ex used to call & harass both of us constantly when we first got together, then switched to being all 'buddy-buddy' with me. i've had to change my number twice now. they're both lying b*tches that seem to have it out for us & have tried to convince me that he's cheating on me (flat out lies, proven to be so). he does have kids with his ex, but they are going to be adopted by their foster family. my husband says he still has to talk to his ex about the kids, but i just don't get why. she called my new cell phone number less than an hour after our wedding. after everything that she's said & tried to do, i just wish he'd completely cut her out of his life. i know i kinda rambled, got any general advice about the situation?

2006-12-18 08:44:40 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have 2 mixed kids, and i like black guys or white or asian or whatever. i don't discriminate. but my parents are racist. they want me to tell my kids that they are native american instead of black and my momma finds every reason she can to sway me from dating who i want. how can i tell them that i am my own person, and i can't help who i like?

2006-12-18 08:39:50 · 28 answers · asked by trisha_r_c 3

The kind that always shows up at your house almost every single day. Always comes to family affairs even though they are not apart of the family. If so how did you handle it?

2006-12-18 08:36:42 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Especially to a mother? There's a particular woman who doesn't really do a good job of parenting her daughter, and just gives her whatever her daughter wants in lieu of discipline and proper parenting.

It's sickening at best to even hear about the spoilage.

2006-12-18 08:35:58 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 16 years old and I have a shopping addiction. It's all I can think about; buying! All I want to do is drive to the mall and spend money. I have a job but I'm spending all of the money every month the day I get it at the mall; $200. I also steal money from my parents and lie to them about purchases. As well, I have a credit card with about a 5,000 debt on it. My parents have no idea about this. I have also drained bank accounts. I've finally admitted to myself that I have a problem. I don't need to buy clothes, shoes, ect. But it makes me feel happy buying them! I don't know what to do and I'm scared.

And my family can't afford to pay this. I was sapposed to be be saving money for college but I haven't been.

2006-12-18 08:34:41 · 14 answers · asked by Jennifer J 1

well i havent made a noise or smell from my bum bit for 2 years now! Brother, mother , llama and my cat and lover shadow have pumping competitions. I wish i could join in, they laugh at me and sing little songs about my lack of pumping! Shadow has even tried putting air up my bum to create air pressure, this didnt work! Brother even tried blowing into my bum, this just tickled me! What can i do to start pumping again? sent

2006-12-18 08:30:24 · 10 answers · asked by fletch 2

My sis just moved and some of my stuff (one room full) got moved, too. She had insisted that I store my stuff at her place and not a storage unit. Well, now, she wants me to contribute to the move. Total cost was about $400. How much do I give her?

2006-12-18 08:23:47 · 6 answers · asked by frogonalog 2

My grandmother is very old and in good health for her age but has dementia. My parents finally put her in a home last year. Seems every couple of months my grandmother is in the hospital at deaths door then has a remarkable recovery. I don't mean to sound cold, I love my grandmother, but she is not above playing some very nasty mind games even at her age (in her 90's). My parents are in poor health too and I see the toll that this is taking on my dad and it scares me. I don't think he can take much more and he won't accept my help. Any suggestions on how to make things easier for my parents?

2006-12-18 08:13:38 · 3 answers · asked by BlueFish 3

he was lets say 15 and she was 14. they were both young teenagers and very close cousins. he fingered her one time, would that be acceptable and understandable since they are both underage? would he be punished and how? if they kept it a secret and no one else knew, so that he didnt go to jail or juvenile. would she sue him when they are both older and if he is rich? if no one did anything about this, would God have somehow punished him in his life?

2006-12-18 08:04:45 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

I recently noticed in the behaivour of my new 6 year old son ( my husbands but i m going to adopt them because their mom died ) that when things aren't done as he wants and when he wants he throws tantrums (yells and throws toys or objects or hits us). Time out doesn't work. Taking things away doesn't work because he has many toys and games and he always finds something else to be intertain with. Is this only a phase? Or we need to take action now but how?

2006-12-18 07:48:54 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend and I are going to stay with his parents for the holidays . We are both in our mid thirties and this is our first Christmas - We both have never been married - and his fa,ily is really nice - although I think his mom feels wierd that we just moved in together. Are there certain things I need to do? I should do?

2006-12-18 07:47:47 · 12 answers · asked by woozeylucy 2

I need help picking out her present,cause she already got me 2, and christmas is in 1 week!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!

2006-12-18 07:41:28 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My parents want me to play in front of everyone so that i'll be asked to play for church, but they just won't get it that I DON'T WANT TO PLAY IN FRONT OF EVERYONE. I like playing, but i like playing for myself, which sounds selfish, i'm sorry, but to tell the truth i feel like they want me to play in front of the church just so that they can have something to brag about. Now don't misunderstand, i love my parents, they're good people, but there are times when they proclaim our accomplishments rather to loudly. I already draw/paint, and i guess i'm pretty good because people have actually offered to pay for things i've done. Almost everyone already knows about it, and my parents remind me of strutting peacocks when they talk about it. i'm sorry, but i don't want my playing the piano to turn into the same thing, and i REALLY don't want toplay in front of church. I've already tried to make them know how i feel, but they started acting like i'm a bad child that's sinning cause i wont play

2006-12-18 07:39:52 · 10 answers · asked by Konami 1

When she was 13 she messed up, joined bad crowds, She disppointed me, broke my trust and was grounded for about 2 months.But to her, worse than the grounding was my losing the trust I had. Actually for several months I was harsh, treated her with grim words, made it clear I didn't trust her .This made her suffer a lot and maybe I exaggerated, but this has to do w/ my personality. She changed, today she deserves all my trust but our relationship is destroyed, she got extremely resentful. She told me I didn't act as a mom, cause a mom has to love their kids even when they make mistakes. She agrees she messed up and deserved a punishment, but it should be out of love and my duty was help her become reliable again and get over her bad phase instead of submitting her to an emotional massacre. She sincerely regreted what she had done,decided to change and I should've considered this. She says if I didnt help her when she messed up then I dont deserve her now that shes a wonderful girl.

2006-12-18 07:37:41 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

She always says I give the "coolest" gift, so I need to keep it going. I am clueless this year!! Any ideas?

2006-12-18 07:23:40 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend has a 13 year old daughter and there's no love loss between them. His daughter only calls around her birthday and Christmas. She was forced to call him for his birthday and on father's day. He calls her and tries to talk to her and she just blows him off if she answers her phone at all. Forget about her returning a call. When he calls her he'll ask her why she can't or doesn't call him and she always says I don't know. I encourage him to continue calling her so she can never say that he didn't try am I wrong for having him do this? Should he just give up like he's said he's going and wants to do. He's said over and over that he's not getting her anything for her birthday or Christmas, her mother can get it out of the child support money. I told him he should buy her something, should he? Her mother and her family has told her that she's white even though she's half black and half white but my boyfriend is so light he looks white. Do you think she's ashamed of him?

2006-12-18 07:13:26 · 5 answers · asked by Pisces Princess 6

I'm the mother of two, an 8yr old son & a 1yr old daughter. The problem? My parents. My parents keep my son every wkend and for the last 3 mnths, a friend of his too. On any break my son gets from school, my son goes with my parents. My daughter on the other hand has only spent 1 night with my parents since she was born and that was conditional (I had to put her to sleep at their house and be back the next morning at 7 before she woke up). I am a full time student, I work, and that is the equivelent of my life. My problem is anytime I ask them to watch my daughter, I get yelled and screamed at but on the other hand, they act like the sun rises and sets out of my sons behind. Even when I found out I was pregnant, my mom yelled at me and said "there's only one". My dad (who according to me is superman) doesn't have a problem watching either of my kids and mostly just does what mom says. How do I tell my mom that I feel this is unfair without it turning into a war?

2006-12-18 07:12:00 · 21 answers · asked by ricksgrl2005 3

God, I would much rather be an only child, I feel like I live in my brother's shadow. He gets better grades, is better-looking, younger, and a golden-child to my parents. (I'm 19 BTW) WTF man. For those of you who are only children, CHERISH IT!

What do u think:?

2006-12-18 07:05:27 · 6 answers · asked by Greg S 3

My boyfriends brother's girlfriend has an 11 year old daughter who's been acting out at school and home to get attention because she feels her 2 year old sister gets too much attention. She came over yesterday and was talking to me about things that she does and things that bother her. She was telling me things that disturbed me.She was little she was in foster care and her foster father use to touch her. She also made a comment that her mother doesn't care that she's around or not. Her mother's way of dealing with her is threatening her or just down out right beating her. Her mother has beat this child with extension cords, belts, bats whatever she grabs at the time. I've tried telling her mother that she needs to sit and talk to the child and not beat the hell out of her. The response I got was my parents beat the hell out of me back in the day. I've tried talking to my boyfriend but all he sees is the child acting out. What should I do or could I do to help her?

2006-12-18 07:03:17 · 9 answers · asked by Pisces Princess 6

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