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Family - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

I was taught to thank God for everyday you are given, good nor bad. But since she has been sick, she is not the same person. I am suppoting her all the way but is their anyway to help her get through this and still remanin the strong woman she once was?

2006-08-21 18:25:27 · 11 answers · asked by ashloveus 1

If so, what was the outcome?

2006-08-21 18:24:22 · 5 answers · asked by jaimestar64cross 6

I'm not trying to be a cool dad I just like or love these things. I know you'll have trouble taking this question seriously, but I'd appreciate serious feedback. Do you think I'm strange (young and old alike?)

2006-08-21 18:14:42 · 15 answers · asked by Huguenot 5

I am graduating in Dec. with a degree in Elem. Ed. I really like kids, I KNOW I could be a good teacher, have had tons of experience, and have spent the past 5 yrs of my life working for it. However, I don't know if it's what I want to do at THIS time in my life. AHH!!!

My fiance and I are getting married next year and his job will easily support us. Don't get me wrong, I WANT to work, I just don't know if teaching is right for me at this point in my life. I have thought about doing something with weddings, but I haven't had any experience at it, other than planning my own.

My mom is a teacher (the biggest reason that I decided to become one). I don't want to disappoint my family because they have thought I was going to be a teacher all along, but I do want to do what's right for me in my life.

I feel like I'm back to freshman year, not knowing what I want to do. How do I decide what's right for me? Anyone ever experienced anything similar?

Stories would be great!!

2006-08-21 18:07:04 · 5 answers · asked by ☼ lovethesun11 2

i have a loving conciderate partner but his mother and two sisters have said alot of nasty things about me to him trying to turn him against me.
it hasnt worked, we are still together but his family still come to our house and nothing has been said between us, they arent talking to me about what they have said but they know that i know and continue to aked like nothing has happened.
my question is this is it selfish of me to expect my partner to bring it up and defend me? because when ever they come around i continue doing what i was doing before they arrived and he sits with them and i feel like im the only one unhappy about the situation.

2006-08-21 17:45:23 · 12 answers · asked by shandy 1

We are going though rough times together and she has been thru many sad events (divorce, illness etc)as have I. We have only each other and please bless us or lend us your strength..we have more challenges to face tomorrow and beyond., Outside forces are tearing her up inside...Thank you for any spiritual help.

2006-08-21 17:38:28 · 27 answers · asked by TL 2

I'm almost 20 been going out with the same guy for a year and a half but m,y parents still won't let me stay the night. Am I being unreasonable. Should I stand my ground.

2006-08-21 17:28:11 · 22 answers · asked by Nickygirl13 1

consider the ramsey child and many others. These heteros are nothing but child molestors.

2006-08-21 17:24:58 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there such thing as a brat camp for kids? Lke a boot camp or something to straighten out misbehaved kids? If so, where?????

2006-08-21 17:22:36 · 8 answers · asked by tmae 2

i wet the bed, and have day problems too.

2006-08-21 17:19:11 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am so frustrated with my kids! I have 3 boys. 8 yrs, 3, and 14 mths. The 14 mth old sleep in his crib in his own room. The 3 and 8 yr old sleep in the same room in bunk bed. They are constantly playing after bedtime! They constantly get out of bed 8-9 times a night with stupid excuses! I only have a 3 bedroom house. My husband is in Iraq and I have no family support (miltary wife). I am about to lose my mind! My kids don't listen to me! They are starting to walk all over me! I hate to spank their butts! I have tried time outs, taking things away, grounding, everything! I don't spank my baby don't worry! Anyways, it's the 3 and 8 year old that walk all over me! What can I do??!! I'm losing control of my kids! Am I the only parent that goes through this? Sometimes I feel like I just want to get in my truck and drive away forever! Am I the only one that feels like this?

2006-08-21 17:17:49 · 19 answers · asked by tmae 2

Sis & I trying 2 make scrapbook for Mom b'day Sunday - she 60. I'm looking for interesting facts about 1946 for 1st page and interesting facts about 2006 for last page....Any ideas 4 sites? Also, I would like to get her a cute 60 t-shirt to wear.. funny... but not too insulting any ideas? I mean she isn't vain but I still don't like many I have seen thus far - they are just rude. Thanks in advance.

2006-08-21 17:15:24 · 3 answers · asked by aucircle 1

kids gotta love em'... but have you ever tried ur hardest to get a better job, move to a bigger home, and buy a better vehicle and ur kids make u feel like crap? in 8 months i accomplished this and u know wat MY KIDS TRY to make me feel like i failed because maybe i'm not home enuf or sh*$ i dunno. i only work 8 hrs a day and i work less than 15 mins from home... SUMBUDDY PLZ TELL ME AM I DOING THE THING FOR MY KIDS OR ARE THEY RIGHT AND I SHOULD FEEL BAD????

2006-08-21 17:10:44 · 8 answers · asked by princess786900 2

If parents let their children 'run wild', who's to blame?

2006-08-21 17:07:16 · 17 answers · asked by fresh2 4

He was in and out of jail several times from what i know.

I am his first son and a US soilder now and would like to find my dad.

He should reside in California from what i know.

2006-08-21 16:53:58 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

when you're friend(he) dad's beats him but he won't let you tell. Should i tell someone i'm really afraid he's going to get hurt really badly. He's already broken his arm once what should i do?!!!!

2006-08-21 16:51:30 · 33 answers · asked by georgiagurl 1

I am very wurried. this is the question i want know .if you wer saved once and then fell away do you think God will forgive you of that and can you still go to heavin?

2006-08-21 16:42:44 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mom is on yet another line between death and sobriaty. She has tried to recover many times but always for the wrong reasons. She doesn't listen but wants help. Mentally and physically she is close to her end and loosing my mother is a real concern. She says she wants help but will not listen to anyone and doesn't want to take the right steps to getting help. She wants a quick solution. So what do you do when there is no listening just repeated conversations of talk that go no where. I don't want to loose my mom but i know I can't be the one who saves her she has to save herself.

2006-08-21 16:36:43 · 13 answers · asked by AJ 1

2006-08-21 16:35:15 · 8 answers · asked by zsmom 3

He's a single dad of 2 young kids and his 3 year old son was throwing a temper tantrum in the grocery store. He was attempting to talk his son out of it for well over 5 min and his son wouldn't give up. I told my boyfriend that he was rewarding his son with communication for being bad and that he should try ignorning him and continue shopping. He glared at me and later he told me not to tell him how to raise his kids. The thing is, I'm pregnant and if he won't let me help now then I don't know what it will be like when we have another one. He makes me feel that because I don't yet have a kid, that I know nothing and I'm beginning to think that it won't change. I've showen him tons of times that my ideas work but he still won't implemet them. And I've talked to him and he says, "they are my kids." What about when we have our own? Then what? I have no idea what to do. I'm thinking of asking him to join counseling before our baby is born.

2006-08-21 16:27:33 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

me and another cousin have found pictures of a close cousin of ours drinking and smoking..she is too young for that.. we dont know how to handle it, but wanna do something because we really care about her... she has a very good singing voice and often does musicals and plays and stuff.. smoking will ruin this for her.. can someone please tell me how to help her? im thinking of asking an older cousin for help with it or to talk to her becuase she is older and more mature...if i have to, i will confront her myself and be blunt about it.. itll b awkward, but its for the best...

2006-08-21 16:20:39 · 6 answers · asked by .. 1

About 2 weeks ago we took away my 5 yr old daughter's blanket so she would stop sucking her thumb. The first few nights were not to bad, but now it isn't good and seems to be getting worse. Every night turns into a 1&1/2 hour battle to get her to stay in her room, stop crying, whining and throwing fits. All of this commotion of course while the two year old is running out of her bed as fast as we can get her in there. By the time the 2 yr old finally gives in, the 5 yr old is in full swing and starts the 2yr old over again. Of course pushing us over our breaking point (which I think is just where they want us), then my husband starts taking everything away from her for the next day we are frustrated and very angry, and screaming at each other and eventually the kids. When they finally fall asleep I am so upset and mad that it takes me another hour or so to beat myself up about what I did so wrong. Then I finally fall asleep only to dread starting the next battle with everyone.

2006-08-21 16:14:19 · 6 answers · asked by saint5 1

I know 6 people who were adopted and have 3 friends who have adopted babies, is that a lot or is adoption more common than i used to think? (BTW my husb is adopted and i am very pro-adoption.)

2006-08-21 16:13:11 · 2 answers · asked by Hot Lips 4077 5

I am 17 and I am very mean toward my 12 year old brother. I am pretty sure that this hate comes from my parent's obvious favoritism toward him. It seems the more my parents pamper him and give him everything his heart desires, the more I dislike my brother. I HAVE tried to talk to my mom and dad about this, but they simply deny it and go back to showing him favoritism. I do not want to hate my brother so much, but I can not help it. It seems that I can be laughing one moment, but as soon as my brother shows up I become really ticked off. I also have a younger sister of 15. I do no have this feeling toward her. I want to have a better relationship with my brother, but it seems near impossible. Can someone help? Any advice would be appreciated.

2006-08-21 16:06:46 · 10 answers · asked by toaster9795 3

my cousin is 10 years older than me and i would like to hang out with her just once because i really look up to her. i don't want to wait for an oppurtunity such as a new store that we both like opening. i just don't know how to ask her because i think if i just came out and said it she might feel as though she had to go with me and i understand that her being 23 and me being 13 is not the most enjoyable time for her. at least i don't think it would be. i got some good advice last time i asked, so i thought i'd collect some more answers. thanks for any help

2006-08-21 15:58:43 · 15 answers · asked by Lili 1

I ask this to see the responses I'll get- its to see people's feelings on the matter, rather than a contest between mothers/fathers which I highly disagree with.

2006-08-21 15:57:17 · 12 answers · asked by fslcaptain737 4


2006-08-21 15:42:19 · 19 answers · asked by Sock it to you 1

how do I apoligize? and make her forgive me and make things back to normal how can i make her believe me?

2006-08-21 15:36:26 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I try and talk to her like mothers and daughters should but I feel like shes not listening.She yellls at me for the smallest things and get angry for nothing. She gives me the look down with my outfits and makes me feel very uncomfortable and upset. If I try to confront her she thinks I am lying and gets mad. That or she rolls her eyes and stops listening. She thinks what I have to say is stupid and I am just tired of her treating me awful. I am on the verge of running away cuz I'm sick of her crap. I dunno what to do. She doesn't listen, no one else confronts her, she would never go for therapy, and I am lost. Most of the time I am scared ot tell her stuff and I just don't feel comfortable talking to my own mother. I cry a lot and I am ready for a change....if you can help me please do!

2006-08-21 15:33:12 · 12 answers · asked by anonymous 1

my daughter and I have been very close all her life , she is acctually my best friend, but for the last year, when I call her she answers the phone instantly by trying to get rid of me, yells at my constantly and hangs up on me if i try to talk to her about anything... sometimes all i get out of my mouth is ... how are you today and thats about all I get to say... this makes me feel very bad, especilly since I have no one else ..
she still lives at home with me and I pay most of her bills since she is going to college...

2006-08-21 15:30:25 · 9 answers · asked by beviebaby 1

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