I'm 15, fortunatey have a good relationship with my parents. But I see so many cases of bad and hurtful relationships that I'm upset and scared. It seems most parents are unforgiving and only love and trust their kids when everything is OK. But if they mess up, everything is lost, love trust, good relationships. And sometimes this makes kids so resentful that they their resentment will go to adulthood. Is it possible for a kid to be forgiven if he or she messes up? I've never done anything bad and don't inted to, but I'm a human being and can, of course, make misstakes. I I make one, will everything I 've built in terms of love and tyrust be lost? I think if my parents make some mistake I'll forgive them? So, why does this have to be on-way? I think not forgiving their kids is somewthing cruel and selfish of their parents, who can't accept and loive their kids when they make mistakes. I guess this is not the case, otherwise all parentskids relationships would be destroyed forever
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