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Family & Relationships - 26 April 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

Does anyone know Sharon atsatt and her address or whether she got married recently?

2007-04-26 07:41:08 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

Is it cheating to communicate with other men from my computer at work when no actual sex talk occurs, just teasing and suggestive talk?? No real names are used and never will be.

2007-04-26 07:40:45 · 38 answers · asked by misty_ghostdancer_1 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Myhusband left me for a neighborhood friend. He moved out four blocks away, She lives five blocks away in the other direction. She put her husband out who moved around the corner from me. I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP. The winch and her husband have 1 daughter. My husband and I have two kids. We take the same train to work but sometimes he gets off the train at my stop when he is coming from her house in the morning or going there in the evening. All kids are under 8.
He is paying the mortgage. I can't afford it. He is also paying the day care and tution for our kids I can't afford. He has threatened to seek full custody of the kids if I move out of town. I can't afford $20,000 in attorney fees.

He still gets invited to friends parties & he takes her. Sometimes I am invited and sometimes not. I am miserable.
He won't divorce me and is fighting my divorce filing. What??? I need any advice that you can give. I am thinking of moving away giving them the kids. Better absent than crazy?

2007-04-26 07:40:19 · 14 answers · asked by jazz41 2 in Marriage & Divorce

im getting married and dont know what kinds of foods and drinks people usually serve at their reception... help!

2007-04-26 07:39:05 · 17 answers · asked by jersey_girl130 3 in Weddings

I'm 37 yrs old and I already have an 11 yr. old son. I never ever pictured myself having only one child, and I have been wanting another one for years now. My husband has made it clear he doesn't want any more period. He refuses to even discuss it. It makes me sad when I see babies because I know I will never have another one. I find myself wandering into the baby section of the stores whenever I go shopping just looking at all the cute little things I will never be able to get. It's driving me crazy. I'm getting too old to wait much longer, if I'm going to have another one, it has to be soon or not at all. I just picture myself in a few years depressed over the loss of my "womanhood" because I'll be past childbearing years. Please don't say volunteer at a daycare or a hospital, because being around babies makes me sad. I have to get over wanting one of my own, but how do I do that?

2007-04-26 07:37:03 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I am white, but tan sorta, and i will never go out with a black girl, i'm not prejudice, but its just how i was raised and i do not think it is right.

2007-04-26 07:33:20 · 20 answers · asked by jack c 1 in Singles & Dating

i am a rap artist and i put down good ryhmes and stuff, and a guy copies me.... ive heard ot startving artists but this is redikulus, they bying my ryhmes like red-vine licorice. and im not diggin this, its gettin out of hand, any chance i can, should i shiit on the man?

2007-04-26 07:31:22 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

My friend who is 22 and is in the army...he's going to marry some girl Friday or Saturday and he doesn't even know this girl. I mean...he's been talking to her over the phone for about a month and he has met her once in person. I think she's only going to marry him for his money and he wanted to hurry up and get married cause he's going to Iraq in May. I've told him over and over again that he shouldn't marry her. ****...when they get married..they are only going to get to spend like a week or two with each other then he's gone to Iraq for 15 months. Someone please help me by telling me what to say to him so he doesn't make the biggest mistake in his life.

2007-04-26 07:29:54 · 8 answers · asked by Lisha 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I walked in on him last week in the living room...He tried to play it off but it was too late. It was awkward but we havent talked since then...what to do?

2007-04-26 07:29:05 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I just found out that i am having a baby im 15 how do i tell the dad he is 15 too

2007-04-26 07:25:46 · 18 answers · asked by I'm over him 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

Ive only been married 2 years and I have a one year old daughter.My husband and I recently moved in my husband 's old house because we lived another part of the country.The house is where he grew up and is where his elderly mother is living and has done so for a few years because she cannot afford living on her own.My husband pays the mortgae and all the bills.Ive never had any hesitation of sharing a house with her she seems like a nice lady,But lately its starting to change because I am noticing shes overly possesive with the house.The furnishing and decorations have 2 be her way and shes not open 2 any changes and she has many old figurines of no value where it easy for my one year old to grab old of and I suggested whe put them up higher or away in a safe place just for a while until my daughter outgrows the touching everything phase well she exploaded.She wont have it and expects me to yell at a 1 year old all day everyday.My husband is away on a work assignment.What am I to do?

2007-04-26 07:24:46 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Ive only been married 2 years and I have a one year old daughter.My husband and I recently moved in my husband 's old house because we lived another part of the country.The house is where he grew up and is where his elderly mother is living and has done so for a few years because she cannot afford living on her own.My husband pays the mortgae and all the bills.Ive never had any hesitation of sharing a house with her she seems like a nice lady,But lately its starting to change because I am noticing shes overly possesive with the house.The furnishing and decorations have 2 be her way and shes not open 2 any changes and she has many old figurines of no value where it easy for my one year old to grab old of and I suggested whe put them up higher or away in a safe place just for a while until my daughter outgrows the touching everything phase well she exploaded.She wont have it and expects me to yell at a 1 year old all day everyday.My husband is away on a work assignment.What am I to do?

2007-04-26 07:23:55 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous 2 in Marriage & Divorce

If you own, how much is your house payment?

2007-04-26 07:21:17 · 15 answers · asked by krymarbet 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I have a great girlfriend of 6 months...We had alot of problems in february.(she lied)..She has also dumped me 5 times in the coarse of the 6 months, which makes me wonder when the next time is going to be....but we get back together a couple of days later each time. Now, when i am with her we laugh and joke and have a great time...i feel happy...but when im not with her, i think bad thoughts of everything that has happend since february...the thing is, i dont think about one thing in perticular, its just like a hovering thought or lingering..at night i cant really sleep for the same reason...but when i get up in the morning i cant really remember what issue i was dwelling on all night. I think she might have made me very insecure in the relationship..and im not used to that...Any ideas on how to get over my insecurity...what can i do? what can she do? she wants to make me feel better...

2007-04-26 07:19:00 · 18 answers · asked by dav m 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I work 50 hours a week. My wife dose not work out side the house. She takes care of our two childeren, a two year old and a six month old. So I know she works. She cooks wonderful meals and is the most wonderful mother our kids could ever want. The problem is the house is always a mess. Not a small mess but a big one. When I get home she wants me to do the cleaning. When I get upset it starts an arguement that lasts all night. I love her but I think she should clean a bit more. I will help but shouldn't she have things clean when I get home? I just want some some advice

2007-04-26 07:18:58 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

This past March my mom asked if I wanted to move to Nekoosa with her. I told her that I would have to talk to my boyfriend Evan about it. I asked him if he wanted me to go and he told me that IF I move he will move in July after his graduation party. He recently proposed to me and I said yes. Well people in his classes keep telling him that he just messed his life up because he is only 18. Now last night he told me about all this and he doesn't know if he wants to move up here or not. He said he loves me and wants to be with me but has to think about everything about us being engaged and him moving. My mom and I are supose to get applications today so he has a job and with $2.89 a gallon and not having that much money we don't want to get them and him not even move. He asked what if he didn't move and I told him then, " I wasted my time going to a school with no friends and getting our apartment set up. My question is, if he doesn't move should I move back to Kenosha or stay here?

2007-04-26 07:18:16 · 5 answers · asked by Haley Candace 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Just recently a guy I know from my past has popped back up in my hometown. He was a really bad guy when he was younger....and has been in and out of jail. Anyways, I ran into him at a bar, struck up a conversation, danced together then spent the whole night (until 8am the next morning) talking. He seems so different now..Like I'm talking to an entirely DIFFERENT person! We've been hanging out a bit, and he is hoping for a relationship. Saying he wants to settle down and have a normal life. Compared to his past gf's, I'm not his type, NOT AT ALL! I'm settled and independent, he's always went for wild & crazy. Do u think he really is wanting to change? Is it possible? Should I give him a chance? I've always believed people can change, and I do like him. We agreed if anything was to happen, we would take it slow. Should I give it a try?

2007-04-26 07:15:58 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating


Recently my husband cheated on me with his coworker. I want him to find another job so he and the tramp can't work together anymore. He is refusing to do so because it's like dropping his career. He works as a recreation supervisor for the city. Is it fair that he find another job for the sake of our marriage?

2007-04-26 07:12:17 · 48 answers · asked by dmL 1 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-04-26 07:08:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I sent this young lady a text message to tell her I was thinking about her, and she told me she had been thinking about me; however, she had sent me a text message over the last two days, and I had not responded. She then asked me was I ok? I sent her a message telling her that I had been hanging out with my cousin, and she texted me back and said "Fair Enough". I am not sure, but I think that may means she's a little annoyed with me. What do you think?

2007-04-26 07:07:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 3 years but we've known each other for 10. In the beginning he lied to me numerous times to avoid conflict so my distrust for what he tells me is very strong. I always worry about where he is or what he's doing or who he's with even when there's proof that he's telling the truth. He even lies about stupid things like calling out of work and being afraid i'd get mad that he did it. Even after all the lying he'd done even when i ask him questions about his whereabouts and try to get him to tell me the truth when there's proof he's lying he still lies. I love him more than anything but we have major trust issues and I don't know how to fix them. I just want him to see the damage he's done but being so selfish but I don't know how to get him to see it. He hates being confronted and just gets angry when i bring it up, even if i do it calmly and rationally. Any suggestions?

2007-04-26 07:02:52 · 10 answers · asked by Dziner 2 in Singles & Dating

now that i took my husband back he has a code on his cell phone is there anything out there that can unlock that code so i can see what he dont want me to see. if there is anyone out there who can help me find out whats on that cell phone please write back.

2007-04-26 07:02:31 · 54 answers · asked by sherryBerry 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My friend complains to me all the time about how he is unhappy in his marriage. He has 3 kids who are all under 3 years of age. Everyone tells him "it's cheaper to keep her". You need to stay and just tolerate her. They argue everyday. They've been married for 4 years now. She has no job so he's afraid he'll have to pay alimony. He tried to discuss his feelings with her but that only leads to another argument. My question to you guys is, do you think he should stay in an unhappy marriage and be miserable or should he leave the marriage and try to be happy either alone or with someone else in the future. Couple of things to consider, there are young children involved and if he leaves, he'll be paying a lot of $$$ in CS for 3 kids and possibly alimony.

2007-04-26 07:01:24 · 12 answers · asked by #1 Monkey Minion 3 in Marriage & Divorce

I caught my x of a few years cheating so i left him. Now all of his single friends are after me, the one I really want says he wants me too but he is too scared to be involved w/me. What can i do to change this? Or does he only want to sleep w/me and have no strings attached?

2007-04-26 06:59:13 · 3 answers · asked by kelly k 1 in Singles & Dating

I'm 21, I've never gone on any dates, except for the prom. I'm starting to feel like I'm really missing out on a lot of stuff. A collegue gave me an ultimatim. By Wednesday I have to at least approach someone and asked if they'd like to hang out, on campus preferably at the cafeteria. I was brought up very conservatively. I don't like drinking or partying. The last time I tried to ask someone out the person ended up being taken and it didn't end very prettyly. I'm still a little haunted by it. How do I do this?

2007-04-26 06:57:41 · 6 answers · asked by christigmc 5 in Other - Family & Relationships

i really love this guy please give me some ideas on how i can get him back he is very upset because i yelled at the baby.

2007-04-26 06:57:17 · 35 answers · asked by lilblonde_bombshell15 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I have dated their son for almost 3 years, and have lived with him for 2. His parents recently finished building a cabin and they are all going up there this weekend. The other son was invited, as well as his wife and her kids. My boyfriend has asked once (in passing), "are you going this w/e?" But his parents have not invited me.

Am I over-reacting? Or is this a clear sign that they want nothing to do with me?

2007-04-26 06:56:06 · 9 answers · asked by LadyMango 1 in Family

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