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Family & Relationships - 3 April 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

im a 26 year old guy, she`s only 16. is it wrong if we see each other?

2007-04-03 09:04:54 · 28 answers · asked by Ghost Boy 7 in Marriage & Divorce

i am having my 14th birthday party and have NO IDEA what i want to do for it. I want it to be super cool and the guy i want to go to grad with is gonna be there so i want a party that'll make him want to ask me. By the way, the boy knows i like him and he likes me too, but he does not want to ask me to grad. should i ask HIM?


2007-04-03 09:04:18 · 11 answers · asked by xxkaitsogreatxx 2 in Singles & Dating

How do you get a guy to notice you and let him know your interested in him without being too obvious?
Soon we are both going away on a school trip for two weeks, so I figured that this would be the perfect opportunity!

2007-04-03 09:02:22 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Why does my crush always tell me to "Man Up"? Is it because I always smile at her when she looks at me or something else? And what is it to "Man Up" anyways?

2007-04-03 09:02:09 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Why are so many men these days terrfied of committment? What is it about being in a committed relationship that is so awful? Let me know your thoughts...

2007-04-03 09:00:17 · 20 answers · asked by julianna76301 5 in Other - Family & Relationships

I need help. i have a small crush on a boy. i know he liked me last year but i didnt but now i do. How do i know if he likes me? I need signs. i am going to start flirting and talking him more but how do i know if he likes?

2007-04-03 09:00:17 · 19 answers · asked by brit 1 in Singles & Dating

OK, I come from divorced parents so the real problem started about 19 yrs ago. I grew up with my dad in HOUSTON, TX. My mom, in SAN ANTONIO, TX, opened an income tax business and asked me to "help" her out. I agreed to move 3 hrs away (into my own apt) to help her out; i thought it would be a good oportunity to get to know her and spend more time with her. I started off working 60+hrs/wk with no lunch hr. I am responsible for answering every call, attending every person that comes in, all the paperwork, i do EVERYTHING basically except clean and pay rent for the office, and shes hardly ever here. My checks arent that bad but when you break them down by hour, its not worth it. And I have a son and husband that i hardly spend time with. I do extra around here and all she does is complain to me about the things that go wrong. I dont want to quit on my mom but she doesnt give me any reason not to... she IS MY MOM and she has done a lot for me.. other than work we get along well.

2007-04-03 08:58:53 · 12 answers · asked by curly 1 in Family

I am a widow with three children, am very much in love with this man...we are planning on getting married. We just closed on our new house, and I found out he has a site - activated last month before we bid on the house. I am beside myself. He doesn't know that I know. I think he did it when he was angry with me...and he hasn't answered his mail at all...maybe he just "used" the site...should I wait and see if there is any more activity? I've thought of adding a photo of my hand with my engagement ring on it...

2007-04-03 08:57:09 · 32 answers · asked by Moonblossom 1 in Marriage & Divorce

About a month ago I was going through a rough patch and I decided to confide personal things about myself to one of my friends. This person hasnt returned my calls since, I really dont think their that trustworthy or a friend and I feel vulnerable, as if they are going to tell others about me. Should I feel this way? Anyone ever have a similar experience? How did you get over it? What can I do to get past this and how should I deal with the person if I ever see them again?

2007-04-03 08:55:49 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Ok you are newley weds and you have a seven month old that was born 3 months before you got married. Your housband goes to mexico because that is were he is origanly from for 2 weeks. You know for a fact that a lot of females like him and would do anything to have his baby. What would you do?

2007-04-03 08:54:44 · 31 answers · asked by chrissy20us 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Just curious what you think!

2007-04-03 08:54:16 · 18 answers · asked by ? 2 in Marriage & Divorce

so me and this guy david have been having a long distance relationship since the beggining of december, ive always trusted him untill recently at the end of march i went onto his myspace profile after a long time i dont normally get on it but i did cause his phone got turned off, so on his page i seen a bunch of comments from another girl saying how much she loved him and couldnt wait to spend the rest of her life with him and then i seen a picture of her within his other pics it was of her with a heading saying "this is my babygirl, she will be min and mine forever." i got realy upset and did some research and looked at her proflie and seen messages from him saying that he loved her with all his heart and he wanted to marry her, he had alreayd asked me to marry him and we were going to look for a ring this summer. so i confronted him and he said they were jsut good freind playing, what does he think i was born yesterday. idk if i should stay with him or not and jsut keep a close eye.

2007-04-03 08:53:33 · 39 answers · asked by Leeann 1 in Singles & Dating

How do you know that your girlfriend is ready to become your fiance? Are there certain signs one should look for? Is there a time period that should elapse before you should think about marriage

2007-04-03 08:52:23 · 25 answers · asked by citizenparticular 2 in Singles & Dating

Everytime I get a bf, I end up liking another guy in bout 4 weeks . Plz help!!

2007-04-03 08:51:09 · 21 answers · asked by Nanner*Bell 2 in Singles & Dating

My soon-to-be ex is already frolicking about with the new man in her life, and i'm kinda feeling sorry for myself and wishing we could get back together, although i know getting back could be suicidal for me. I'm advised its not wise to remarry soon because of the children, but i need a "mother" to help me bring up the girls, and someone to love to help me maintain my sanity and keep me from "wandering". Any views on if i should remarry, and how soon, bearing in mind my young girls.

2007-04-03 08:50:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2007-04-03 08:50:48 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

Okay this guy at my church wrote me a letter telliing me he liked me and everything and told me to call him so i didnt called for like 2 weeks....so when i saw him at church i told him i wasnt feeling him and he asked for a hug so i gave it to him..and i told him i hope we could still be friends.... i tried to be as nice as possible what do you think?

2007-04-03 08:48:59 · 28 answers · asked by Tired_of _the_games 1 in Singles & Dating

i want to visit someone who lives in a different town but i don't want to invite myself; i want them to invite me. how do i hint that i'm free and that i might like to visit without inviting myself?

2007-04-03 08:48:54 · 9 answers · asked by Kirby 3 in Singles & Dating

It never ceases to amaze me how beauty can turn men's heads - and turn their lives upside down!

This may be more of a rhetorical question, but I am always amazed at the POWER that beauty has over men - that's really the most accurate word to describe it!

Are there any men out there who will turn down a beautiful woman and resist her?! Do men ever even try?

2007-04-03 08:46:57 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I was just wondering what you guys prefer more? When your testicals hang low or when they are tight and up near you?

Girls what do you like to see on a guy?

2007-04-03 08:45:38 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I have been dating my girl for 6 months now; she has a young son that i help take care of on weekends and we are pretty serious. she has an ex-boyfriend who I have had to deal with since the first day we met. He lived in her then apartment complex and they would hang out when i wasn't around. He never hung out with her when I was around.... my girlfriend said its because she was hanging with me and that she didn't need him. You see... he would help off-load her stress of being a single mom at times and was therefore part of her support network. It all makes sense... but its just one of those things that seems to be happening behind the scenes... something I am not a part of or in touch with... i don't know -- i guess no one's world should revolve around one person... but is this healthy -- normal? I mean what is her ex's motive -- to simply just help her and get nothing in return? I guess if they are friends that is enough. I am not pointing fingers just looking for perspectives.

2007-04-03 08:45:27 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

For clarification:
By "girls" I mean teens through twenties.
By "older men" I mean thirties through forties.

What's creepy?
What's sexy?

2007-04-03 08:43:47 · 14 answers · asked by Aaron W. 2 in Singles & Dating

My wife came home the other day and she was all dressed up for work. It was a beautiful day and since she knew it she wore a dress and got all decked out. When she came home her hair was messed up and she seemed a little sweaty. Again is was a warm day and she likes riding with the windows and sunroof open. However, I got freaked out when we started fooling around. I was using my fingers on her and noticed when I pulled them out that they were extremely soaked with a slimy/milky substance that looked like something to be concerned with. I accused her of cheating on me, but she swears she didn't. She says that she believes that the substance all over my hand was that she is at her ovulation time (she is in between periods) and that her body must be producing some kind of ovulation substance very heavy this month. She said that I need to learn more about a woman's body. I only know that we been together for 2 1/2 years and I never had that kind of discharge on my hand before, please help

2007-04-03 08:41:03 · 22 answers · asked by david 3 in Singles & Dating

Maggie & Parker had affair and fell in love. Each was in bad long term marriage w/ 2 kids. They live 150 miles apart. Each agreed to leave their spouses, begin divorce & then Parker would move in with Maggie & kids in her town within 2-3 months. They would live there for 1-2 yrs then move to Parker's town so he could be near his kids. Marriage was implied & was important since Maggie had custody of her kids. Maggie left her spouse immed. & was divorced in 5 months. Parker left his wife but stayed in his town, chose not to move in with Maggie until aft. divorced. Maggie waited15 months for him to get divorced. Finally he said he'd move in with her but he feared she wouldn't be able to move back with him because the ex would stop her in court. He said that since he wasn't sure she could move, he would NOT marry or commit to her until she lived in his hometown. What do you think? Is this right? How could Maggie drag her kids 3 hrs to his town when he didn't commit or marry her?

2007-04-03 08:33:54 · 6 answers · asked by batscout 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Is he so tall that the top of his woman's head reaches lobes of his ears or he is so tall that the top of his woman's head reaches his elbow?

2007-04-03 08:31:27 · 20 answers · asked by Like 2 in Singles & Dating

No one in the world, including Tobey Maguire, knows what it is like to be raised by a bully father and a mother who is not only a monster-in-law, but wants nothing at all to do with you as well. My mother says that I am an embarrassment to the entire world, and she also says a ton of hurtful things to me. In my 33 going on 34 years of living on Earth, my mother has done the following:

1. In the summer of 1984, she blamed me for hiring a heavyset white man to be my Bus Camp Counselor.

2. In Halloween of 1986, she and I had an argument over a boy because he was white.

3. In the fall of 1988, she said, "You fit it perfectly, Louise. You and your white boyfriend."

4. In the summer of 2004, she said, "He's in his world, and I'm in my world." When she said that, it involved Tobey Maguire.

That is why I don't want anyone in the world, including Tobey Maguire and his daughter, to get hurt because of my family and most of all, me, the main embarrassment of the world.

2007-04-03 08:29:28 · 3 answers · asked by Louise Smith 7 in Family

Of course I wana have lots of money, but I dont wana die.

2007-04-03 08:24:36 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Was it a high conflict situation or did they get along alright? Can you tell us a little about how they handled meeting your needs although apart?

2007-04-03 08:17:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

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