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Cars & Transportation - 12 December 2006

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I see all kinds of other auto manufacturers listed, but the Italian exotics are not repesented. How do we get new auto manufacturer answer categories?

2006-12-12 11:11:16 · 6 answers · asked by SoCalSkierGuy 4 in Other - Car Makes

I want to buy a used car.I have a baby and a big stroller.My husband is in the Army so its going to be up to me to take care of the car so I want to chose the easiest to take care of.I dont have a car & I've never owned 1 so this will all be new experience for me.I'll probably use it to do the everyday things.

2006-12-12 11:09:48 · 5 answers · asked by K 2 in Subaru

My boyfriend is trading in his Ford truck and looking for something cheap and efficient to commute to work in. He found an offer for an '01 Hyundai Elantra and is interested. I was wondering for any owners of this vehicle what your thoughts are on it?

2006-12-12 11:07:23 · 4 answers · asked by bebedejuin 2 in Hyundai

this is compared to work done in line maintenance,engine overhauling,and sheetmetal..

2006-12-12 11:05:18 · 6 answers · asked by jon a 1 in Aircraft

i have my learners permit and i am wondering what happens if you get pulled over for going about 10 mph over the speed limit. i live in pa

2006-12-12 11:02:58 · 1 answers · asked by hondarider400at 3 in Other - Cars & Transportation

Whats the difference between regular and RV antifreeze? Will regular antifreeze damage the drains; should I do this over before it is too late?

2006-12-12 11:02:57 · 5 answers · asked by ckmkm17 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I have an 2003 infinity M45 and one of my headlights is out I called the dealer today and the bulb is $257.00 plus tax (holy Crap) for one bulb? I need another solution here or another car please help my email is johndegra@yahoo.com

2006-12-12 11:02:11 · 3 answers · asked by johndegra 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

might be totaled, it's borderline, pretty beat up front end and steering, dosen't start. other party at fault, not sure if their insurance is valid. someone suggested i take it to a dealer, 2001 isuzu rodeo 4x4. is that better than an Joe Smith auto body repair?

2006-12-12 11:02:03 · 6 answers · asked by Susan 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

Need to know how to disable the DRL. The fuse labelled EBU under the dash which the manual indicates as the DRL fuse does not control the DRL. Removing that fuse only disables the passenger side airbab!

2006-12-12 11:01:16 · 8 answers · asked by rembrandt28214 1 in GMC

While warming up the engine does not release heat until temp gauge reaches H and then the tstat opens and heat pours in. While driving above 2000 rpm the heat keeps coming in, but when I slow or stop the heat vanishes and the gauge goes up to H only to repeat the cycle. There is a slight smell of antifreeze coming through the vents only after coming to a stop after highway driving, then it disapears. It has a new radiator. I had the tstat replaced and the system was flushed, but I haven't had a chance to drive it longer than 15 minutes. It didn't have any symptoms for that short drive and heat was coming out as the gauge was going from C to the middle line. Were the symptoms because of a bad tstat or is the head gasket blown?
Thanks in advance

2006-12-12 10:58:28 · 9 answers · asked by Hannah B 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I'm wondering how I broke my serpentine belt. Was it something I did, or is it just time that the belt be replaced? It is currently at the dealership, being repaired, but I just wonder if I did anything that caused this to happen that can be avoided in the future. Let me know!

2006-12-12 10:48:23 · 14 answers · asked by raz_a_lee 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

It was checked by two mechanics. All is clear. They both said they checked EVERYTHING. Good spark...motor compression good. Changed spark plugs, fuel filter, fuel injection. Checked ECM and coil packs, timing chain. Everything is doing what it's supposed to do except start. Any suggestions?? The mechanic is literally scratching his head over this.

2006-12-12 10:46:32 · 3 answers · asked by jamielyn1107 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I'd really like to have a dual sport but then i live far from offroad areas and at the same time i dont want a pure street bike.. altho if i bought a dual sport id be using it mostly on the street and maybe once a month or two off road... and not to mention i got no one to go offroading with !

what should i do ? i cant buy 2 bikes nor have space in my apt complex for a trailer.

2006-12-12 10:45:34 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Motorcycles

have seen someone blatantly flouting the law by driving every day without tax or insurance

2006-12-12 10:41:45 · 26 answers · asked by natasha nilssen 1 in Insurance & Registration

I have a 95 Honda Del Sol, and I recently took it in to a Jiffy Lube to get a Tranny flush. After that I noticed that my temp gauge wasn't moving..I figured they they knocked out the wires or something, but then I notice that my heater wasn't getting hot anymore. So the gauge isn't broke, it's reading right. Sometimes the gauge moves up a little bit, but most of the time it barely moves at all and my heater is barely warm. I did have low coolant, and when I put more in it helped slightly..my next guess is the thermostat going out...any other suggestions? thank you:)

2006-12-12 10:38:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

its a 86' trans am and it cost 2500?

its ays needs interior extrior restoration and it says OBO..what does OBO means??

is it worth 2500 bucks... i only have 4000

2006-12-12 10:35:34 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Buying & Selling

I have a bose system in my car. I want a little more bass and I was thinkin a bazooka. Its perfect for me. A self-amplified 8-10"
sub. what subs are compatible with bose because I heard that most subs don't works with the Bose 2 ohms?

2006-12-12 10:33:43 · 4 answers · asked by T-Rev 1 in Car Audio

First car suddenly stopped because there is a parked car in the middle of the street. Then a second car came in and made a complete stop on time without striking the first car. However, a thrid car strikes the second car and a fourth car strikes the thrid car, pushing the second car to the first car.
So Whose fault is it?

I know that the law requires drivers to be in full control of vehicles at all times. but Whose fault is it? Is it going to be all three drivers behind the first car's faults?

Thank you

2006-12-12 10:31:45 · 13 answers · asked by Nate K 2 in Insurance & Registration

How is it that if a central crash barrier gets damaged by a collision and buckles and bends they immediatly put cones around it !!!!! Is this to warn approaching motorists not to have a crash into the barrier at this point as it is damaged. As if you can pick a piont to have an accident. This has perplexed me for a number of years and if you ask the people who put out the cones you get an answer 'Well it's damaged' Please think about the answer very carefully cos I don't think there is one apart from sticking a cone somewhere for 2-3 months untill repaired.

2006-12-12 10:28:33 · 11 answers · asked by metalmicky 2 in Safety

i live in california and recently just got my new car's license plates. am i required to put the front plate on?

2006-12-12 10:25:51 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Insurance & Registration

2006-12-12 10:20:11 · 5 answers · asked by neil f 1 in Jeep

any address', websites and maps would be helpful too

2006-12-12 10:19:47 · 2 answers · asked by Boeing 777 2 in Aircraft

I saw a program on PBS called "Warplane" and in part of it they discussed Lancaster Bombers being made of wood - skins too. Nobody believes me and i can find no info no matter where I search. Please help if you know anything.
Thanks to all (except those who answer only for the sake of earning points without actually attempting to answer).

2006-12-12 10:17:04 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Aircraft

We just took a trip to Chicago my van drove fine the whole time, but at the end of the trip it started making a low rumbing sound. The temperature gauge said it was normal mid temperature and the fan is not coming on. There is plenty of coolant. I am going to pull the thermastat as soon as my husband gets home so I can run out for a wrachet. Is there anything else that I should check? I am pretty handy but I am no mechanic.

2006-12-12 10:14:28 · 9 answers · asked by lovingmomhappykids 4 in Maintenance & Repairs

The lady wants a whole new bumper. She said she had already gotten money for the bumper in the past but didnt use it on that. Should I be responsible for her new bumper even though i didnt cause anything more than a scratch about 1mm thick

i was at fault in the accident

2006-12-12 10:09:05 · 13 answers · asked by gamer86 1 in Insurance & Registration

I have a 91 Maxima with the VG30E engine in it, i was wondering if it is possible to put the VG30DE in to replace it without too much of a hassle. The VG30DE came in 92-94 Maxima SE. I have an automatic transmission. Would i need to change out a bunch of things or would it be minor replacements like the crossmember and motor mounts?

2006-12-12 10:06:07 · 6 answers · asked by troubled1367 6 in Nissan

this is on my 1994 chevy s10 truck the truck runs and on occasion it decides to stop running, its not throwing any trouble codes at all but the vehicles computer will not talk to my scanner and when in self diagnostic mode it only sends acknowledgment code,and that is all when it dies it usualy after being driven.ive replaced pugs,cap,rotorcap and ignition modual.fuel pressure is supposed to be good as stated this is intermitent,because there is no warning when it does it and it stays down for at a minimum of a half an hour to a hole day

2006-12-12 10:06:01 · 5 answers · asked by billy w 1 in Chevrolet

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