We just took a trip to Chicago my van drove fine the whole time, but at the end of the trip it started making a low rumbing sound. The temperature gauge said it was normal mid temperature and the fan is not coming on. There is plenty of coolant. I am going to pull the thermastat as soon as my husband gets home so I can run out for a wrachet. Is there anything else that I should check? I am pretty handy but I am no mechanic.
9 answers
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Cars & Transportation
➔ Maintenance & Repairs
The reason I think it is getting hot is because the hoses are extremly hot(untouchable) and you can hear a boiling noise after it has run for a while and there is no noise when I first start the car. The Coolant/antifreeze as I said is full. When I opened the radiator an hour after I stopped it was up to the top and the overflow had quite a bit. I dont have an oil pressure gage so I can't tell you about that. Just a dummy light and there are no dummy lights showing up.
10:26:14 ·
update #1
it is a 2000 Dodge Caravan.
10:29:11 ·
update #2