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Religion & Spirituality - 28 November 2007

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What if you just don't like sex at all? Or is that just too crazy?

2007-11-28 05:33:12 · 4 answers · asked by chem sickle 3

about their interpretation of the Bible?

do they think their "being correct" when it comes to how they interpret the Bible is undebatable?

if so, isn't that an obvious arrogance?

2007-11-28 05:31:36 · 12 answers · asked by Ťango 3

2007-11-28 05:31:06 · 2 answers · asked by Mandolyn Monkey Munch 6

A user called "The End Is Near" made a statement in my last question of "Beware of false prophets." I am particularly interested in his view, but his email was not open.

2007-11-28 05:30:19 · 33 answers · asked by Caveman 5

I find it offensive and inhumane that our freedoms to criticize the religious and their religions are being taken away LEFT RIGHT AND CENTER!

What can we do to stop the censoring?

What is this ******* world coming to???????

It brings me to tears to see what our forefathers had fought for, is being slowly being taken away piece by piece....


2007-11-28 05:29:57 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous


This article was sent to me by a friend
Now atheists can go to sunday school

2007-11-28 05:28:12 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is this for real? who would have thought our little group would have it's own fashion?


i thin the next thing we need are "nude clothes", "bald" baseball caps, and An empty stamp collecting book...

2007-11-28 05:27:48 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Our Cooperation.

We know that for the Lord to complete His good work in our being that we have to work along with Him. He has promised to empower us, to supply us with life, to be there as our Shepherd before us and as our Overseer with a bird's eye view.But day by day, how do you and I give Him our cooperation in carrying out what He has begun in us?

There are two verses that I want you to consider. They show our part and they also show God's part as we work together for the fulfilling of His good Pleasure.

Phil 2:12-13
So then my beloved even as you have always obeyed not as in my presence only but now much rather in my absence.. work out your own salvation with fear and trembling

For it is God who operates in you both the willing and the working for His good pleasure.

Daily He supplies Himself as the " manna " but do we cooperate to awaken to gather the manna? Share on how this kind of word speaks to you practically in your own life?

In Christ

2007-11-28 05:27:07 · 7 answers · asked by Broken Alabaster Flask 6

2007-11-28 05:26:38 · 5 answers · asked by ? 6

and 'God' showed itself to you and told you if you become a believer, you would go to 'heaven', would you become a believer or just think you were hallucinating being that close to death?

2007-11-28 05:26:17 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

1) How did you come across your religion?
2) Is God/Jesus the same person?
3) Is there one true church and if so which one is the true one?
4) Do people who kill, rape, or succeed suicide go to hell or heaven?
5) Is there a certain way you have to worship in your religion?
6) How do I find salvation in your religion?
7) Which is the oldest religion Christian or Paganism?
8) Why did God/Jesus let all those hardships effect Job? Would this be called a bet with Satan? Was he trying to prove something to Satan? Explain and please do not quote the Bible I want this to come from what you think and feel.
9) Do you believe that we are in the last day/years of life on Earth?
10) Do you go to church because you want to be closer to God/Jesus, or do you go just because everyone else does and to make your presence known?

2007-11-28 05:25:45 · 13 answers · asked by summer_summer1978 2

I know there's going to be a lot of turmoil caused by this question, but I guess I kind of have to ask it anyway.

In the bible, is there anything that tells Christians not to judge others? Where does it say this (please quote)? Now explain why it is that there is so much judgment toward atheists/pagans, etc. on this website?

Do you feel it is YOUR job and not the job of your God to judge these people?

Also, when you are questioned about what you would do if you were wrong, why is it that most of you answer with a question and not an answer? Do you believe yourselves to be all knowing? Wasn't/Isn't that Jesus' job? Why is it okay not to educate others and yourselves through debate and discussion rather than just ignoring the actual question so you can sound holier than others? How is this creating more followers of Christ? Don't you think it's doing more harm than good to be so closed minded?

I mean no harm, these are just questions I'm curious about.

2007-11-28 05:23:49 · 27 answers · asked by Azure AM 4

2007-11-28 05:22:49 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think that when the emphsis is mainly on believing on Jesus we can make a dangerous mistake in causing people to not believe Jesus. The law of God, the ten commandments is our mirror that should show us our sins and the Holyspirit convicts us to look to Jesus. It can not save but the need for repentence should be evident when we see a sinless Christ crucified for our sins. So shouldn't they both be preached hand and hand ? Please show me your view and proof texts...here is mine. (1) Isaiah 58:1 (prophetic book : Show my people their sins...) (2)Revelations 2:5 (prophetic book: Remember whence thou art fallen...repent.)(3)Gal.3:24 (The law was our school master... to bring us to christ...Mosiac and royal)(4)Romans 7:7 (Is the law sin? God forbid...Knowledge of what sin is.(5) 1 John 3:4 (Sin is the trangression of the Law...) (6)Hebrews 10:16-23 (God writes his Laws in our hearts...Let us draw near with a true heart....lets us hold fast our professsion..)(7)Hebrews12:2 (Look to Jesus)

2007-11-28 05:22:34 · 8 answers · asked by princecurtis7 2

Sin is a christian concept, so christians can be sinners because they believe in sin.

Non-Christians that do not believe in sin can not be sinners, because sin has no meaning to them.

To Catholics, Confession is a big deal, but its not a christian ideal, so to them it means nothing. Do christians feel guilty that they dont go to confession? No, because its not within their guidelines of belief. Same with sin. If you dont believe in sin, it means nothing to you.

Another example. Laws differ state to state, they only apply to you if your in a certain state, or reside in a certain state, if your not in that state, those laws mean nothing to you. Laws in NY mean nothing to someone in CA. Same with Sin. Sin is the law within christianity, it only applies within the realm of christianity, if you arent christian, you are exempt.

To sum it up. Drop the fire and brimstone speach, and drop the sinner speach, it doesnt apply.

2007-11-28 05:19:11 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

...there would be no wars? That seems like a pretty ignorant statement. War has always been about power, and greed. If there was no religon, we would just find something else to fight about. Possibly land, minerals, supplies, people, ect.

2007-11-28 05:18:14 · 31 answers · asked by The Space Cowboy 1

athiest = without belief
as$ thiest =?

2007-11-28 05:17:55 · 3 answers · asked by crazee gash 1

for the time span of evolution:
consider our sun.
it is shrinking at a steady rate each year, right? using up its fuel.
pick a length of time for evolution to occur... i'm not sure what number is guessed at right now.
now increase the sun's size at the rate it is shrinking for that number of years.
i calculated this out a while back, and anything over a million years is preposterous. the number of millions (i forget how many, but it was what the scientists were guessing at that time) i used put the sun's size way past pluto.

on the other hand, 6,000 years doesn't make much difference.

any explanations for this problem?


i understand that the rate of shrinkage might have changed a little bit, but still...

2007-11-28 05:16:58 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean, I look EXACTLY like the picture on my avatar, at least on Friday nights down in the village.

2007-11-28 05:16:57 · 40 answers · asked by Yahoo admins are virgins 5

The Unity High School in Sudan came to public attention when one of its teachers, Gillian Gibbons was arrested by Sudanese authorities for allegedly insulting Islam by naming a teddy bear, "Muhammad".

Islam traditionally condemns any depictions of Muhammad, who Muslims regard as the last messenger and prophet of God. The teddy bear was named Muhammad by a vote of the class Gibbons was teaching.

The bear was named Muhammad after one of the boys in the class who had that name.

Isnt the reaction just over the top? She could recieve 40 lashes! It is ridiculious!

2007-11-28 05:16:31 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or would it be a sin to sleep with either?

P.S. I am not an atheist I am Christian, so this is not a baited question.

2007-11-28 05:16:22 · 3 answers · asked by AtomicCheese 3

...it is only at his resurrection that the New Age began.
Anyone who argues that is totally out of touch with all Christian theology. Go ahead. Tell me all about it.

2007-11-28 05:14:58 · 8 answers · asked by Tom C 1

Isn't it possible that God used evolution as his plan to create the earth? Since it's impossible for Evolution to just start itself on it's own, and since I don't think it's realistic that humans just popped outta nowhere.

2007-11-28 05:13:30 · 21 answers · asked by Cat Diapers 3

I Asume that the meaning of the word anglican means "english", if it has another meaning please explain me.

For example I live in Mexico city, and I'm catholic, it would be useless that I convert to anglicanism, because I'm not in England, And by your saying I understand that anglicans are the catholic church in England. If the church is ONE, is St. Thomas More a Saint for the anglican church? for the roman catholic church he's a saint.

Canterbury would be as Rome for the anglicans in America, If catholics in England are anglicans and don't have any thing to do with Rome, catholics in America don't have anything to do with England, so there shouldn't be anglicans outside England, that's only a personal opinion, I don't know if I'm right.

there are things I don't understand, I'm asking with respect.

2007-11-28 05:12:27 · 6 answers · asked by XERARDO 3

all the facts that support the theory of evolution?

2007-11-28 05:10:19 · 25 answers · asked by bblove 2

2007-11-28 05:09:58 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are you ready to be judged by God? wicked beware for the kingdom is fast approaching.

2007-11-28 05:09:20 · 34 answers · asked by RONALD M 1

?????????? Treat as two questions or one - _ either Thanks alot ya'all Bless You !!! ???Answer needed quicklky.

2007-11-28 05:09:10 · 2 answers · asked by Ridealong R 1

What I mean by a good vibe, is that the person can disagree with you but not leave you feeling insulted.

2007-11-28 05:02:44 · 21 answers · asked by The exclamation mark 6

The new testament is about the resurrection of Jesus.. Half the Christians that answered to my question did not know where to find it. They asked me, a person they consider to be an atheist, to tell them where to read it.
Some of them had very smart Christian mouths. The Christian mouth is the sign of the authenticity of Jesus.

2007-11-28 05:01:57 · 17 answers · asked by Tom C 1

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