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Religion & Spirituality - 28 November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

What would you quantify as evidence of a personal Creator (not deistic philosophy)

Would it be, a world without suffering?
Would this creator have to reveal himself to you, on your terms even if he didn't reveal himself to the rest of the world or is personal "revelation" sufficient.? [Revelation meaning that you were divinely shown proof, perhaps a being appeared to you professing God's love as many have claimed]

If you find offense in this question, there was none intended at all, I'm merely interested in hearing diverse responses as to what the "evidence" should/would be.....

2007-11-28 05:00:22 · 33 answers · asked by Hope 4

At last count, Christians made up 26 % of population but reports are that they are growing.

I was wondering if they are more devout than the hypocrites who call themselves Christians in the U.S., in regards to issues like beliefs, abstaining from sex till marriage, family values, etc...

2007-11-28 05:00:07 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are we at war for:

control of oil
control of the land in the middle east
money (haha)
political power

or is it a fake war, where real fighting and real terrorist (but who were the terrorists) are used to scare the american people (and others) into begging for a war, (with this theory another terrorist attack would have to happen soon) and then soon, when the idea is proposed, begging for a central government to stop the fighting (or that could happen now) that central government would be the UN and slowly the United States would dissapear.

Just a theory, play around with it and tell me what you think.

2007-11-28 04:59:31 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

seriously though, how could you convince people of something that sounds too crazy to be true (esp. if it was)?

2007-11-28 04:59:28 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Prophecy: where in the bible?
Wishful thinking: what do you think will be the outcome for the rest of the world?

2007-11-28 04:58:59 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Today seems to be the day of the dragon,
I see dragons wherever I look !

Tell me your thoughts about dragons, what do they represent to you and what role do they play in your religion ?

2007-11-28 04:58:18 · 15 answers · asked by Laff -Hugs 4all- 5

in response to the following article


wouldn't you rather be wrong about god, if you knew that scientists discovered a way to create life and from this discovery eventually found a way to cure millions if not billions of people's suffering? or do you pray that you're right?

2007-11-28 04:57:20 · 7 answers · asked by just curious (A.A.A.A.) 5

I was watching the Today Show today and I saw the piece on Muslims buying up US companies.
They are 'investing' and buying large parts of companies.
Soon will they own the entire US?
If you have ever seen pictures of Dubie (idk how to spell that)
you would be shocked at the sheer amount of money they have.
Are you slightly frightened by this new trend?
Or are you excited by it?

Tell me your point of veiw on how it will effect the market and America's freedom.


2007-11-28 04:54:30 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do they waste their time if they believe that?

2007-11-28 04:52:40 · 2 answers · asked by Tom C 1

Robert L. Short, argues that the typical portrayal of God - and the ideas of heaven and hell- by mainstream churches is incorrect and not in line with Biblical teachings, the concept of a heaven that only some can enter, and the alternative of a burning eternity in Hell, presupposes God not as a being of love, but an entity who torments people out of pure sadism, and as such, is more likely to drive people away from Christianity. Short argues that the Bible provides that all persons get into heaven (not just a select few), and the hell the Bible speaks of is not a place one goes to after one dies, but the suffering one goes through while alive if they become separated from God. This misreading of the Bible is the type of error, Short argues, that for those who believe in the goodness of people, would therefore be more likely to encourage them to choose atheism. "If I had to believe in that sort of monster God that most mainstream churches are proposing, I'd still be an atheist, too."

2007-11-28 04:52:07 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

can. She is starting to ask a lot of questions about the world around her and the answers that I would give her would confuse her more than her original question. (You know, why are trees green, why is the sun warm, etc) So me and my wife, who is a christian, decide that saying "God did it.", was a better option.
I figure when she gets older she can make up her own mind.
Did I cop out, or did I do the right thing?
What will (did) you do with your kids?

2007-11-28 04:51:06 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

The evolution of the earth is based on the assumption that the key to the past is the present (things continue as they always have- this is used for earth processes), yet evolution of genetics is all about change. Also, how odd is it that the evolution that is observed is the degredation of organisms and loss of genetic information, yet evolutionists believe evolution has built up and gained genetic information. How odd is it that Evolution is considered to be fact when it is based on assumptions (the processes of yesterday are the same as today) that can not be proven to be false and are not possible to be verified as truth, while Creationism is based on the truth of the bible (which if it is true means Creationism is based on fact) and creationism is not considered fact. The point is Creationism is based on fact statements while Evolution is based on assumed statements and the only argument evolutionists have is that the bible is made-up. That of course is their only hope.

2007-11-28 04:50:25 · 13 answers · asked by wiley16350 3

Would you believe in God if someone gave you an extra 10% of your income, under condition that you must believe an old guy with a long beard created the cosmos? I'm thinking about founding a religion that pays people to believe it rather than visa versa.

2007-11-28 04:50:17 · 22 answers · asked by 2 5

I've heard from Mormons that it wasn't really wine back then, which is absolute B.S. I've also heard from them that wine was healthier back then which is also weird. We know wine in normal amounts is healthy today, an anti-oxidant, so why are they so against it? Jesus turned water into wine. Wine was used as communion from the very beginning of the church. My theory is that the early Mormons had to ban any luxury item such as alcohol and tobacco in order to prosper because they were poor. Is that true? If wine is bad for you, even small amounts (which is not true), then why don't Mormons ban red meat, super sugary snacks, fast food, high sodium snacks, etc.? Lots of people die of obesity as well as alcoholism. Can a Mormon or a mormon scholar please answer me this question? Your own God drank wine!

2007-11-28 04:49:07 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have seen alot of questions and answers by atheists.
they all seem to be eighter bitter or rude to any one with any sort of faith.i dont having anything against them or want to annoy them
but iam new here and i every time i go into the RELGION AND SPIRT SECTION for some reson they are all there al the marjority
of them. say there is no god it is only us.

2007-11-28 04:47:49 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous

isn't that some kind of labeling of some sort?

2007-11-28 04:46:35 · 20 answers · asked by Ťango 3

Can't kids just pray when they get home?

2007-11-28 04:43:20 · 49 answers · asked by ~Smirk~ Resurrected 6

It seems a lot of you are associating "faith" with "religon." Come on now, I thought you were suppose to be "logical." I got this from dictionary.com

1. confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in another's ability.
2. belief that is not based on proof: He had faith that the hypothesis would be substantiated by fact.

So now that you all have been enlightened about what "faith" really is. Is is safe to say that atheists have very strong "faith." I mean gez, they even use a science example for the 2nd definition, come on now.

2007-11-28 04:42:21 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

If islam lets you people marriage two wifes it is because men has more sex need. Look at american county for example. People rape milions of wemen or buy prostitiutions or becoming gays or change their wifes all this is because they have needs. Islam is a scientist religen knows about this based on men need1500 years ago. Even doctors of west agrees this.

So instead of denying facts . think about truth of this and open your hearts to the light.

Save yourselfs and find only way to go paradize.

Wake up to truth

Allah Akbar

2007-11-28 04:42:04 · 10 answers · asked by Ahmed 1

Let's assume for the sake of argument that evolution is 100% fact as it is now known, no issues, controversies, etc. Anyways.. The idea states that evolution is a system that should speed up as time passes. For the most part this is seen to be true. It takes forever to get past simple cells, a long time to get complex life, bla bla bla you get the idea. The more time passes, and when the system gets going, it speeds up. However, if we look at our world now, it seems evolution has come to a halt or a crawl. Animals are still complex, but we haven't seen anything that is pushing the limits beyond what we have known for a while. No matter what creature, nothing is improving by leaps and bounds like what the theory suggests and shows.

This theory also is shown through 'human evolution.' Our inventions started slow, fire, wheel. Took some time making tools, advancements, etc. But now we are doing electronics, and all that. It isn't slowing down, we are advancing rapidly.

2007-11-28 04:41:06 · 12 answers · asked by sir_richard_the_third333333333 2

Think of it like a hole in a donut.

If we believe these premises:

a) God is everywhere
b) We are not God
c) These molecules which make our earth (air, water, plants, animals etc) are not God.

Then God must be everywhere we (and everything else) are NOT. But before we were, God must have been there. Therefore, God must have retracted part of himself in order to make room for us - and everything else.

Makes you think, huh? Even if you don't believe the premises, try to answer as if you did! ;-)

2007-11-28 04:38:47 · 12 answers · asked by Purple_ giraffe 3

why do you find religion uninspiring?

2007-11-28 04:35:29 · 14 answers · asked by Miche 2

Did Jesus say "Let a hundred religions proliferate."? as he passed around the muffins and jelly?

Was this on the same day that he rode a donkey in the parade, and they waved fronds at him?

2007-11-28 04:34:25 · 27 answers · asked by Saint Nearly 5

Becoming a (train) conductor is a conscious decision....

To not drive a train isn't.... (unless perhaps your father was a conductor and said to you one day "Son, how about joining me in the family business?)

2007-11-28 04:32:28 · 12 answers · asked by I'm an Atheist 3

I'll ask my other question once again. I asked this question like 3 minutes ago:

Now, after reviewing the answers, the general consesus is "I don't know." So I will ask once again.

Doesn't it take a lot of faith to be an atheist, when you simply "don't know," and neither do any of us.

2007-11-28 04:31:53 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

can someone give me some example of anything that hasn't be invented, discovered or born, through some mutation, for lack of a better word, of it predacessor? perhaps "everything" is too broad of a term. one would imagine eventually going back far enough we'd eventually get to some state of ultimate simplicity, i.e. energy.

2007-11-28 04:30:50 · 15 answers · asked by just curious (A.A.A.A.) 5

or is it only the Bible-fundamentalists?

2007-11-28 04:29:45 · 26 answers · asked by Ťango 3

Am I the only one who finds this type of idiocy to be indicative of a movement I would not wish to join even were one able to provide evidence of the existence of a "God"? Am I the only one who would rather potentially burn in Hell than wind up with this schmuck for a neighbor? Seriously.



2007-11-28 04:28:53 · 34 answers · asked by Blackacre 7

Friendship with the World

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

— Romans 12:2

When we come across the term "world" in the Bible, it isn't necessarily speaking of the Earth, per se. Rather, it is often speaking of a system, a mentality, or a way of thinking. This system, this mentality, is controlled by "the god of this world," also known as Satan.

A serious enemy the Christian faces today is the world. The Bible warns, "Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God" (James 4:4). In the original language, the term "friendship" in this verse appears only in the New Testament and speaks of a strong emotional attachment, to love, to have an affection for, or even to kiss.

The Christian who turns from Christ and His church to seek pleasure and satisfaction from this world has put other gods in His place. That is the message God gave Jeremiah for His wayward people: "For My people have committed two evils: they have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, and hewn themselves cisterns—broken cisterns that can hold no water" (Jeremiah 2:13).

A cistern is a large well or pool carved in a rock. A broken cistern has sprung a leak and can't hold water. God is saying, "If you go out there to the world and drink from that well, it is not going to satisfy you."

So what are we to do when we are surrounded by this mentality, this world system that is so contrary to what the Word of God teaches? The only way to counteract this world's message is to saturate ourselves with the things of God.

2007-11-28 04:28:30 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

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