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Religion & Spirituality - 7 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I work in an office with an open floor plan. My desk neighbor praises Jesus in almost every sentence. While my belief is not his, I don't mind it...until he starts proselytizing. I've explained to him that work is not the appropriate place to discuss religion and please stop. That works for a while until the next day when he starts over. I think he's decided to "save" me or something, but I think it's just rude. I've set my boundaries but he keeps stepping beyond those boundaries in the name of "Jesus!" When he's not proselytizing, we get along fine. He's a nice guy. But when he gets on a roll, he's the Holy Roller! Without reporting him to HR, how can I get the guy to stop?

PS - Please don't answer to tell me I'll be burning in hell. Serious answers only, please!

2007-09-07 15:55:56 · 36 answers · asked by the_dragyness 6

You know as well as I know that no human has the ability to change the physical properties of matter.
If your god magically transformed it, then how come no-one saw any molecules of water changing???
Isn't it interesting that no-one saw it change.
That means jesus was a magic man.
He played a trick on you Christians.
If this miracle supposedly took place than the air in the room would have smelled differently.
Jesus would have used the air to change it.
Did anybody smell anything differently???
Of course not.
See, through logic and reason, we can conclude that it never happened.
Stay tuned for lesson 8 in atheism conquers Christianity

2007-09-07 15:55:16 · 40 answers · asked by WINDIWS VISTA ULTIMATE RULES!!!! 1

i am 16. But why do older people complain about the Kids of this generation being nasty and bad, whereas you older folks allowed the removal of ANY kind of prayer in schools.

2007-09-07 15:54:53 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think that the second

2007-09-07 15:54:42 · 10 answers · asked by BaC Helen 7

2007-09-07 15:53:55 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-07 15:52:53 · 18 answers · asked by busybee 2

Learning she died has made me cry. Here are some of the words she molded round her thoughts.

"Our truest responsibility to the irrationality of the world is to paint or sing or write, for only in such response do we find the truth."

"We tend to defend vigorously things that in our deepest hearts we are not quite certain about. If we are certain of something we know, it doesn't need defending."

"Infinity is present in each part. A loving smile contains all art. The motes of starlight spark and dart. A grain of sand holds power and might."

"I do not think that I will ever reach a stage when I will say, "This is what I believe. Finished." What I believe is alive ... and open to growth."

and one last quote, from 'A Wrinkle in Time' seemingly written just for me...
"'Thinking I'm a moron gives people something to feel smug about,' Charles Wallace said. 'Why should I disillusion them?'"

2007-09-07 15:52:47 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

.....does Vegemite remind you of anything else? What might you compare it to? Spiritually speaking, of course....

2007-09-07 15:50:28 · 22 answers · asked by Jack B, sinistral 5

So, as far as I am aware, Boy Scouts will not accept Atheist (or some say non-Christian) boys for enrollment.

Do the Boy Scouts also receive public funding?

Is this not illegal then for them to discriminate in this way since they are receiving tax payers' money?

Please note - I have no legitimate source for this - it IS just hearsay - just thought someone out there might know the truth. If the above is true, it is shameful and I am drafting a letter to my senator and congressman.

2007-09-07 15:48:27 · 9 answers · asked by struds2671 3

After doing some research it has come to my attention that Jesus is almost exactly like the Egyptian God Horus. Both were born of a virgin on Dec 25th and visited by 3 Kings. Both were baptized by a "Baptist" who was beheaded. Started to preach at the age of 30 and had 12 diciples. Both were Crucified and buried; then resurrected. Why do you think the bible took this story for Jesus?


2007-09-07 15:43:28 · 31 answers · asked by thejoyfaction 3

I know the answer. Do you?

2007-09-07 15:43:07 · 8 answers · asked by Enigma®Ragnarökin' 7

What do you think? Is that a good idea? Why or why not?

2007-09-07 15:42:45 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay, so I'm taking Biology this year, and one of the students asked the teacher how we developed a conscience. My teacher said something like our brains evolved over time or something, and then she changed the subject. It didn't sound very convincing.

I honestly don't understand how people could have developed good and bad all by themselves. Like killing a man is wrong type of thing. Like how did humans develop justice? How do we know what is right and what is wrong? And why do some people have different rights that are wrong to others? And how do we know Hitler wasn't right and we're wrong? Since we're ever changing animals wouldn't we have just maintained what the other animals considered good or bad? Could you please explain how it happened?

I simply ask because I want to be able to defend what I believe.
Thanks much.

2007-09-07 15:41:28 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok so i work in SF CA for a big hospital. one my employees, for her answering machine message. left this " hi you've reached blah blah at blah blah. im in a meeting right now. have a blessed day. now this is at work. this is her work phone. i really don't think that this is professional. at home thats ok but this is her work! please tell me your oppion. do you think this is ok or not appropriate? tell me your religion too plz if any

2007-09-07 15:39:37 · 21 answers · asked by Veee 1

I want everyone to listen only god will judge us and know one can come and say we are going hell. And know one has any proof that god said that. And i don't believe that being gay is a choice.There is alot of people who we think are straight or gay becuz they were always gay. They only were straight to hide their true feeling for the same sex. And u can never change a person from being attracted to the same sex.

2007-09-07 15:34:48 · 76 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-07 15:34:35 · 46 answers · asked by Santiago 1

Axel 'invited' us to give up all the atheists' inventions (scoff) and live in the jungle? I'd glady put my faith in God as I have so many times, but kept thinking today, "wouldn't that be testing the Lord"; and "Jesus already did that when He was tempted by satan for 40 days." Anyways, God answered the question today; Ora Anderson, 76, survived 13 days in Oregon woods with no food and possibly some water from a river. Asked how, Dr. DeLashmutt said, "Miracle". When sis-in-law was interviewed, she said"she made it through with prayer and healthy lifestyle."
Isn't that awesome?
*Article can be seen @ http://www.cnn.com

2007-09-07 15:33:27 · 14 answers · asked by dawnUSA 5

Muslims have so many sects. You know the obivious Sunni and Shia. But there are the others Sufis, alwaities, Druze, Ahmadis etc. Each one of them calls each a Kufr(non believer) and kills each other. Why do muslims of different sects kill each other?

2007-09-07 15:27:42 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I ask for informaton gathering only

2007-09-07 15:27:21 · 31 answers · asked by . 3

2007-09-07 15:26:55 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was visiting India and I found out Hindus were performing almost the same rituals has Muslims. But Hinduism is much older than Islam. Some of the similarities I saw.
1. Abulition, Hindu brahmins are supposed to clean their body before prayers.
2. Enter temple with right feet.
3. Enter restroom with left feet, and say prayer before you enter and leave restroom.
4. Hindus circle a stone called shiva linga. Muslims circle the Kabba which is supposed to have a stone.
5. Hindu brahmins are supposed to shave under arm hair and pubic hair every 30 days. Muslim do it every 40 days.

Why so many similarities?

2007-09-07 15:25:08 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Something had to create your god.
Everything has a cause.
It is not logical that a "god" could just puff into existence.
Its common sense that nature created everything.
Try to be honest Christians, if god is supposed eternal than time cannot exist.
If time cannot exist than the expasnion of life cannot exist.
Therefore god cannot be eternal.
Your god must be finite.
Don't believe me, than how come we have watches???
you know I'm right, admit it!
Stay tuned for lesson 7 in atheism conquers christianity

2007-09-07 15:21:52 · 9 answers · asked by WINDIWS VISTA ULTIMATE RULES!!!! 1

I was told that if I don't marry a Christian man I would go to Hell. Is this true?
I Love God and I I am not going to convert, but I also respect him and his religion. If we are supposed to love everyone then why can't I love him?

2007-09-07 15:21:36 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

This was someone else's answer I turned into a question. (sorry lindsay)

If I have no physical body how will I feel pain. I know science is not the strong point of most christians but it sort of defies physics.

2007-09-07 15:21:05 · 10 answers · asked by Gawdless Heathen 6

or do you completely agree with your preacher?

2007-09-07 15:19:53 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

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