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Religion & Spirituality - 7 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Hi, people!
When I was a kid, I found a weird item on an old abandoned house, and all these years, I've been wondering what in the world could it be...
It is a piece of polished wood in the shape of a trapezoid with three spirals (made of some kind of tin or copper wire) incrusted on the top surface. When I found it, it had three quartz rocks wrapped inside each one of the spirals, like those handcrafted spiral wrapped crystal pendants you can find in some jewelry stores.
It looks to me like some strange ornament or a rock display stand; but I know the man who used to live in that old house was dealing with scientology an occult sciences, so it may be related in some way to it...
Please, tell me if anybody knows what it is and what it is used for.

2007-09-07 18:18:25 · 4 answers · asked by deinecross 2

im being asked this question and im blue in the face of answering these questions , someone has asked me how do we know jesus is really the son of god and not a cult leader , im so sick of answering these questions , so i thought i would post this questions to get help on how to answer it , obviously im not getting through to this person ...

2007-09-07 18:16:58 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

hehehehehhe if you clicked on this, i actually posted this to use reverse psychology to lure you in. HAHHAHHA

clever huh!
have a nice day!

whoever answer last get 10 pts

2007-09-07 18:16:02 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-07 18:15:13 · 22 answers · asked by vapidparagon 1

Just because the man dreams something, suddenly he has 10 million followers (not sure the #) . There is no evidence that Jesus was in South America. - nothing. - nada. When it comes to religion, people are ready to believe anything - no matter how rediculous it might be. I do mean ANYTHING. What about Jim Jones, David Koresh, Calvin, Taggert, gay priests..... What makes all of you follow these quacks.

2007-09-07 18:11:37 · 12 answers · asked by 1st Liberal 6

Thanks in advance to all those who answer this

God created Hell a place to suffer for all eternity if you don't follow a particular set of rules.
God created Satan, Satan created temptation, temptation leads to evil. Evil leads to Hell.
God created humanity with the option to choose one of the two of the paths He created.
God loves humanity, Accordingly God will ensure more than 60% of his loved ones burn in the fires of Hell.
In all actuality, Ghandi is probably going to roast in Hell

Are these correct or incorrect statements? Which ones are correct

2007-09-07 18:09:20 · 13 answers · asked by Cavor 2

I gave up on Christianity when I went to college because I grew up in a bible-beating religion. I don't do dogma, guilt, or shame.

I have strong spiritual beliefs, and would be open to attending a church that teaches the TRUE message of Jesus Christ, that is - love and acceptance, no hell, no dogma, no human judgement, with kind and loving people in the congregation. Caring for the Earth and future generations is also a great concern.

Which church would you recommend and why?

2007-09-07 18:03:47 · 31 answers · asked by magicalpossibilities 5

What if you were to suddenly find yourself in front of the Most High God on the Day of Judgment? What explanation would you give for your sins?On what basis could you ask for Him to overlook your sins? Please, I am asking respectfully as I ask other groups questions. I hope we can talk to each other and ask questions without getting ugly. Please, no hateful remarks! Thank you! Peace!

2007-09-07 17:59:57 · 55 answers · asked by Marie 7

Your mother was an alcoholic until the day she died. You prayed and prayed for her, she was good in others eyes but hateful to you and always treated you with the alcoholic symptoms. To you, your mother died and your hope is that she goes to heaven. Now, through out your life time the alcoholics you came in contact with were abusive, some mentally and a couple sexually. Your child when grown becomes an alcoholic and you have much fear that he/she will end up hurting others. Is this fear justifiable with our Lord? In other words, are there situations when there is fear but your faith is in God, that are ok with our Lord?

2007-09-07 17:56:16 · 15 answers · asked by grannywinkie 6

I can't handle this pain. I'm so weak when it comes to death, and I am sinking so far into depression that I can't see any light. I don't want to be around anyone. I don't want to eat or sleep. I don't want anything or anybody. I just want to keep crying, even though I want to stop. My heart feels like it's been ripped out. And I also keep thinking one day I will lose my mother and I will be worse off. I've had thoughts of killing myself to end the pain of dad dying, but I've stopped myself by remembering my children need me and that it's against my religion. Those are the only things keeping me alive. How can I stop feeling so much pain? I buried my father today, he's in the cold ground. I can't stop thinking about him being all alone and in the ground. Any advice?

2007-09-07 17:54:39 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im worried...

2007-09-07 17:50:15 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there a God and how do you know or not know

2007-09-07 17:46:54 · 21 answers · asked by kristine755 2

A leaning ladder forms a triangle with the wall and ground. Triangles represent the Holy Trinity, and violating the Trinity by breaking it (walking through it) would put you in league with the devil himself. This is how evil spirits get ahold of you.

If you think that is funny, it is just as bad as people saying a board game (an oujia board) can bring in evil spirits. Talk about 18th century thinking.

Ya, I know, I post a bunch of questions on ouija boards, but I can not understand how someone can be this superstitious these days. I am just like wow!

2007-09-07 17:46:43 · 17 answers · asked by Coma White 5

yo, i have been trying this psi ball stuff and im not gettting any coldness or heat or anything when i try to make one, its nopt working....


2007-09-07 17:40:59 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does it drive you nuts to hear people say that as an argument against evolution?? I can't believe people still say this, but everytime there's a question about evolution on here, there's always at least 1 person who uses this argument. What's it going to take to get these people to understand the theory of evolution so they can stop using ridiculous arguments like this?

2007-09-07 17:40:15 · 27 answers · asked by Two quarters & a heart down 5

...to do something radical and call my daughters, one to watch over my elderly mother and granddaughter, and the othter to take me to the hospital. I pulled up my mail, and I have over sixty questions my friends have asked. I am to weak to even go through and star my R&S buds. Please send up a good thought for me. [Sure don't want deleted for asking for prayer!] It is hard for me to ask for something for myself, but I am so sick. Please do not think I am ignoring your questions. I am just laying back down. Hugs to all of you.

2007-09-07 17:35:55 · 18 answers · asked by One Wing Eagle Woman 6

Answers in Genesis, a CREATIONIST site, asks creationists to not make this argument:

“If we evolved from apes, apes shouldn’t exist today.”


2007-09-07 17:35:33 · 13 answers · asked by JWill 4

I don't know if it can be called that , this is basically a self diagnose. But for about the last 6-7 months i've been having the worsts lows in the world. I cry out of nowhere and every single little thing seems to get to me and there are so many things on my shoulders. Once about a month ago in a job interview which I had to play off as me being up early in the morning my eyes literally teared up why i'm not sure. There's been alot of things thrown my way and it seems like when it rains it pours for me. I just need help. My situation is getting worse and worse and I don't want to end up hurting myself or anyone else. I thought about trying to get my hands on some xanax or something,but when I looked it up the side effects were worse than whatevers going on with me now. Although I am not religious I do pray only to seem like it was a lost cause. I'm trying hard to keep faith but i'm just tired of feeling this pain that does not seem to want to go away. I'm just at a loss.

2007-09-07 17:33:16 · 15 answers · asked by cuppycake♀ 4

Try taking a stroll at, say, 1am through the mountains. No artificial light, no weapons, no other humans. If this is not an experience of true divinity, such does not exist in my opinion. The feelings awakened may be mistaken for whatever religion you may believe in, but they are pure instinct, as old as humanity, and as wild as any wolf. Humanity has forgotten its natural state: as wild and free as the eagles and elk. Good night and pleasant dreams.

2007-09-07 17:27:56 · 15 answers · asked by Enigma®Ragnarökin' 7

2007-09-07 17:27:27 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am so sick of those moslems who are always talking about our democratic society being and unjust one.
Maybe its time for you to find a wonderful rich islamic country like Saudi Arabia , pakistan, or Sudan, where all Muslims are treated nice...and live there...go on GET OUT OF HERE

2007-09-07 17:24:04 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Since you have been a participant in the Religion and Spirituality forum has there been any question or response that had really given you something to think about?

Also, after being on here, have you changed your viewpoint about another faith/religion/non-religion? If so, what happened to make you change your viewpoint?

2007-09-07 17:22:13 · 13 answers · asked by Searcher 7

theory- explanations based upon FACTS

2007-09-07 17:20:53 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just find it weird that Islam is called the "religion of peace", When I hear about the beheadings and bombings in the name of Islam I find it hard to believe its about peace and their followers claim its not Islam but the radical terrorist. Arnt all terrorist islamic??? Im just having a hard time believing the whole peace thing

2007-09-07 17:18:37 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

In a row! Am I on a roll or what?? What the most that you have received?

2007-09-07 17:17:29 · 9 answers · asked by Coma White 5

I can't tell you what to pray for because yahoo will remove my question.

2007-09-07 17:15:33 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

My church tells you to pray over your mind to think "God thoughts."

2007-09-07 17:11:33 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a christian...A methodist to be exact. But I have a little question. No BS answers, I need someone to really think about it.
God created an angel...blah blah blah, the angel became evil, and was cast out of heaven and thus he became known as "Satan" or aka, the Devil.
....But it also says that God knows everything!!!! So wouldn't he have known that the devil was going to be evil? Why would he put the Tree of knowledge and life in the garden of eden if he KNEW eve and adam were going to eat from it?
If God does know all, then why did certain things happen?

Was God sitting at home watching Football and he decided one day to screw with everyone a little for entertainment??

I dont doubt God, But not a whole lot makes sense to be.

Who can help me out?

2007-09-07 17:09:59 · 28 answers · asked by Megan 3

fedest.com, questions and answers