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Religion & Spirituality - 7 September 2007

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The founder of Ahmadiyyat is Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahamad (as) of Qadian. He promoted peace, and harmony. He was the Promised Reformer, and Imam Mehdi. I also, respect all of your beliefs, so please dont be offended.
Note: Ahmadis believe in all the Prophets, (law bearing)
First of all, Ahmadis believe that Prophet Jesus Christ (as)
was born to the virgin Mary. When he was put on the cross, he survived it and told his colleagues that he was safe. Died normal

To prove this, it was previously stated in books that the Imam Mehdi would be born as a twin. Well, Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) had a twin sister, but died. This prophecy has been completed.

Yes, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) was the last law bearing prophet. In other words, no one can change his teachings, nor the Holy Quran, or any other books. When the Promised Messiah (as) came he had completed many Prophecies. Even Including about World War 1.

2007-09-07 14:35:59 · 6 answers · asked by yahoo2000 2

Does this show him to be naive, ignorant, and delusional?

2007-09-07 14:33:15 · 18 answers · asked by BluesGuitarFan 2

....and a lot of people think I need to be humbled, here's your chance. Go ahead and say whatever it is you dislike about me, just please make certain that you are saying what it is about me you dislike, not something that someone else does that may pertain to me. I will give serious attention to everyone's answer and everyone gets a thumbs up. If there is any particular way you think that I am acting poorly, please tell me and I'll work on it. Thanks for all of your input.

2007-09-07 14:31:31 · 27 answers · asked by Jack B, sinistral 5

(Please be kind to yourself, list your answer and then explain how it wasn't so bad to spend your time doing it.)

2007-09-07 14:29:34 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you look at all the bad things that have happened due to the 'word of Jesus'

Burning of witches, heretics, great thinkers, the holy inquestion, child abuse, pogroms of jews and pagans etc.

Well, as this was do in Jesus's name, why didn't he come down from heaven and condemn it, or tell the people who did it that they did wrong.

1. He don't give a damn (if i wrote a book and even one person was killed for it, I would take responsibility and get on the TV and newspapers and condemn the people for doing it. How can Jesus have any moral authority if he doesn't do a simple thing like this, he is meant to be God for crying out loud.
2. He doesn't exist

Which is it?

2007-09-07 14:27:06 · 41 answers · asked by irishinvenice 3


2007-09-07 14:26:17 · 21 answers · asked by NeedToKnow 1

Absolute proof requires complete knowledge of something. Philosophers would say, for example, that since we cannot know everything about the chairs we sit on, there remains a basis for doubt - however slight...as human beings we cannot possess absolute proof of anything. So, why do they need this?

2007-09-07 14:25:43 · 13 answers · asked by Eartha Q 6

2007-09-07 14:25:29 · 13 answers · asked by jkhk 1

Look, at Islam. It means nothing but peace.
All the religious books/documents have been altered or changed. Christians Old and New Testament, Torah for Jews changed, and many other books changed. The Holy Quran has never been changed. The only thing there has been is a book for young children, or people who are learning to read the Holy Quran, that have converted or other. Also, some Holy Quran have commentary in them to understand the meaning. How is that changing? The Arabic part has never been changed. I.E. kind and nice are synonyms so the Quran has different synonyms but still ultimately mean the samething!

Also, what did the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) do that was bad. He taught good things, and that there is only one God. He had many miracles, in battles.

Once, there was a companion of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) and the Muslims were having a battle. The companion was fighting a Non-Muslim.The Non-Muslim said the Kalimah or Submission to God. But the Companion.

2007-09-07 14:21:41 · 9 answers · asked by yahoo2000 2


Fear of darkness is a biological holdover from our ancestors. In their much more dangerous times they had good reasons to be afraid of the dark, like saber tooth tigers ready to pounce on them.
It's criminal that there are people out there in this day and age trying to convince the gullible that there are demons in the shadows.

2007-09-07 14:20:45 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is it that...

... if I say I believe in Mithras, who died and rose from the dead, I'm Satanic, when you believe in Jesus, who died and rose from the dead?

... if I drink wine and eat bread in the name of the God and Goddess, I am committing blasphemy, when you drink wine and eat bread in the name of your Lord and God?

... if I believe in faeries, I'm an over-fantasized idiot, when you believe in angels and demons?

... if a Priestess blesses an area, it is unholy and dirty, and if one of your priests blesses an area, it is sacred and pure?

... if I invite you to a ritual, I'm trying to convert you, but if you invite me to Mass, you are doing the word of your God?

... if I say I don't like Christianity, I'm Anti-Christian and going to Hell, though you can say you hate Paganism and every God and Goddess that exists within its branches?

... if I say that I do healing magick, I am a heretic and should be burned, but if one of your kind does a healing, they are holy?

2007-09-07 14:19:07 · 19 answers · asked by Lady Myrkr 6

a real one

2007-09-07 14:18:34 · 6 answers · asked by S i r i 1

talk about having God in there life and then.....well let me just tell you. I can tell you minnie who answered my question I posted In pets under dogs. She is demon infested. She advoctes my home broken into by the local drug dealers and being shot becuase I am frustrated that my dog is not territorial and I want my dog to be more aggressive to strangers. Then she post a blantant lie about me abusing my dog and ask for you so called christians to pray for me. If thatr what Christianity is all about no wonder why this world is the way you so called Christians are not a good picture to show what I want to be. For those of you who actally keep your faith I do apologize that I tend to see more hypocrits than I do see good faithful people. Minnie needs to have her demon pryed out of her yahoo with the cross that hangs on her neck.

2007-09-07 14:16:14 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-07 14:15:12 · 7 answers · asked by Pebbles 5

I believe in Christianity, pretty much, but I am too obsessed with all the sinful things to form a desire to change my ways. I love money, sex, violence, theft, manipulation... I probably almost fit the definition of 'evil'. So what can one do to bring their minds to such a state that they are able to cast away everything they've ever known life to be worth living for, and create a fresh start?

2007-09-07 14:14:49 · 13 answers · asked by Pebbles 5

Or do you believe you have a purpose?

If you don't think you have a purpose on this Earth, how do you get from day to day without feeling inconsequential and unnessasary?

2007-09-07 14:13:40 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Nobel Quran Sura 4 verse 89

"They wish that you reject Faith, as they have rejected (Faith), and thus that you all become equal (like one another). So take not Auliyâ' (protectors or friends) from them, till they emigrate in the Way of Allâh (to Muhammad ). But if they turn back (from Islâm), take (hold) of them and kill them wherever you find them, and take neither Auliyâ' (protectors or friends) nor helpers from them"

I basically disagree with this verse. There is nothing wrong with being equal on this earth with people of other faith, religion or race. Ultimately, it is God who will judge us, not man. Why then take no friends or protectors from people of other faiths? Then it goes on to say kill those who reject islam? Is this a correct translation? Is there anyone who knows arabic that can verify this translation?

2007-09-07 14:13:16 · 5 answers · asked by ali 6

Perfect logic to Atheists, perfect egotistical assumptive fallacy to Most Christians?

I will give you 15 minutes to guess and if no one recalls his statement, then I will post his religious type statement, and ask you to comment on it.

(PS: I and my wife are regularly big fans of Bill Maher. He is intelligent and funny and he does seem to have some great reasons to Impeach Bush.)

note: Sorry about this type of question: Being on level 1, I have to get the most my mileage out of my 5 question per day limitation. - chagrin

2007-09-07 14:08:00 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is the biblical foundation for that?

Also, how do they feel about the Christians on TV who heal peoples cancer and arthritis and debt with holy water and strange dancing?

2007-09-07 14:07:32 · 15 answers · asked by razor 5

Please give me some pointers :)


2007-09-07 14:07:23 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Some Christians claim that the Bible is the final word of God. Others say that he still communicates. I personally would think that if God wanted to talk to man, he could. Is the Bible God's final word? Or have we already limited God to the Bible only?

2007-09-07 14:06:58 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-07 14:05:29 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

can u pray to god that my friend is not mad me!thank you

2007-09-07 14:04:58 · 12 answers · asked by desbratty 1

2007-09-07 14:03:58 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Um i was wondering if you could attract unholy things such as demons by just showing some sort of intrest in that subject?
I used to really like the show "A haunting" And it usually had something to do with a demon in it. But during the night (every night) I would hear a light thump on my door. At first it kinda scared me and i would try to recreate the sound and i just couldnt eventually i just blew it off. And recently i watched a bunch of episodes of a haunting, and a weird thing happened it was night and i was just ready to go to bed and you know how you can spin the dowel around on blinds to make it so you can see out them? Well i made it so they were closed and i turned around walked about five steps took a drink of water turned around again and they were even.

2007-09-07 14:01:26 · 21 answers · asked by chilibean 2

What is the difference between Scientology and Atheism? Opinions NEED NOT APPLY!

2007-09-07 14:00:30 · 10 answers · asked by Skyy 3

priorities on destroying sects of peoples who did not believe as the Roman Catholic Church, and why did so many millions of innocent people have to die over the next 15 centuries ?

2007-09-07 13:59:57 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-07 13:59:04 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Matthew 25:3
The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them.

Matthew 25:4
The wise, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps.

2007-09-07 13:57:55 · 25 answers · asked by Mandolyn Monkey Munch 6

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