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Religion & Spirituality - 26 April 2007

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Why do we try and look and act like the world now days?

2007-04-26 16:41:46 · 15 answers · asked by wisdom 4

I tend to believe everything was created by God in its simpilest form. Meaning that God is matter and we were created in his image. Everything has an opposite wich gives us the choice to believe or not to believe. Forming from cingle cell organisms and evolving to were we are now.
I think people take things to literal when reading the bible.

2007-04-26 16:40:49 · 33 answers · asked by Joe_shmoe 2

If you claim to be an athiest, then why are you looking in the Religion & Spirituality section?
If this sounds rude, I appoligize. I do not mean for it to come across that way. I'm just curious.
If you don't believe there's a GOD, why waste your time with the matter.
If I were that sure, that there was no Big Foot, for instance, I'd never waste my time reading about a big foot or about the people who do believe in them.

2007-04-26 16:37:57 · 25 answers · asked by S 4

I know most people say, "there is a good reason for everything, even if it doesn't seem like it at the time." Okay, so what if he let my mom get in an accident and die?!? Would there be any good reason for that?!? But I am still a really strong christian and everything. But sometimes I do wonder about things like this...

2007-04-26 16:34:20 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

My cousin died on New years this year and his sister called a psychic. she had to be legit cause the psychic told her stuff that only she (trish) and her brother(john) knew about. so i was wondering how you can get over something like that. I m goin to see his grave or the first time on may 5th and im really nervous and i dont know what to expect. i just need advice on how to go about it all, and was wondering if you believe in psychics as well

2007-04-26 16:32:53 · 11 answers · asked by Brittany 2

So why is that??? Anyone, Mormons, why can't you wear a cross!? If you love Jesus and profess him to be your savior, why can't you wear one?!

2007-04-26 16:28:40 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is this law important to evolution? I'm biased, in that I don't believe evolution trumps Biblical creation.

But the question is, can complex structures (life forms) re-evolve? If I understand 'Dollo's law', complex structures can't '...because the genes that code for them have either been lost or have mutated.'

Does it make any difference?

2007-04-26 16:28:13 · 11 answers · asked by super Bobo 6

There are three things I won't ever do!

1. Deny Jesus
2. Appear naked in public
3. Vote Republican

What about you folks?

2007-04-26 16:26:18 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

The media

Which one would you pick?


2007-04-26 16:20:26 · 24 answers · asked by ? 2

Ok, first off.. I am not christian... I am not anything... I was just curious why "God" and "Jesus" are oh so often mentioned as the same person in christian music and text. "Jesus" is some how "God" in sooooo many different songs. Is there a purpose to this or what?

And if you feel like shooting, hanging, trolling, me for not being a christian, feel free to email me.

2007-04-26 16:20:11 · 15 answers · asked by LastChancer 2

Someone very dear to me just passed away two weeks ago..and I did not get to say goodbye...Is there a way to connect now? is there life after death? would he hear me?

2007-04-26 16:19:20 · 24 answers · asked by Pi 3

As opposed to many questions here from non-christians, I am in no way attacking Christians, I am seriously inquiring.

Since the death and resurrection of Christ (2000 years?), has any Christian actually attained true Christhood? If so, may I ask who? If not, may I ask why not?

I have yet to see or hear of it, and it seems like blind faith (falsification) if it is not something that is attainable.

2007-04-26 16:18:27 · 16 answers · asked by Lucian Black 2

i am free because of me...

2007-04-26 16:17:30 · 9 answers · asked by -skrowzdm- 4

The Bible specifically says drinking is a sin in many places, but I don't see that about smoking. If so, is over-eating and/or eating poorly a sin? How about being out of shape? All are at the least not very wise, but I'm wondering if they are sinful. What do you think?

2007-04-26 16:15:45 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is open to everyone except those who haunt us with their assinine comments. Another question I asked brought up the opinion that the Pentacle was a sign of the devil or of evil. Where in the Bible is this stated and if it isn't in the Bible then why would Christians dislike it so? I know the King James version of the Bible states, "suffer not a witch to live" and the KJ version is also known to have been translated at King James behest and he influenced certain areas, especially anything to do with witchcraft. Also the Witch of Endor was called on by King Saul to speak to the ghost of the prophet Samuel, which seems a bit hypocritical, but it isn't a big deal to Pagans. I just want to know how Christians are being taught things that are not in the Bible and applying these teachings to Pagans, witches and the Pentacle. Isn't this "bearing false witness towards others?" which is one of the 10 Commandments?

2007-04-26 16:14:33 · 12 answers · asked by humanrayc 4

There are no right or wrong answers. Best Answer- To who can give me their best analysis on the following questions, you pick which one according to your own beliefs.
1- Bible believers- Explain what is so wrong with humans evolving from lower mammals. Why can't it be possible that God allowed humans to evolve into his image? 2- Science people who regard the entire Bible as false- Why don't you believe in any of the Bible's aspects? Can science really explain every aspect? Why can't God use science to make miracles seem like miracles?
Example- History Channel Special- 10 plagues of Egypt were scientifically explained but still left listeners with the thought that maybe God made these things happen, just through science, not out of thin air.
(Note- I am Agnostic. I believe in human evolution and science but I give a lot of aspects of the Bible the benefit of the doubt. I listen to both arguements and make my own unique conclusions/beliefs)
(Feel free to write as much as you want)

2007-04-26 16:12:03 · 21 answers · asked by Lane M 2

I am catholic but i go to a christian school they don't really like the original catholic church's non exact scriptural views. help?

2007-04-26 16:11:25 · 11 answers · asked by leoperaballerina123 2

Romans 3:5 talks about how our injustice serves to confirm the justice of God. And 3:7 says "if through my falsehood God's truthfulness abounds..."

I'm lost. How does God's truthfulness abound because of my falsehood? Or how does God's justice abound because of my injustice?

I'm not 100% sure Paul is saying that anyway. He may be saying that's what others are saying. I don't know. I'm confused. If you can explain it to me, I'd appreciate it!


2007-04-26 16:10:52 · 7 answers · asked by Heron By The Sea 7

2007-04-26 16:07:12 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous

When a non Christian blasts us and Christians say something mean in return it is them that win.When we return love with the hate that they give guess who gets the glory? Jesus gets glory.Does this make Jesus look good when Christians fight hate with love ,Thats what Jesus died for.Love.Love those who hate you ,Am I right or is my personal relationshp that I have with Jesus and what He has been telling me wrong?I am nothing without Jesus.Nothing more than a filthy rag.It is Jesus that we honor.It is Jesus that we praise.It is Jesus that we are willing to give up everything and follow Him like little children.Is this correct?

2007-04-26 16:05:11 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Think of a person that you care about and state a wish for them? What do you desire the most for them?
If God Almighty sent an angel to you today, or had an angel to watch the requests that are being made, (to honour our faith) to grant you one wish, what would your wish be for only one other person? Also, I want to see more followers of Jesus Christ supporting one another with thumbs up..If anyone leaves a negative comment, I will openly pray for you..( I realize negative comments at religious sites are a cry for prayer : ) I stand in agreement for my visitors good wishes to come true within 21 days in Jesus name..My wish is that the good heart desire of my earthly Father shall come to pass in Jesus name..You do not have to be a christian to leave a request..P.S. Miracles and blessings happens everyday..You never know what may happen for them ! (smile)

2007-04-26 16:02:27 · 21 answers · asked by Sister Queen 3

2007-04-26 16:00:44 · 20 answers · asked by Summer Rain 4

Has He ever answered you directly? Has He ever shown you just how much He loves you? Have you ever felt Him so close that you could smell His goodness?

that's my prayer for all of my friends here tonight... Good night and God bless :)

2007-04-26 16:00:24 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

"GOD will only forgive you if you ask him to" this is what a believer said to my previous question on "does God forgive evrything"

are we,mere HUMANS,supposed to wait till each person who may harm us or hurt as "ASK" for our forgiveness before forgiving them? no we're supposed to forgive.

so why does God find it so impossible to forgive unless ASKED?

serious answers please...i feel like u people are running around in circles..1st u say God forgives everything,then u say he doesn't forgive atheists because they don't believe in him (if God is so kind why isn't he big hearted enough to forgive everyone ?)

2007-04-26 15:58:20 · 21 answers · asked by Annie 1

why is it that we follow certain jewish laws and not others or why do we even follow any of them if clearly they were meant for "the chosen people".

2007-04-26 15:56:48 · 12 answers · asked by EL-JEFE 2

A few weeks ago my brothers friend was driving me home from work and we ended up in an accident, all people involved turned out ok just a few bumps and bruises but heres my question. Dillon(brothers friend) is a proud self professed athiest, before we were hit by the other car he closed his eyes tight and said "Oh please God get me through this." Then we were hit.
If he is athiest then why did he in that moment ask the God he dont believe is real for help?

2007-04-26 15:52:31 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

How many Muslims does it take to change a light bulb?
None. If the light bulb has died, it is the will of Allah, and it would be blasphemy to attempt to change it.

How many Christian fundamentalists does it take to change a light bulb?
None. The Bible doesn't mention light bulbs.

How many atheists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
None. Atheists question whether it's really light anyway.

How many pagans does it take to screw in a light bulb?
None. Torches are more traditional.

How many creationists does it take to change a light bulb?
None. They'll all just sit in the dark and wait for God to say "Let there be light!"

Why did all of these ended with "None" anyway?

2007-04-26 15:50:03 · 11 answers · asked by Adia Azrael 4

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