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Religion & Spirituality - 22 April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Okay, before all you "there's no God so there was no Great Flood" types start itching to finger your keyboards with the latest theory that the flood never took place, give it a rest. I'm sure you can find something else to do with your fingers for now. This addresses a different issue.

I was watching a program on the History Channel about studies done on the shape of the Ark and the needed space to accommodate the animals and food. Repeated, they stayed with the idea that it had to be a box. A box held the most, and flouted level, which would have prevented a lot of very sick animals, let alone humans. It would have also been the easiest to build, without the need to bend wood to fit a curved hull.

So, why do we still teach children that it was a boat? Don't they deserve receiving the correct info?

2007-04-22 23:57:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-22 23:55:12 · 4 answers · asked by CHEESUS GROYST 5

How many of you like the rain? How does it make you feel? Right now, it's sprinkling and it's going to rain all morning. It makes me feel great and creative, energetic too. The office window in my house is literally open, and I tookd the screen out, to hear it. Everything is turned off except the computer and it's just so "spiritual" for me. How does it make you feel and how do you react?

2007-04-22 23:55:10 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

If he was too busy honoring his parents (from the age of 20 to 30 years !) to save hundreds if not thousands of “lost souls” from going to hellfire than shouldnt we reconsider the urgency of the Christian message ?


2007-04-22 23:52:36 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous


Some cite the reason for this. I would think it was true, but would never do that personally. How do you feel about it?

2007-04-22 23:46:41 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

A mormon and a evangelist i thought they were the same thing are they like christian but like different religion groups im just asking i know they still believe in God but im just curious it probably seems jumbled but im trying to phrasemy sentence as not to offend people

2007-04-22 23:45:56 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-22 23:39:41 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-22 23:38:43 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-22 23:37:30 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Campaign to Abolish Christmas

“A gentile...is liable for the death penalty...if he has invented a religious holiday for himself….”



2007-04-22 23:34:24 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-22 23:31:16 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, time for a bit of goofing around. Things are much too serious right now.

1) Which R and S regular would you like to share an office with?

2) Which three R and S regulars make you think?

3) Which R and S regulars do you like most?

4) Which R and S regulars do you dislike most?

5) Which R and S regular would you not miss if they went away?

6) Which R and S regulars would you miss if they went away?

2007-04-22 23:30:19 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Pursuant to Romans 11:5

2007-04-22 23:29:27 · 2 answers · asked by traderrob3 1

My little girl is going for an EEG today to see if her weird behaviors are caused by seizours. So please pray to whatever spiritual leader you pray to. I want all Gods on her side today. Thanks in advance.

2007-04-22 23:17:26 · 13 answers · asked by QuestionQueen 3

Were you extremely excited or extremely panicked before you were married? I have 20 days until I am married, and I'm really excited but scared in a way. I was married once before, and it wasn't so great. I've known the person I'm marrying for many years and I know he is nothing like that, but I'm thinking it's human nature to be cautious and suspicious. For those of you who are remarried, how long after your divorce did you remarry? Were you anxious? Did you pray about it?

2007-04-22 23:11:42 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-22 23:11:05 · 24 answers · asked by Jim 7

I know somebody who is married to a man who is not that great. Recently they had a big fight and he left his briefcase on the porch. When she figured out the code (she had to, apparently, since he was so mysterious about it) she found inside documents of another man's name in his handwriting. What would religion tell you to do? How should she go about investigating this?

2007-04-22 23:09:27 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

who is the real god and who is the real jesus?
has there gone something wrong? who is hiding behind his name? causing war and destruction all of the time?

2007-04-22 23:08:56 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sure, people who ARE atheists have persecuted peeps, like Mao, but has any atheist persecuted people on behalf of their faith?

2007-04-22 23:08:44 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I met this guy on internet. We were together for nearly 4 months. He seemed to have many negatives but he was very good in some ways. He finished with me because I did not tell him about my past relationship wih a moslem. He detests interrelationships. He has now made a big profile on me - A4 folder with 90 points of all negatives about me. basically tellin me that I am a bad person. He has uploaded my pics on net. He has got many of my pics and he got hold of my past applications for few jobs and CV. He is now really throwing muck at me and telling me that I have abad name in the community as I went out with a muslim.
I think what I do not like is the fact that he has dumped me. I cannot handle it. Please help.
how can i get over this feeling?
i also miss some good times we had together, how can i forget him?

2007-04-22 23:07:48 · 17 answers · asked by NALINI B 1

I understand that religion is comforting to people but without it would there be less war......i reckon 70% of conflicts are currently caused by religious segregation and hate. Thoughts please?

2007-04-22 22:59:04 · 10 answers · asked by colesey72 4

Help these oppressd women who are being brainwashed by men into thinking that their success is linked to how little clothing they wear.

And they dont even realize they are being degraded by men who just want to look at them in lustful ways.

Would Mary the Mother of Jesus take her headscarf off and put on a tight little miniskirt ??

God has chosen which women will represent piety in this day and age.




2007-04-22 22:57:24 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was raised catholic but now I am just nothing. I don't consider myself athiest because athiests don't believe. I wouldn't say I don't believe, I just don't KNOW because nothing has been proven to me. I am very rational and logical and open minded to any possibility. I believe in being kind to others, truth, humanity, helping others in need, peace, harmony, equality, loyalty, love, and a lot of things Jesus mentioned.
It is like I am an "I-Have-No-opinionist" because who am I to take a stand on something I can never be certain of?
But by saying I am not sure, does that put me in a category or am I my own category?

2007-04-22 22:57:18 · 6 answers · asked by Nash13 3


The Prophet Muhammad said: "Whoever believes that there is no deity except God, alone without partner, that Muhammad is his messenger, that Jesus is the servant and messenger of God; His word which he bestowed on Mary and a spirit proceeding from Him, and that Paradise and Hell are true, shall be received by God into Heaven."

This is a great site that should answer some questions. What do you think about this?

2007-04-22 22:54:15 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have a neckles with strange markings and dont know what language its in any links that may help?

2007-04-22 22:49:46 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do Christians discard half of the bible and claim that Jesus (PBUH) came to make everything new? That is not what Jesus (PBUH) ever claimed. Here is the verse.

Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfil them. For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.51


2007-04-22 22:46:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already...(MATT 005:028).

Jesus said that whoever looks upon a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her. How does society curb the sin of Adultery of the eye without crushing the sexual drive as if it was some evil desire (as per early Christianity) ?

Looking at ones wife with Lust is a good thing and it is a natural process for procreation. Islam does not consider this an evil from the heart. However, to look upon a woman whom one is not married to, is considered an evil action because that is the first step toward the sin of Adultery.

The bible describes Babylon, which was the most progressive, modern and highly educated city in the world during its time, as being a cursed city with women who displayed their hair and beauty like prostitutes.

The veil is obviously very unpopular with men since they cannot have their daily eye candy and it makes fornication and adultery more difficult.

Wearing the veil is all about obeying God and it is a divine solution to the root cause of social and family breakdown.

The Veil liberates women from the oppression of daily sin that other women are subjected to by MEN who want to see them uncovered.

Today, men have convinced women that their success depends on how little clothing they wear.

In Islam, women can leave the home for necessary purposes but the ultimate teacher and homemaker is the Mother and the job of raising the next generation is considered an honor.

Islamic men are commanded to lower their gaze in modesty when standing in front of women. Muslim men are also instructed to keep the beard, wear loose clothing and cover their heads.

Islam teaches that the pillar of society is the Mother, take her out of the home and society will crumble…. GUARANTEED !!

Men who do not see other younger and more beautiful women are even more attracted to their wives and this increases the social and family bonds.

Does the veil protect sexual freedom in the home but at the same time help society in combating the social ills that go along with public sexual promiscuity ?


2007-04-22 22:42:56 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

When we die, our demise is, like it or not, largely insignificant, save for a few who were closest to us (except of course if you were a cultural figurehead).

The world will carry on after your death exactly as it did before without missing a beat; we aren't missed by the greater population and our passing is unlikely to be marked by anything more extensive than a small funeral.

My question is, how can we live life if we know this is how it ends? I have had a very good life and was lucky enough to have a truly great childhood with parents that loved me very much. I haven't contributed to the world much more than the odd work of charity and, of course, being environmentally sensitive.

So is the manner in which I die (or the circumstances surrounding it), actually irrelevant? If after say 70 years of love, dreams and accomplishment I am suddenly gone one day, whether it be as a fat old man in his sleep or in some bold act of heroism, has it really been for anything?

2007-04-22 22:36:44 · 28 answers · asked by Nelson 1

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