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Religion & Spirituality - 19 April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

2007-04-19 04:31:58 · 24 answers · asked by darya_980322 1

Jesus was a Man, with a higher consciousness, beyond unproven religious beliefs.

We, Humanity, are God's Children, there is NO "only" son or daughter of God's, We ALL are son's and daughters...........

Why can't people who believe in their religious lies, deceptions, false promises realize this???

2007-04-19 04:31:30 · 20 answers · asked by drwooguy 3

Would Jesus approve of things like this?

April 18, 2007 - 3:45 PM EDT
Religious protest roils Kutztown U.
Of The Morning Call
A religious group that staged a protest at Kutztown University today drew hundreds of angry students after members of the group told them they would burn in hell if they were gay, Jewish or Catholic.

Campus police led several of protesters away in hand-cuffs and led the rest off campus after as many as 300 students gathered around the group, according to witnesses.

Campus officials said there may have been arrests because the group had not gotten permission to be on campus.

According to student witnesses, the religious group, whose affiliation they did not know, gathered in the lawn in front of the school library. They carried signs with words such as "Jesus or Hell." One man had a Bible in one hand and a bull horn in the other. The group included adults and children.

2007-04-19 04:30:50 · 19 answers · asked by Micah 6

What was your experience like?

2007-04-19 04:30:45 · 7 answers · asked by Missy 4

Why do muslims martyrs think that God needs them at all, does this not lessen the worth of God. Cannot God handle situations without them.

2007-04-19 04:29:03 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is not about agnostics or atheists or any other adjective designed to 'label' non religious people. It is about what seems logical given years of research from not just science but man's progression. It seems logical that religion was a way of controlling the people years ago.Doesn't it? It seems logical that after seeing a tsunami one would call it a miracle?Doesn't it?It must have seemes logical that the earth was square years ago? But then time progressed and we realised that these thiings can now be explained? This is exhausting...Can anyone out there really answer me NO to these questions?

2007-04-19 04:27:10 · 11 answers · asked by Prophet Of Truth 2

Are they the ones that can actually command mountains to jump in the sea? Or are they the ones whose prayers get ignored? If it's the former, I have yet to hear of one. If it's the latter, then doesn't that make them all *true christians*?

2007-04-19 04:26:44 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Bible is a lengthy, in-dept look at God and his attempt to explain to us the laws of the universe. The basic power of God is love. The most important commandment is to love God. However, Jesus said if we love our neighbor then we love Him and His Father.
But try to understand that all people are different; and we'll all see and comprehend things differently. That's why we all see God differently.
But one thing is for sure. If you read the Bible, You'll find it to be truthfull. At least I did. And that's why I'm a believer.
I believe that Jesus is the Son of God.

2007-04-19 04:19:41 · 18 answers · asked by Handy man 5

Its funny how people think wrong of Islam when in fact it’s the fastest growing religion in the world.....don’t you think??

P.s. The rapid growth of birth rate is not an explanation, it could have contributed a little. But converts is the main reason and we all know the why……. its Because Islam is a complete way of life!!!!!!

Heres the proof:


2007-04-19 04:15:30 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was asleep on the sofa, my husband was on the computer, he said my name and I half woke up, and suddenly the window (which was locked) flew violently open, he was screaming and trying to close the window, he said I was screaming too but all I remember is being paralysed with fear watching the curtains billowing. Can someone please explain what happened?

2007-04-19 04:15:12 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was in Vegas recently and kept getting confronted by families on the strip wearing T-Shirts with things like "Jesus or Burn" or "Gambling = Hell" or "Repent or Perish" on them. When I spoke to them they said they were Mormons from SLC and that they were trying to get people to stop gambling.

1. Bit too late when people are already in Vegas!
2. They have loads of wives don't they and have orgies and stuff don't they? Isn't that against the 10 Rules?
3. What about all those guns they had in Waco - you aren't telling me that was for target practice, come on guys!

Then you've got all the muslims blowing up our troopsin Irag and Afganistan, they are all religious people, yet they murder both innocent soliders and themselves - I thought suicide was a sin?

Really it's just all aload of rubbish to make us 'tow' the line and to try and subdue us isn't it?

2007-04-19 04:14:27 · 10 answers · asked by Oscar K 1

....did people back then really have a 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, 60 minutes an hour, 60 seconds a minute system?

Is it really 900 years+ or just some flawed weirdass ancient mathematical arithmatic?

2007-04-19 04:13:19 · 22 answers · asked by Adia Azrael 4

I just answered a question from the great NH Baritone, one of the smartest people in this section, at least according to me.

The question showed how many, many homosexual couples are very monogamous. He wanted our thoughts on that.

One of the answers made me think. It said:
"But I do know for a fact that the devil does not bother bugging anyone if theyre already doing what he wants them to do. That could be the reason why their relationships work so well."

It that true? I thought it was an awesome explanation! and so convenient.

Does the Devil really work like that? I'm truly, seriously, honestly very, very interested in knowing. Because I'm always told that the Devil works on me, because I'm an atheist. But this would mean he actually stopped bugging me. As an atheist I must be just as lost as any gay person. Such a relief!

2007-04-19 04:13:16 · 18 answers · asked by ? 6

This is a movie i watched but LOVED the message.. Pay it Forward. When someone does something for you that you know was hard to do... like say sorry, giving when they are hurting financially, helping somone on the street. Putting someone before your own needs..... never take a pay back from them, or even a thank you... ask them to Pay it foward to others so more good can be done in the world. If you have ever done this, or will in the future.. please let us know what good you did with the 'PAY IT FOWARD" words in question box. I think it will lift some hearts.

I stopped to help a woman that was out of gas. Dangerous I know, but I couldnt just let her stay stranded and the gas staion was just around the corner. Her name was Pam and she tried to give me money for the help... i just said Pay it foward to someone else.. i felt great the rest of the day.

2007-04-19 04:10:54 · 14 answers · asked by pink9364 5

Several of you said you consider yourself to be shamans or believe in shamanism. I have seen it divided into some subgroups like Celtic Shamans.

SO my question is--do all of you consider yourselves to believe the same thing (sort of like Christians all have the basic beliefs of the bible) or is it more like the term "pagan" and your beliefs are as different as Norse and Greek--different gods entirely?

2007-04-19 04:08:19 · 5 answers · asked by phantom_of_valkyrie 7

Can we trust our feelings, hopes, faith, or intuitions?

If God is known through these means, can we trust we know anything about him?

2007-04-19 04:07:41 · 14 answers · asked by Eleventy 6

plz tell me where he said i am God ?

2007-04-19 04:04:47 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

religion is NOT a Relationship...
religion is someone else's beliefs...
a Relationship is Your beliefs...
using Your God-given gift: Free-Will

Love and Peace, even for people in religion!

2007-04-19 03:54:36 · 12 answers · asked by drwooguy 3

like it is fact and you were there at the time?? Are you stupid? YOU WERE NOT THERE! Just because it is written down and YOU WERE told that it is correct does not mean it is. Do you believe everything you are told?? Why are you so gullable? You keep quoting these phrases from that book like anybody cares? Stop it and enter the world of reasonable people who don't cause wars and get along with each other.How can that not be a better way to live?

2007-04-19 03:54:22 · 42 answers · asked by Prophet Of Truth 2

I mean yeah DBZ and Yu-Gi-Oh is undoubtably evil and the works of The Devil himself, but I've heard a lot of religious people condemns anime.

Like I said, I only heard, so here I'm just asking for clarification.

2007-04-19 03:53:44 · 10 answers · asked by Adia Azrael 4

Do you religious people rejoice when a gay teenager dies, because there's one less "sinner" around?

I mean, are you and your God happy that he died early...rather than at an old age.

If you pray for the dead gay teenager, what do you pray for...considering he's dead.

Why do you hate him while he's alive and then pray for him when he's dead or committed suicide?

2007-04-19 03:52:09 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

Yesterday I posted a question in Y!A's Gay & Lesbian section about how the Gay & Lesbian participants felt about monogamy in their relationships.

Here's a link to the question and answers:

In the context of religious morality, how do you react to their answers to the question?

In the context of the sexuality debate in this country, how do these responses differ from Christians, Mormons, Jews, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, etc.?

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

2007-04-19 03:45:59 · 18 answers · asked by NHBaritone 7

Is this common practice for yahoo to review your questions and delete and violate on old resolved questions??

2007-04-19 03:45:31 · 22 answers · asked by ? 5

I don't see why polygamous and gay marriages shouldn't be legal. If consenting adults are choosing the relationship, what's the problem? No religious arguments, please.

2007-04-19 03:45:04 · 30 answers · asked by Jessie Bluejay 2

The Scripture says in II Peter 1:20-21, "You must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit."
II Timothy 3:16-17, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." The Holy Bible affects human beings so profoundly because "all" the Bible is "God-breathed." It's more than a nice collection of moral principles; it's more than a great book; it's an inspired document, God's book. The prophets related what they saw and heard in human language, but their message came directly from God

In the Bible, it says that we are given free will and God would not stand in the way of that. If the Bible tells the truth, how can we be sure the messages are not straight from these people, not God?

2007-04-19 03:41:35 · 12 answers · asked by Star 5

Firstly thanks to those people who set me straight on V.Mary Vs M.Mag.

There seems little doubt that M.Mag was a prostitute, depsite the flowery words used to describe her. Surely then her relationship with jesus kinda made him her pimp then didn't it? Did this mean that he COULD have fathered a child with her like in the film? Does it mean that actually, as it wasn't one of the 10 Rules that Noah got from god, then in the olden days pimping and whoring weren't illegal?

2007-04-19 03:39:46 · 13 answers · asked by Oscar K 1


Are "lost sheep" the exception or the norm for Christians???

2007-04-19 03:39:15 · 12 answers · asked by SHEÖL 2

2007-04-19 03:37:42 · 28 answers · asked by Jim 7

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