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Religion & Spirituality - 16 April 2007

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I read that if you sin delibarately after knowing God then you cannot return to him.

2007-04-16 03:20:26 · 22 answers · asked by Johnno 2

The catholics/Vatican,they claim to follow Jesus,s path.But Jesus was a lowly man.He was not adorned with ornate jewellry and clothes and lived a simple life.All his followers of the day lived like him,expecting nothing for their preaching.The church of today with all their money could right a few wrongs in the world with the money they syphoned of people(heretics?)over the years.Why does the pope have to live in such plush luxuriousness,when he is ONLY a follower of Jesus.

2007-04-16 03:14:05 · 39 answers · asked by melvyn c 1

2007-04-16 03:13:26 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-16 03:11:17 · 15 answers · asked by Michael D 2

Part 1: Rev. 1:12-18 within your NWT describes John seeing One like the Son of Man. In part, it reads: 17 And when I saw him, I fell as dead at his feet. And he laid his right hand upon me and said: “Do not be fearful. ****I am the First and the Last****, 18 and the living one; and I became dead, but, look! I am living forever and ever, and I have the keys of death and of Ha´des."

It seems obvious this is Jesus speaking. Agree or disagree?

Part 2: Isaiah 44:6 within your NWT reads:

6 “This is what JEHOVAH has said, the King of Israel and the Repurchaser of him, Jehovah of armies, ‘I am the first and I am the last, and besides me there is no God."

So you can see that Jesus called Himself "the first and the last," despite the fact that Jehovah also called Himself "the first and the last."

It's not possible to have TWO firsts and TWO lasts, is it? So when comparing these passages, why do you deny Jesus ever called Himself God?

2007-04-16 03:09:43 · 18 answers · asked by Suzanne: YPA 7

On here it seems that christians dont really want to explain about god. a few christians do want to explain things but some just like to call people small minded and not discuss. Surely when somebody questions god it is a christians teach about him. jesus never called anybody small minded.

2007-04-16 03:09:03 · 26 answers · asked by 123kid 2

Maybe if we scrapped religion all these wars would never happen.

2007-04-16 03:06:50 · 70 answers · asked by melvyn c 1

recently in pakisthan, people under influence of talibans, torched barbers shops saying shaving beards was forbidden by the holy quran. is it correct?

2007-04-16 03:06:20 · 15 answers · asked by geyamala 7

2007-04-16 03:02:17 · 10 answers · asked by manna eater 3

Do we cover a priceless work of art with a tarp so it can be hidden?

What is so wrong with the female body?

Where did this notion come from?

I watch national geograpic all the time, and from the Pygmie tribes in New Guinea to tribes in Africa, women go naked or wear very little, and they are respected. Some of them even hunt and spear fish. No one is raping them or molesting them.

2007-04-16 03:01:14 · 16 answers · asked by toedechameau 2

1. The doctorin of evolution teachs unbelief in the hand of our Heavenly Father

2. Evolution doesn't strengthen our faith is weakens it.

3. With Evolution the Jews do not exist and neither does Jesus.
Both the Jews and Jesus desended from Abraham according to the bible. If there is no Adam or Eve there is no Abraham.

4. How Was Marriage Instituted?
If man and woman just gradually evolved, then the marriage institution itself must also have gradually evolved

5. Evolution Implies There Is No Real Purpose in Life
George Gaylord Simpson said, "Man is the result of a purposeless and natural process that did not have him in mind." (Impact, 6/2001)

Evolutionist Richard Dawkins' said the characteristics of the universe imply that it has "no design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but pointless indifference" (Impact, 6/2001)

BONUS PROOF Evolution Says That Death Was a Necessary Part of Man's Development. The Bible Says There Was No Death Until After Man Sinned.

2007-04-16 02:59:03 · 18 answers · asked by J D 2

I have been harrassed with hate email. Is there a way to ban certain people from sending me email? Has anyone else been harrassed with hate email? How can I make them stop? It's Suzanne and ChooseRealityPlease. Has anyone else had a problem with these two? What would you do?

2007-04-16 02:57:22 · 17 answers · asked by Lifted by God's grace 6

Sourse text for statement by Jesus Christ.

2007-04-16 02:56:29 · 9 answers · asked by Mary V 1

How many Atheists/Agnostics have noticed that their email inbox is a target for the Forward button of simple minded, unquestioning Christians who seem to fall for every scam and misrepresented piece of nonsense floating in cyberspace?

If you have noticed this correlation, what do you think it means?

Are Christians simple to begin with, which makes them more likely to be 'believers' instead of thinkers, or does the indoctrination disable their ability to process information logically?

2007-04-16 02:54:56 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-16 02:51:55 · 4 answers · asked by kimberly k 1

i dont know what it is and im looking for someone who can help me out because i need to revise this for my christianity exam.
we havent learnt about it much so if you do have the answer, plaese let me know. thankyou.

2007-04-16 02:50:05 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

because whe you die you obviously wont know because you are dead. its ridiculouse how peopel think you can do things when you are dead. go on....say that god can do anything. hahaha

2007-04-16 02:45:55 · 22 answers · asked by 123kid 2

I was just wondering if any of you think you have a special gift from God. I'm not really talking about singing, painting and things like that. I mean strange gifts....I think He has blessed me with the gift of tears, but I'm not certain. Anyone else have interesting gifts/experiences that can only be explained through your faith?
Thank you for sharing and +God+ Bless!
(Serious answers only, please!)

2007-04-16 02:44:00 · 17 answers · asked by YSIC 7

Yesterday our Catholic mass talked about Apostle Thomas and how he couldn't believe in the sightings of Jesus. He would believe only when he appered in front of him and was able to stick his finger through the hole in his hand and thrust his hand in his side.

You can read it in the Bible, John 20:24-30. Jesus did appear to Thomas and a building with all the doors locked and told him to put his finger through the hole in his hand and thrust his hand in his side. Then Jesus said "Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."

So are atheist like Apostle Thomas. That's were the phrase doubting Thomas comes from. He had to see to believe.Just woundering how everyone felt about it.

2007-04-16 02:42:55 · 16 answers · asked by norielorie 4

Atheists claim to be logical. But it is totally illogical to say there is no Designer God when design is evident everywhere. I have had atheists tell me they know there is no God because if there was he would not allow evil in the world, that this is their logic, that a good God would destroy evil immediately or would not have even allowed it in the first place. Say a plane crashed and we saw the ruin of it, still we can see it had design and before the crash, it did fly many flights without problems.
Atheists cannot deny design and order. So why do they say there is no God when design is evident and even in chaos, we can see the former order of the ruined object? My point is that what is happening in the world concerning good and evil is the story told in the Bible word for word. Perfection, then chaos, then order from chaos through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. I understand the atheist view I think, but I would like to hear his explanation why he refuses to believe in Jesus.

2007-04-16 02:40:44 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

Semantics, Hebrew and Bible

2007-04-16 02:35:12 · 2 answers · asked by Mary V 1

I know it's in case the parents are watching too, but is money really that important that they need to show a PG-13 (scary) movie preview during "Full House" on Nickelodeon. It was 6am and the preview was downright scary for the kids. Also, why do kids need to see a "Lunestra" commercial or a power wheelchair for older people? I can't think of all the other adult commercials on the kids's programming right now.Come on people, let kids be kids!

2007-04-16 02:34:52 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

"In the day you eat of it, you die." Adam chose between life and death.
"Accept Christ and live." We choose between life and death.

Why not just keep the original tree of knowledge of good and evil and pass it on to the next guy?

2007-04-16 02:31:36 · 15 answers · asked by ccrider 7

If there was no Evolution, why are there traces everywhere? Why do we still have teeth, when there is no room for them (anymore)? Why do we get goosebumps, when there is hardly enough hair to make effect (anymore)? Why do we send out pheromones, when we don't smell them anymore or have cognitive advantage over those instincts?

2007-04-16 02:28:55 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-16 02:26:55 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I dont want to be rude but they come quite a lot. Came round this morning reading the bible to me on my doorstep, I politely asked them to leave and when they asked why I did not know what to say so told them that I have had a blood transfusion - they said thats ok and they wont hold it against me!

2007-04-16 02:22:19 · 59 answers · asked by Anonymous

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