Most atheists put their faith in the religion of evolution...
In the evolution religion....god is called 'natural selection' ...and their (false) prophet is a guy named Charles Darwin.
They practice a form of self-deception which indoctrinates the followers to beleive they have no soul which has an eternal existence .....thus they delude themselve into a false belief that they can avoid hell saying nothing 'exists' after death.
2007-04-16 02:44:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The athiest argument tends to be more about science than good or evil, especially since the national rejection of evolution in favor of creationism. When these are the only two choices, people either abandon moral arguments in favor of cold, hard science, or ignore overwhelming evidence and abandon logical thought in favor of fundamentalist Christianity.
In the end, it comes down to a lack of evidence in support of the existence of a god. While people can point to the seeming order or chaos or design or perfection, there are perfectly reasonable scientific explanations for everything that do not need a religious validation. Every time I hear an argument for Intelligent Design, they use a comparason to a man-made object rather than to something natural. A better arguent would somehow provide the same analogy with natural things. Unfortunately, there is no naturally occuring object that science hasn't explained.
There is also the question of good and evil. What is good and what is evil is decided by society. That which helps and supports society is good, that which acts against it is evil. Without this qualification, good and evil tend to break down into man-made concepts.
And what about free will? I do not deny there is a god because there is so-called evil in the world. People make their own choices, even poor or cruel ones. To stop those people from harming others is to take away their free will. God must allow these things to happen. Therefore, judging the argument by the amount of good or evil in the world would be inaccurate.
Also, there is the question of the place of things in the universe. When starting with the point of view that people are important, it is easy to explain that by saying there is a god. But the scientist refuses to make this assessment of human importance without some sort of evidence, so the argument for God breaks down. WHat firt needs to be done is to show that humans are, somehow, important in the grand scheme of things, or that there is a scheme, without turning to biblical sources as proof. "God said so" is not enough evidence for scientific proof.
Finally, there are more religions in the world besides Christianity, and even if Intelligent Design was prooven true, and mankind's importance, and good and evil, and all of this so-called "perfection" and "order" were agreed as nothing more than chaotic accidents, there is STILL no evidence to support the idea that the Christian God is the correct one. Jesus' existence does not mean he was divine. Bhuddah was a real person, too, but there is no evidence he was what he claimed to be, either. Or Muhammed.
The athiest has decided to use the lack of evidence as evidence itself, and this is foolish. There is no more evidence in support of any religion than there is against it.
2007-04-16 03:07:11
answer #2
answered by Johnny Rook 3
Well, I take issue with some of the things you say:
1. "what is happening in the world concerning good and evil" is not the story told in the Bible word for word. You couldn't have actually read the Bible and say that.
2. Design is not evident everywhere. Matter and energy is evident, and the fact that there are physical laws of behavior of matter and energy is evident. However, concluding that that necessitates a designer is wholly unsubstantiated. What you're really saying is that you can't imagine how all the wondrous stuff around us could be here without a designer. That's not "evidence" - that's just your inability to comprehend, and your inability to comprehend does not make God "evident."
3. Perfection? The universe around us is far from perfect. It's highly chaotic and dangerous, actually. We live on a fragile globe that is bombarded daily by radiation that injures us. We struggle and strive daily for survival, and the animal kingdom is frought witih danger, pain and suffering. The solar system is chaotic, with small and large bodies rocketing around the sun, crashing into each other and causing lots of chaos and imperfection.
2007-04-16 03:03:15
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Atheist reporting in here...
I see design everywhere - but by man, not a supernatural god. I see no evidence of a god.
I do see logical, ordered evidence that the world is billions of years old, and that species evolved from simple organisms to complex. It's in the rocks and fossils all around you. It's coherent, it's logical, it's testable, and the tests are repeatable. Read Bill Bryson's "A Short History of Nearly Everything" for one history of this process. Click the first link below if you want more on this book.
What I don't see is any evidence of a god. Except for their bible, Christians can't show me any evidence of a time or place where a man parted a sea and marched through it with a crowd, or a bush burned without being consumed, or dust or bones were used to construct an entire human being. And that one source contradicts itself. Check the other link below for more details.
How about the flood myth? Can you conceive of a boat that would carry 2 of every animal for a month and a half? How does Noah gather all those animals from all around the world? If your god directed them to come to Noah, how do they cross the oceans? Did asian elephants walk all the way? Did american bison swim the atlantic to get to wherever Noah lived? How does one man build a boat that huge without power tools, without heavy equipment to lift timbers? Where did all the water come from, enough to flood the entire earth? The peak of Mt. Everest is over 5 miles above sea level. Did enough water magically materialize as rain, enough to flood the earth that deep, than magically disappear? What about the plant life? Where did it come from again, after it was all killed off?
Sorry - for me, the god myth just doesn't work.
2007-04-16 03:01:12
answer #4
answered by Ralfcoder 7
Evil is necessary in order to fully appreciate good. However that doesn't mean there must be a God as the Christians or Mulsims see it!
Just because there may be some designer / God does NOT mean that this designer / God would be as ignorant, sadistic, or down right evil as the God of these religions so clearly is!
To look for someone to be a savior of you means that you need to be saved from something or someone. WHO IS THE THREAT TO US???? WHAT THIS LOVING GOD?
Get real! To look to a God to save you from a God is akin to looking to a rapest to be saved from being raped!
You must be responcibile for your actions!
NO amount of Jesus forgive me's can undo the damage your actions have caused! It can not help the person you hurt one bit for you to say to a Jesus or a God how sorry you are! TALK IS CHEAP! Try doing some action to make up for what you did and most of all learn from what you did so as not to do it again!
2007-04-16 03:01:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
When you come to look into this argument from design, it is a most astonishing thing that people can believe that this world, with all the things that are in it, with all its defects, should be the best that omnipotence and omniscience have been able to produce in millions of years. I really cannot believe it.
It may have seemed to people in the 18th century (when the argument from design first reared it's head, I think) that everything in the world was "designed" just so that we could survive in it, but now we understand much better why and how living creatures are adapted to their environment. It is not that their environment was made to be suitable to them but that they grew to be suitable to it, and that is the basis of adaptation. There is no evidence of design about it.
2007-04-16 03:51:19
answer #6
answered by Praise Singer 6
Where is this evidence you are speaking of and don't tell me it's in all living things because that is a lame answer. This world if full of living mysteries that have yet to be discovered. People are too caught up with wars, fighting, and false truths. If we spent all this energy looking for the truth rather than destroying ourselves we'd be much more ahead than we are today. The bible's story is not true word for word. It's full of only half truths. Any person who thinks rationally knows this. Give me some concrete proof that will be worth reading. This is utter nonsense to me.
2007-04-16 03:03:07
answer #7
answered by Maureen B 4
How is this for logic? christians always circumvent logic with fiction & myth.
In response to a question i answered yesterday or saturday a christian writes me an email trying to prove to me that god exists. (mackdaddy10)
His "logical" argument for the existance of god was that the universe could not have just existed on it's own. Everything has to have a creator & god is the creator of the universe. Ok.. So using his "logic" i came to the conclusion that if the universe MUST have a creator, so must god, right? That is a sensible conclusion to come to. To which his response was "it is simply illogical to believe that god would need a creator"........ So where the hell did god come from if ALL THINGS need a creator?
It's ok for god to simply exist out of nowhere, but the universe cannot naturally exist? How is that logical at all?
And the whole "god works in mysterious ways" defense is so cliche! That's basically the christian equivolent to "I'm clueless."
By the way, Gary is an idiot! Evolution is not a religion, and darwin is about as much of a prophet as Stephen Hawking. They are/were scientists who researched what nobody else wanted to find out about because they were content thinking that god was the reason for all. Anyone who is happy with a lack of knowledge but a belief in god is ignorant.
The difference between creation/christianity & science is that science finds details to support an idea..... where as christianity/creation has the idea & they struggle to find details to support their idea.
Like the whole "no new life in a jar of peanut butter" argument. Where a christian "engineer" claimed that life could not have been created from nothing because in the 100 years or so that people have been selling peanut butter in jars there has never once been any "new life" found when one opens a jar of peanut butter. If that makes sense to you then you may want to get yourself checked for some kind of mental retardation. It's nowhere near that simple to prove that life could not have started on it's own. There have been experiments where guys were able to create life through a combination of controlled environmental experiments. I forget the name of the experiments though. I'll have to see if i can find it again.
As far as the order vs. chaos ..... In nature, chaos creates order, and vice versa. A storm, for example.... a very orderly occurance. Winds, temperature, pressure, etc... it all has to be exactly right for the storm to come together. If one thing is off, it dissipates. Now the storm itself creates chaos and possibly destruction if it is strong enough, but out of that chaos comes more order as the balance after the storm is restored. Now, i am not talking about disaster like damaging houses & things like that. I'm talking about NATURE. Plants regrowing, animals returning after fleeing from the storm. It's nature, not a fairy tale god.
2007-04-16 02:57:15
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
"But it is totally illogical to say there is no Designer God when design is evident everywhere."
We believe that people design things. But that doesn't mean there's a god.
Atheists don't believe there is a god for exactly the same reason that you don't believe that there is a polka-dotted chimpanzee dancing on your head at this very moment.
If that sounds like a sarcastic, evasive, or ridiculous answer, you need to think about it a LOT more, because in fact it is the truth, and it is an excellent reason for not believing in gods.
I suggest that you think about it until you understand it, and if you still have questions then, feel free to ask.
In the meantime, stop saying things like "Atheists cannot deny design and order". You're simply not knowledgable enough to be in a position to make statements like that.
You might also take a look at the responses you get. So far in about 10 responses, you've gotten about 8 well-informed and perfectly reasonable responses from atheists, while the two believers who have responded are both liars who also chose childish name-calling. Why do you think that is?
2007-04-16 02:44:06
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
how can Christians claim to have any logic.. the first Christian church is the Roman Catholic Empire Church... the second commandment is don't bow down to statues.. where's the logic.. and for you anti catholic Christians the cross is an idol... next the bible says don't swear on your mother's father's child's head don't swear on anything just let your yes mean yes and your no mean no.. but then you swear on the bible... or a stack of them.. where is the logic... don't place a god before me... hail Mary... Jesus... where is the logic... saints up the wazoo again where is the logic.. I see a tree and say it's a tree... I see a potato someone says looks like Jesus I cut it up put it in the pot and boil it... I don't bow down and worship it... that's logic... I look for order in nature and say hell it works who am i to question it.. you say i have to constantly debate it.. Hey people I'm here for a short time cause as a human being life no matter how long we live is a short visit and I intend to enjoy my ride... that's logical
2007-04-16 03:03:23
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I do not believe that nature is designed, nature just happens. Drop a dozen coloured beads on the floor, then pick them all up and do it again, and then again. Each time they make a different pattern on the floor, but this does not mean that each pattern is designed, they just happen.
Jesus may have existed but I do not believe he was the son of God. We only know of Jesus through writings by others. Things like the virgin birth and the miracles could easily have been made up for the purpose of good dramatic writing.
2007-04-16 02:49:26
answer #11
answered by Living in Britain 3