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Religion & Spirituality - 10 April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Well, I was wondering why so many people on this site seem to dis christianity or any religion that believes in God? I mean, seriously, almost every time I'm on here I see people dising God and the people that believe in Him. You don't see us Christians making jokes and dissing Atheists, right? Maybe here and there, but very rarely. So, after all that, why do people diss us and our religion?

Btw, I'm not pointing the finger at anyone. I'm just wondering why.

2007-04-10 15:51:10 · 17 answers · asked by Ariel 2

2007-04-10 15:49:01 · 23 answers · asked by Chase 4

Would you agree that the increase in home invasion robberies is due to the sin of abortion? I mean here the baby is sleeping comfortably and blam! His abode is invaded and he is killed. Much the same isn't it?

2007-04-10 15:48:13 · 5 answers · asked by Midge 7

I know god is there, but how do you know when he is talking to you? Letting you know he is there for you through thick and thin. What are some things he did to change your life?

2007-04-10 15:47:51 · 7 answers · asked by Shelby N 4

ufo that God and his throne were aboard in the first Chapter I know.... There is ur reference

2007-04-10 15:46:59 · 10 answers · asked by Bill 1

How can anyone think something like this is an important contribution. This was not in an XXX display but in a museum. Christians in oppressive scocieties are being slaughtered for their faith. Why is this ok in America?

2007-04-10 15:45:00 · 1 answers · asked by PhilaBuster 4

Obviously you do not appeal to religious explanations. (Or do you?)

So how do you explain the problem of suffering in the world?

2007-04-10 15:43:58 · 27 answers · asked by KATYA 4

A very good friend of ours was in an abusive marriage and when she finally escaped, she was very low, during that time the Jehovas got hold of her and welcomed her to their family.
They then turned her against her own family telling her they were all sinners, but she stayed with them she would be forgiven.
Then they indoctrinated her with leaflets and books and made her go door to door spreading the "word"
They convinced her to sign a document refusing blood transfusions and she forgot about it.
Then about a year after that she suffered a massive heart attack, and slipped into a coma, we took her to the hospital and she underwent emergency surgery, she needed a blood transfusion, but these Jehovas witnesses appeared with a lawyer and threatened the hospital with a huge law suit if they gave her blood, we knew her really well and know she was starting to doubt some of the things they had told her and we discussed it about a week before the incident.
She died because of this!

2007-04-10 15:42:54 · 24 answers · asked by istanbul 2

It gets very frustrating when people constantly bring down muslims for not speaking out against terrorisms and claim that muslims support terrorism!!!

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many of us have tried to speak out, have contacted news channels, newspapers etc asking them to speak in the name of peace.

However, muslims promoting peace DOESNT SELL PAPERS!!! IT DOESNT INCREASE RATINGS!! so they are simply not interested.

It funny how the world works
the MINOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORITY of (MISGUIDED) muslims speak out in the name of voilence.
the MAJORITY of (TRUE) muslims speak out in the name of peace.
yet the voice of the minority is heard and propaganda isnt interested in the majority.


Please join yahoo group Muslims4Peace

2007-04-10 15:42:47 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think there may be different answers other than just one. But answer with the best one you got please.

2007-04-10 15:42:45 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-10 15:40:56 · 30 answers · asked by [♥]Cappie[♥] 1

Did you leave over the 1914/1975 prophecy?
Was it being disfellowshipped?
Have you ever used a Hebrew/Greek to English translation to check it out for yourself?

2007-04-10 15:39:34 · 7 answers · asked by cordsoforion 5

Does that mean I can say "Bιtch"?

2007-04-10 15:37:34 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

from the time people are kids they grow up believeing what they are taught ; why? If you take translations back to the Hebrew and Greek, isn't it clear that the Devil porked Eve in the garden? Why do people think Adam and Eve ate a piece of fruit then all of a sudden they realized they were naked? Why is Cain nopt in the geneology of Adam????? Could it be because Cain was not Adams son? ponder on that

2007-04-10 15:37:14 · 19 answers · asked by Bill 1

Never crossed the limit to COMMIT anything that could be termed as Fornication/Adultery and yes, there is NOTHING obnoxious or kinky going on. But all they've ever shared is a genuine, pure love for each other in their heart - that has remained ONLY & upto the heart. So is it a sin ? Because I know Bible says Love is the greatest so definitely to Love is not a sin but to cross the limit & commit something is.

2007-04-10 15:35:52 · 15 answers · asked by SpiderQbeck 2


So when even was come, the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward, Call the labourers, and give them their hire, beginning from the last unto the first. And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny. But when the first came, they supposed that they should have received more; and they likewise received every man a penny. And when they had received it, they murmured against the goodman of the house. Saying, These last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day.

2007-04-10 15:34:51 · 6 answers · asked by Gone 4

If not, why not?, Are we to be left in the dark?

2007-04-10 15:34:03 · 17 answers · asked by scotty_84116 4

I was told in bible study that when you have sex with someone you make a spiritual connection and form soul ties. How is this possible when men usually don't get emotionally involved during sex. It is mostly females which bring me to this question...does it only apply to females? Also, do you think that if the person has a spirit of jealousy, spirit of adultery, spirit of homosexuality (etc)...will the person they have sex with get it too? I don't think that can happen. if you do think so please explain how?

2007-04-10 15:32:48 · 23 answers · asked by truth hurts 4

God has a plan for all of us.. but is it possible that his plan doesn't follow through, and something else happens?

lets say that I want to be a doctor, but God originally planned for me to be a lawyer.. Is it possible with hard work, and determination that I will be a doctor?

2007-04-10 15:32:28 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do they need to claim morality comes from the supernatural and mythological?

Why do you need Heaven and Hell to make you behave properly?

2007-04-10 15:32:16 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

at the same time the U.S claims to fight for the religious rights of people

2007-04-10 15:29:33 · 18 answers · asked by Realist 1

2007-04-10 15:28:42 · 6 answers · asked by ~[[ ummm yea]]~ 2

I hear atheists say that all the time. "religion is for the weak!"
What is weak about it ? How does strong convictions make your life easier? Both theists and atheists have both good and bad points to each of their lives.
Being a theists bad points are having to confront and deal with the sins of the heart and the good points are having comfort in times of need.
Being an atheists bad points having no one to turn to in times of need and the good points you can enjoy whatever sin you like to indulge in with no worries at all.
And, if you say atheists can turn to friends and family in times of need that just solidifies my point.
Atheists that live in a first world country like America and have no hunger or fear of war at your home front. Have a decent job and home, can live however they want and do whatever they want with not having to worry about answering to a higher power for they way they lived their life after the die. You tell me which way is easier to live.

2007-04-10 15:27:46 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok so i know you dont believe in god and im kinda glad you dont cause it makes me look that much harder i guess. but im just woundering what an athiest thinks of conciseness. cause our thoughts are the result of our brain cells right, and i think thats why we dont remember being born or the begining of our childhood because we dont have enough braincells to create conciseness. so in a way we are the gods of our braincells. but wouldnt that mean that we could also be a form of braincells for a higher being that has nothing to do with the activities of our lives and maybe when we die that is the process of thought for that being. i dont know though im just trying to figure things out.

2007-04-10 15:27:06 · 21 answers · asked by SHELLTOE BISCUITS 3

2007-04-10 15:26:48 · 13 answers · asked by Jamar J 1

But if God says there must be punishment for sin you call him mean and cruel? What do you also think God is like? Would he drink with you and do drugs...would he be pro-choice in murdering his creation...would he sleep around and swear like a sailor? God is real...God has his own personality and God makes the rules...it's his planet his creation.. He does not live in your mirror..and you are only here for one purpose..for him. Don't like it...to bad! He's made a way...don't except it..your loss!

2007-04-10 15:25:14 · 4 answers · asked by † H20andspirit 5

Actually upon reading that topic I wasnt going to point out that it is indeed the exct opposite of free will..Its not free will if god knows we are going to do it. and for the matter if god laready knows that we are going to do such and sch at uch and such time...Why be punished for it? I mean that scripture actively points out that every person that is born and died is meant to be born and die and all the details in between were merely a refelection of God's plan at hand.

See how infamously retarted that sounds? IF God has a divine plan for each of us then he had a divine plan for hitler too. Can you blame him for being a puppet in a divine plan? Can you really punish him? Furthermore what good does prayer really do? The idea of a "plan" makes the idea of a "prayer-answering relationship with God" a contradiction.

I guess only if you are really intelligent and can sit down and think about that for a minute, the contradictions should hit you like a ton of bricks.

2007-04-10 15:21:39 · 12 answers · asked by Sheriff of R&S 4

I posted a note on a corkboard asking if Vanessa would be interested in having coffee; instead, someone placed a pearl white, rosary (beaded) crucifix of jesus on top of the thumbtack that held the letter to the board. This was at the Nursing building on the Main Arizona State campus today. I hadn't seen or heard from Vanessa in a couple of months but she was remarkable for two reasons: she was a journalism student and had some sort of hearing impairment or speech impediment. And she was remarkably nice to me, which is unusual for complete strangers (most people are either into themselves or busy with their iPods).

What is the meaning of the pearl white, rosary (beaded) crucifix of Jesus? Did she die in a car accident or something?


2007-04-10 15:20:27 · 7 answers · asked by dunric 1


Reason: Having a soft head is no excuse for not believing in the Lord.

Everyone Who Died Before 0 A.D.

Reason: Hey, time ain't your friend, my friend. Them's the breaks.

Victim of Multiple Personality Disorder

Reason: Maybe you believed in God...but your female alter ego is Jewish. Sorry, pal...you can't have your matzah and eat it, too.

Johnny-Five (from Short Circuit)

Reason: I don't know what's in hell for cognizant robots that are abominations originating from mankind's vain attempt to be God...but I bet it's some scary crap.

People Who Run Away from Natural Disasters

Reason: This is an act of God...and you better not defy it! Get your butt back here!


Reason: Too much time spent eating those Reese's Pieces. Too little time reading the Bible.

They are condemned to a life in Hell, are you?

2007-04-10 15:19:31 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I live in the triangle area and I refuse to go to a church that teaches that salvation is a choice. I understand that salvation is a gift; not a choice. I understand the three world ages, and that Angels had lots of sex with human women..... Anyone else who understands the Truth will totally understand where I am coming from by now..... I dont go to church because I have never been to a church that teaches the word.... Are there any in my area??? I am starving for a place to call home

2007-04-10 15:13:42 · 12 answers · asked by Bill 1

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