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Etiquette - October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Etiquette

As I get older and having more responsibility to deal with, such as car payment, rent, bill, etc.. I can't spend money as I would normally. However, I don't like the idea of going Dutch, each paying his or her own way, its feels so distant and formal. It makes me feel as if I was on a business event rather than just hanging out with the guys.

My question is, when you go out with a group of friends, let say 5 to 7 people, do you each pay for your own wanting or do someone from the group picks up the tab then as the night progress, others will take turn when the time comes.

How do you deal with it?

2006-10-27 18:43:18 · 15 answers · asked by Inquisit 2

2006-10-27 18:28:07 · 43 answers · asked by babes_mate 1

Why? How do you do it if you do? Why do you care? When do you do it? Everyone does at one point or another, but why do we care when everyone has different opinions?

2006-10-27 18:24:02 · 12 answers · asked by MiZmeL 4

Got tickets for the nov. 24th show in Manchester, NH and was wondering how to dress for the concert. Bringing my wife an neither of us has been to a show like this before, was wondering if Khakis and a Sweater would be suitable.

2006-10-27 18:18:09 · 6 answers · asked by italinre 1

2006-10-27 18:11:57 · 27 answers · asked by bunu 2

Our next door neighbor sued us a few months ago because she claimed our lab bit her in the leg. She let me take a picture and there were no bite wounds, just some red marks and no broken skin. She did not have a doctor's bill or reciept with her in court and the Judge said it looked like a scratch mark from his paw but awarded her $600 (She wanted $900) anyway. Now they are talking about sueing us because we have some bushes in our back yard that are blocking their view of other neighbors back yards. These plants are on our property like and we are the homeowners and we like them. We don't live in the city limits so there are no ordinances we have to follow. I am shaking my head in disbelief at the nerve of these people...

2006-10-27 16:40:40 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

ve worked in fast food for the last year and i just want to no do people think that its fine to be rude to the cashier the sandwich maker or the person handing it out the window? the ruder you are the more the employee wants to spit in your food dont you realize the person you curse at, the one you ignore, or are just plain rude to they have to deal with that all day everyday i have so much respect for these people now their job is hard and you are just making it harder for them i have litterally had food thrown at me, have been screamed at, embarassed ive cried so much from these heartless people you cant imagine if someone actually trys to talk to you how are you are you ok have a nice night be careful on those roads its rained all night why cant you at least say thank you to few actually do the nicer you are to me the kinder i am to you ill make sure your food is right and handed out quickly i no that these people are tired they worked all day but so have i give us a break

2006-10-27 16:39:41 · 11 answers · asked by getcuriouswithgeorge 2

2006-10-27 16:37:01 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a pretty good neighbor a few houses down from me and our kids play well together. Lately this neighbor and I are becomming friends and she calls my house at least once a day. I don't mind the calls sometimes but lately the subjects she brings up are things I really don't want to talk about with her----things you shouldn't just bring up out of the blue. She just blurts out things about how bad it smells during her time of the month and the size her bowel movements are. I didn't think women talked like this but apparently some do. I'm not a goody two-shoes but I am not comfortable talking to her about foul body odor and waste. How do I not hurt her feelings?

2006-10-27 16:21:15 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think it's odd that people call others 3x a day just to say they saw so & so and what they were doing and gossip? This one person is wonderful otherwise, but the neediness is getting on my nerves. I can't screen all my calls all the time. I just wondered if others have this problem and how you solved it.

2006-10-27 15:52:12 · 9 answers · asked by Lake Lover 6

I live in a pretty large 2 bedroom/2 bathroom apartment with a girl I'm not particularly fond of whose boyfriend just came into town.. I've already walked in on them making out on the couch once (I did my best to give them plenty of warning by making noise with the door) and now I am afraid to go back out into the living for fear of what they're doing out there.

She has her own room with a door so it's not like they need to be on the couch, but I am nonconfrontational and we don't really know each other all that well so I don't want to seem prudish and unreasonable. But I also want to leave my room!!! Gahh. Help?

2006-10-27 15:17:32 · 10 answers · asked by razzb 2

I turned 30 yesterday and I decieded to vist all of my graduating class myspace pages, WOW, it made me feel like such a loser. Many of my friends all have advance degrees, enjoying life , with great careeres. I am a single parent who can bareley afford to buy my self the any clothes, and have gained 60 lbs,over the years and struggling to complete a bachlors degree. I was voted most beautiful and likely to succseed and I don't feel like I have lived up to any of that and I am quite embarrassed of it. I know I should not worry about this kinda stuff bit today it hit me hard today to see people so fashionable, enjoying life and having something to talk about. Is it too late to grow up and out ?

2006-10-27 14:46:34 · 20 answers · asked by nene 3

What is the protocol for etiquette for dogs that are passing by and whether or not they should sniff. I never let my dog do it, but every once in a while two dogs will be so drawn together that it just has to happen.

2006-10-27 14:42:14 · 10 answers · asked by alwaysmoose 7

I think that wearing boots makes the guy look tough and stuff, but sandals makes the guy seem nice and such. Do girls like a guy wearing boots like these: http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h155/sbm180_photos/boots/PCWB.jpg? or wearing sandals like these: http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h155/sbm180_photos/sandals/PCLS.jpg

I'm just seeing what girls are looking for in a guy. And I won't wear the sandals with socks.

2006-10-27 14:40:56 · 16 answers · asked by letinplease 1

My friend & I recently went to a very expensive famous department store. We were looking at shoes, and it seemed like we both got like 4 cards from different salespeople offering to help us (very pushy).
So I went back today & bought shoes from a different lady and one of the first guys (from day before) approached me & greeted me but in a nasty tone & said "oh, so, you found what you are looking for, huh" etc. I didn't see him when I walked in, and also he told me the shoes I wanted weren't available (but they actually were in the back).

Now if I ever go back, who do I go to? I feel like it's a predatory thing where they are all fighting over you & it's so annoying, I just wanted shoes!

What do you do when all these sales people have introduced themselves to you, given you cards, and offered to send you shoes or for you to call them anytime, etc.
I know you're not obligated to 1 person (isn't it your choice?), but what's the etiquette here?

2006-10-27 14:19:19 · 10 answers · asked by kate 1

What do you do if two people don;t like you and you don't like them.

2006-10-27 13:57:06 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

every single day, i hear a different story about how someone put something stupid on their myspace, like a nude picture, or a picture of themselves hitting a 4 foot bong, or a post about how big their boyfriend's dick is, and then their mom / boss / principal / grandmother finds out somehow.


geez. what do you guys think? put it on myspace anyway and hell with it? or be smart about it?

2006-10-27 13:19:32 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't have any curtains and neither do they.
about 10 minutes ago, I watched a woman taking off her clothes. And I've got to admit, she's pretty hot. But If they see me sitting here they'll think I'm some kind of pervert, should I move my computer desk away from the window? or should I tell her somehow that she's clearly visible from my house?

2006-10-27 13:14:17 · 26 answers · asked by ♪ ♫ ☮ NYbron ☮ ♪ ♫ 6

Some arent even intelligent opionions let alone be even remotely credible. I believe putting your ideas out without giving someone a chance to rebut them is the height of cowardice.

2006-10-27 12:54:39 · 31 answers · asked by C-Nice44 4

2006-10-27 12:54:38 · 35 answers · asked by Dukagjin B 1

Sometimes it isn't very nice to just let one go. Especially if you're in a crowded room or elevator.

But sometimes it is necessary to let it go right where you are. LIke if you're in a que waiting to buy tickets or waiting at a check-out for a different purchase.

** Actually, I've let a few go, while waiting in a market que, and the line gets shorter plenty quick. It does work, except the clerk can't seem to stop giggling and laughing sometimes.

2006-10-27 12:51:39 · 12 answers · asked by somber_pieces 6

: My Doberman was siting on the couch/sofa and my new boyfriend told him to get down (In a rude tone of voice) and my dog growled and than my boyfriend grabbed his collar and than my dog bit him right through his hand. I told him if he asked Nitro(my dog) Nicely ..like I do .....he will do anything you ask. Now my New Boyfriend(going out 9 months) gave me the ultimatum him or Nitro what do you think???? I TOLD HIM WHAT IF HE HAD A SON AND I TOLD HIM TO CHOOSE.......but it fell on deaf ears....Now he wants an answer in 3 Hours...HELP My Dog Nitro is like my son and he is 5yrs old.....how can I get him to get along / Respect my new Boyfriend........OR........Is Nitro jealous?

2006-10-27 12:46:24 · 75 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am hosting my 4 year old birthday party at a tea room. I am paying for all the girls' lunches but not the parents. How do I let them know that if they choose to stay they must 1) let me know (per the tea room staff request) and 2) they must pay for their own lunch?

2006-10-27 12:24:41 · 9 answers · asked by Melanie B 1

2006-10-27 12:05:49 · 12 answers · asked by staciw519 1

2006-10-27 11:50:21 · 18 answers · asked by wolfmanz44 1

I noticed at recent trips to the theatre and concerts, to restaurants and exhibition openings or parties that people now dress very informally, as if these events are no different from going to the shops, say, or lounging about at home.

They will wear trainers, sweatshirts or jeans, for instance (generally the men are more casual), and often look pretty awful.

Do you think more dressy styles should be revived, as before the 60's?

2006-10-27 11:32:55 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Help! how do i get rid of my staring problem? People get annoyed when i keep looking at them and i feel so guilty.

2006-10-27 11:16:54 · 5 answers · asked by karpflover 2

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