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Etiquette - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Etiquette

i recently found a purse with quite a bit of money inside, yet no contact information at all. I put up signs around the neighborhood, but was just wondering how long I should wait until giving up?

2006-09-01 14:38:18 · 17 answers · asked by maarvi 2

When you wake up in the morning, you wake up, pay to feed yourself, go to work so you can feed yourself again a couple more times, and then go back to your home/prison where you wait for a couple of hours so you can feed yourself and get rested up till you have to go back to work again the next day. This continues till you are too old to do anything and then you die. What's the point of this kind of life?

2006-09-01 14:32:03 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

my new fiance and I are excited about our engagement but we have to make a few payments before the rings can be worn. We were pondering whether or not it is socially acceptable to tell anyone without having the rings on. What do you think???

2006-09-01 14:31:47 · 23 answers · asked by Sandra 1

Let's hear some funny ones.

2006-09-01 14:04:39 · 37 answers · asked by serengetimonster 1

Suprisingly, as a white male, I never heard the word in my entire 18 years growing up in an all white northeastern community. Even in the military, no one used it. When I moved to San Francisco, Oh my god, blacks were using it all the time on each other. I knew of the word. I was thinking to myself: How can you feel good saying the most despised word to describe your people. They were laughing about it. I've become jaded to it.

2006-09-01 13:58:34 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

My best friend asked me a very important question and I need your advice on how to answer this one.
She is getting married with 250 guests and half of them want to bring their children and half want to bring there pets/dogs And she thinks it would be a disaster to for the guests to bring both so she wants to know witch one/side to say yes to and this is a very hard one for me to answer so please help

2006-09-01 13:50:41 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous

They say curiosity kills the cat, but nothing is mentioned about what sets it on fire and fills it with lust-filled desire... another compelling issue of our times.

2006-09-01 13:43:18 · 22 answers · asked by Heat Miser 2

All my life people have constantly tried to put me down - from the way I look, to the way I dress, to the way I live, et cetera. My creative works, writings, opinions, ideologies and every other aspect has always been attacked by others. And anything I do with my life never seems to be good enough for others, even when the people who criticise me aren't in a position to do so without looking like f-ing hypocrites.

2006-09-01 13:40:53 · 24 answers · asked by gone 1

My ear wax levels are quite low and I need not a manucurist.

2006-09-01 13:39:11 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's a question as old as time itself, more compelling than who came first, the chicken or the egg (which is easy to answer... it's the one smoking a cigarette)

2006-09-01 13:35:09 · 14 answers · asked by Heat Miser 2

If someone gave you something such as a tool set and then a couple of months later they asked you if they could have two of those tools back to give to someone else - is that wrong? Would I be wrong to be hurt or upset by this?

2006-09-01 13:33:16 · 11 answers · asked by Yvonne D 3

ur not funny, get a life pervert

2006-09-01 13:00:14 · 2 answers · asked by ive_just_had_2 1

They tell me it is nothing but a glorified Toyota and give me the speech about how Mercedes is really Chrysler and Jaguar is Ford, etc... I believe it is just jealousy, as I have led a good Christian-Republican life and have been blessed to have my share of spoils.

2006-09-01 12:46:27 · 33 answers · asked by Ed H 2

I find so many people point driven on this , that they do not fully read , so their answers are silly ....I believe its because their too points crazy my friend believes its because they really just lack basic understanding in interpretting questions .

2006-09-01 12:36:44 · 31 answers · asked by just me 4

Can you BELIEVE "Prussian Blue"?? Please, please, please, someone tell me why people like that aren't just kindly euthanized. Or, if not them, people who tell them what to think. WHAT IS WITH IT?????????

2006-09-01 12:33:08 · 4 answers · asked by ReportingLosers 1

I don't mind if the cleaning lady ate the yogurt. She was cleaning my house around lunch time and was probably hungry. I do mind that she did not ask me though. Should I mention it to her?

2006-09-01 12:21:51 · 19 answers · asked by Geneva 2

how do I get them to stop? spray them with a hose?

2006-09-01 12:09:09 · 13 answers · asked by smart@$$ 3

2006-09-01 12:03:22 · 7 answers · asked by ? 6

Some thought this was a joke but I thought it was cruel......One day two guys I knew just barged in without telling me scarin the crap outta my mom...then when we were in my room....without me knowing they took a dagger that belonged to my granddad and apparently hid it so to speak......then they left....after I found out I spent a good hour yellin at them to return it and they swore back saying it was messed up to accuse them of **** and I just forgot it...after we threatend to call the police on them they said it was in the bushes and it was there sure enough....well they claimed they never wanted to take it but I am sure that if I never noticed it they would never have brought it back...one guy told me its just a joke..but I think there not jokes if they leave they guy FUMIng at the end...what do you think?

2006-09-01 11:39:56 · 21 answers · asked by Darkness 5

2006-09-01 11:20:04 · 24 answers · asked by Thia 6

the area i am in 100% of manicurists are asian and barely speak english and it feels rude to just stare blankly at the wall but when they try to talk to me its annoying cuz i dont understand them and they dont understand me. i cant pretend im reading a magazine cuz my nails are getting done. how can i avoid the awkwardness?

2006-09-01 11:12:54 · 16 answers · asked by Punchy 2

my friend was going to a funeral today and was wearing a white skirt and pink shirt. i thought that you are supposed to wear black out of respect.

2006-09-01 11:10:51 · 17 answers · asked by RocKsTaR 6

Have you ever been sooo late! that it was all over when you arrived? Or sooo early you became vexed at the long wait for things to get started?

2006-09-01 10:57:55 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

It was the first day of school and the P.A. announcement said to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. I stood up and the teacher said to all, "Stand if you want to." No other students stood up and the teacher sat down while I said the pledge alone. It was... wierd.

2006-09-01 10:35:29 · 19 answers · asked by TubeDude 4

I'm selling furniture on craigslist and EVERYONE wants street by street directions how to get to my house. Why don't they just use Yahoo or Google Maps? Obvious, they have a computer if answered my online ad.

2006-09-01 10:34:43 · 7 answers · asked by Rockford 7

2006-09-01 10:33:26 · 17 answers · asked by Punchy 2

True story.

2006-09-01 09:40:10 · 13 answers · asked by Job 3

My husband and I are visting our out-of-state friend and his family for 5 days. I want to be intimate, but he doesn't think its appropriate to do so in his friends home. So, in your opinion, is it ok, or is it not?

2006-09-01 09:30:47 · 21 answers · asked by Nikki 1

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