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Etiquette - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Etiquette

2006-09-03 08:46:35 · 25 answers · asked by Denicia 6

I am fairly skinny and in shape. I could wear either without looking over weight. My shape is like the model in the first one. Is it too little?



the first is the one I am leaning towards.

2006-09-03 08:44:10 · 30 answers · asked by camorningsurfer 4

The people who moved in to the condo above ours are unbelievably loud. They pound around all day and night, and they refuse to answer the door when we've tried to tell them to be quiet. I don't know how to approach it. THeir footsteps are so heavy it keeps us up at night... it's like they pound around all day and night, and I can't exactly tell them to walk softer. How would you handle this short of moving? We own our condos so there is no apt. manager or anything.

2006-09-03 08:34:35 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was at an office the other day, finishing up some business, and the secretary wouldnt accept my paper work. I understood that there were some issues in the work that were yet to be settled out. I told her that the guy I was giving it to would know what to do, I was confident of that. But she wouldnt take it. And I guess i got very frustrated and got very sarcastic and rude to her. I now look back at that and feel very guilty. She did not deserve it because she was just doing her job. But, should I go back and apologize? or would that just unnecessarily dig back up the experience and just make things worst? I understand how wrong it was for me to speak to her that way, so what would be best? would it be best for me to just leave it in the past?

2006-09-03 08:18:36 · 14 answers · asked by katechaos34 2

2006-09-03 08:17:10 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-03 08:12:14 · 15 answers · asked by Eric Inri 6

what would you do if your friend said they don't want to be your bestfriend anymore, and you did not do anything. that person is just off and on

2006-09-03 07:52:19 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

In addition to the thumbs up/down and the report flag, I think we need a question mark for those responses that just make you go...what the hell?

2006-09-03 07:30:25 · 8 answers · asked by Discotheque 3

I have been assaulted and harassed by women. Most of the time, the gestures and flirtations are harmless, but I am a straight woman who doesn't want to be bothered. When I was younger, men would trouble me, but now they wouldn't dare. Most men are afraid to bother or harass a woman these days. What can I do to discourage their interest? Right now I do not have any gay or bi friends and do not go to clubs and bars except once or twice a month and they are normal clubs, not gay ones. Recently, I was assaulted at work by a customer who resented my rejection of her when I simply ignored her overtures and said nothing, just walked away.

2006-09-03 07:19:32 · 13 answers · asked by wife of Ali Pasha 3

My daughter's team has an annual tradition of a pasta party hosted at one of the team captain's houses. The other two captains this year have small homes that are not big enough for all the parents and players. I would like to have the party but I also have a no shoes in the house rule. How do I host the party but still get everyone to take off their shoes. This would be the first team event at a no shoes house.

2006-09-03 06:54:39 · 10 answers · asked by J J 2

she told me she would love to talk to me on the phone but she doesn't have a phone. in order to find and use one she would need me to send her 50 bucks via western union. is she scamming or is she on the level?

2006-09-03 06:54:38 · 18 answers · asked by bgreve1 2

Very nice, respectable, went out of her way to please. But when nobody was around, she was mean to my kids. Then she got bolder & mean to my 4 kids in front of me, openly hateful my mentally challenged daughter (her mom denies it). She has even physically assaulted my 8 yr old & 11 yr old. Her mom dismissed it like my kids lied. The mom insists that her daughter is an “angel,” despite she treats her mom like trash & yells @ her. I’ve told my kids to stay away from her, but she comes around or shouts mean things to them. Talking to the mom gets NOWHERE. We live in a very small town & the school, town think this kid is an absolute angel. In public, she is the “perfect child”, witnessed it firsthand. It’s like 2 different kids. When nobody is around at school, she is mean to my kids. The teachers believe everything she says, they don’t question it because they think she would NEVER lie. Now she’s angry @ my kids cause they are tired of her crap, not taking it anymore & told her so.

2006-09-03 06:26:29 · 15 answers · asked by jude89 3

Why are customer service people so rude? Why did the hairdresser cutting my hair a few months take a personal call on her cell phone WHILE SHE WAS CUTTING MY HAIR?????? It was not an emergency, I could tell. Why does the teller at the bank yak away with a friend at the counter while processing my transaction? I could go on but you get the idea.Why does someone I supervise spend half the day on personal calls, even putting a customer on hold to take a personal call? Yes I realize customers can be rude, but being a customer service manager myself, I am not rude because I know what it is like.

2006-09-03 05:46:51 · 12 answers · asked by eastcoastdebra 3

That is one of my personal pet peeves...Why can't some people just shake with a firm grip?

2006-09-03 05:27:13 · 15 answers · asked by sheila c 3

I've seen this more than once and it really pisses me off. I understand the fasination with a huge fire but to bring out the chairs so you can watch the destruction in leisure is demented. Get an eye full and move on you sick idiots, your fascination does not justify your total lack of consideration.

2006-09-03 04:58:35 · 11 answers · asked by Big Brother 3

2006-09-03 03:50:05 · 8 answers · asked by barsmith47 1

Why do we call them underpants and they insist on calling them panties?

2006-09-03 03:49:45 · 7 answers · asked by Isis 7

i received it on an invitation td... dunno wat it means... pls enlighten

2006-09-03 03:23:22 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

on dial idol (www.dialidol.com) the whole place has turned into a bunch of smart assed bullys and you should go there and read the thing they say to and about this person (pitszal)..

piss em off... join just to tell them what idiots they are! watch yr language, though, the owner bans people for the slightest infractions, but wont do the same to the people harassing pitszal, i think the owner is really one of the people doing the harassing.....just my opinion....

2006-09-03 02:40:53 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My soon to be seven-year-old daughter wants to have her birthday party at "Jeepers" (a "Chuckie Cheese" type of place). She will be inviting kids from her class. Here is my problem: I can't allow her to invite every child in her class, as there are probably about 25 children, and at $15 a head, that is far beyond my budget! How can she invite only a select few without the others feeling excluded? Should I ask her teacher to give these kids their invitations? Help! I don't know how to handle this!

2006-09-03 01:58:28 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have never been the most popular guy at school and I have decided it's time to make a few changes to my life. I need advice on how to do this.

1) How should I conduct myself/act around others. Obviously I haven't been doing it right.

2) What kind of friends should I keep? Advice for a super nervous guy on making friends?

3) How should I dress... I lean more towards a punk/rock taste.

4) I'm a half pack a day smoker... should that be known to anyone at all?

5) Lastly, is it really a big deal to have a girlfriend? I kinda have a thing for this one girl... but I think she only just sees me as a good friend. Should I go out on a limb and asker out?

I am a fatty and I'm not horribly graceful at all. I always find a way to make myself look stupid in a conversation. I'd just like to get a little respect from people around my school.

2006-09-03 01:14:05 · 17 answers · asked by aries2110 1

It really irks me when I'm at a restaurant and the waiter asks if I'd like the "SaLmon" (pronouncing the L). It doubley irks me when they offer the "sWordfish" (pronouncing the L). I'm even more annoyed at the incorrect pronunciation of "herb" as "'erb" (see different question).... So I guess if a waiter asked me if I would like to have either the " 'erb crusted saLmon or the grilled sWordfish", I might just blow a head gasket...

I'm I the only one who's annoyed at this?

2006-09-02 23:45:53 · 11 answers · asked by Moose 4

it's lyk ............ i think i'm shy or something i don't talk to girls .......... but if they start i do talk to them ........ hlp me plz

2006-09-02 22:46:56 · 35 answers · asked by Zeal™ 1

My mom refuses to disinfect anything but dishes, I try putting out disinfecting sprays and such, but she just doesn't like them.

My dad doesn't put down the toilet seat and refuses to wipe up anytime he misses the target.

My brother does his "nightly man thing" and doesn't clean up after himself. AT ALL. And on top of that when he pees, he doesn't flush, and it makes a horrible smell.

And my cousin leaves half eaten food everywhere.

I've tried everything, when I talk to them about it, they accuse me of nagging like an old woman (and maybe i am), and I've tried hinting them nicely by putting kleenex in my brother's room so that he can wipe up after he's done doing god-knows-what. Planting fake ants in my cousin's food so she'll remember to clean it up. Putting disinfecting wipes on every toilet so they'll remember to at least wipe up when the fellas miss. But none of it even works.

2006-09-02 22:29:58 · 15 answers · asked by LalaLola 2

2006-09-02 22:13:29 · 18 answers · asked by Be_nice_dude 3

Is it just me? I'm continually annoyed by the persistance of people to pronounce "Herb" as "'erb" like they are some kind of French snob.

"Herb" is an English word... not a French word... So where did this Frenchified pronunciation come from?

I'm thinking it came from the early days of TV with Julia Childs when she became famous for saying " 'ERbs and Spices!" in a snobbish immitated French accent.

As this was America's first exposure to fancy cooking, it's how the pronunciation became accepted.

Is anyone else annoyed by this?

Does anyone have any facts on how this pronunciation got started?

2006-09-02 22:10:34 · 14 answers · asked by Moose 4

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