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Society & Culture - 13 August 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

2007-08-13 22:22:06 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Some catholics claiming that their religion is the right one.

First off. Christianity is a Religion, Catholic is a denomination, As is lutheran, Methodist etc.

There are not Contradictory teachings. As a matter of fact the only major difference between Catholics and Protestant is that Catholics believe that communion is the Blood and body of Christ whereas the Protestant believes it is ment to be symbolic. I Challenge catholics to name one other difference in church teachings. So how is yours the only right one again?

2007-08-13 22:09:07 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Faith is trust, gained after certain experiences with that person have earned them your trust. When you step on an airplane you have some faith in the designers. When you loan money to someone it is because you have faith in them that they will repay you, because they have earned that trust. Faith is not just going out and giving your money to a random person. In the same way faith is not saying, "Hmmm so many gods... I'll just pick the Christian one without evidence". Faith is gained when, after praying for instance, you feel your prayer is answered and you have more faith in God because of it. Faith is just another word for trust. The more we trust someone, the more blind faith we can have in them. If we really trust someone we can say, "here is my wallet, take whatever you want" just like we can give God all of what we have if we have faith. If we do not have faith, though, if there is no trust between us, we will give him nothing.

So faith is trust, not "belief without evidence"

2007-08-13 22:03:55 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

we keep contradicting ourselves and our children withnessing it and this vicious cycle keeps repeating itself. we try teach our children good manners ie; it is not right to fight and/or hit others but they are recieving mixed messages. ie; mom confronts her kid hitting another kid and hits the kid and says"how many times i told you that it is wrong to hit others". we demand them to say please while we don't request and say the secret word ourselves. then they see that their good mannered parents support war. what is wrong with this picture. 'KILL ALL THE EXTREMIST"! isn't that pretty extreme action too? are you asking others to kill you too mom and dad? what kinds of message are we giving them? no wonder they are so mixed up. shame on us!

2007-08-13 21:59:31 · 9 answers · asked by macmanf4j 4 in Etiquette

im getting married in crete and the weddings planers have screwed up with translating our wedding paper work now we have to get it done, does anyone know how we get this done asap we live in belfast there is no greek embassy here and i dont think the one in london would be much help because they would probably take months where we have to have the paper work done this week.

2007-08-13 21:58:53 · 5 answers · asked by theemadmonkey 4 in Languages

I know for a fact that my mood is noticeably different when I get paid than it is about 3 weeks later when its nearly all gone. I have also noticed that generally that comment is made by people who don't have to worry about money from one payday to the next.

2007-08-13 21:56:47 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

when any body said to u "I LOVE U",
specialy u listen 1st time in ur life

2007-08-13 21:56:03 · 3 answers · asked by love2all 1 in Etiquette

Why they associated the Islam with terrorism?

2007-08-13 21:51:26 · 10 answers · asked by H.Lamin 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Im asian and white and i live in a small town where there are basically no white people. Most of my family live in Wisconsin and places like that and ive visited them a lot as a child and so i was influenced by that. Thats why youll always see me shopping at abercrombie and fitch but i guess over here its a crime to shop there or something. I feel like people dont even try to get to know me because im only supposed to listen to rap. Dont get me wrong, i love rap and r&b but once in a while i'll listen to rock to and people are like "wtf?" And then when i do listen to rap they tell me im not supposed to. And then its even more wierd when i go to Wisconsin because then i become, as a stranger said to me, too ghetto. Wth? Why do people gotta judge you on whether you act "black or white?" To tell you the truth, that makes no sense at all.

2007-08-13 21:48:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

He took the effort to appear to St. Paul and a load of other people after the ressurection so why not me and you?

Why did he appear to those people? Was it because he knew that by appearing, they would beleive that he was who he claimed he was?

If that's the case why doesn't he appear to me? He MUST know (being omnipotent) that I don't believe. But he must also know that I want to believe (who wouldn't want Heaven?), and that if he appeared to me in the way he did the Biblical people, I would believe in him and follow all the teachings.

So why doesn't he show himself? Don't tell me he speaks to our hearts or any other nonsense. He may well do that, but I mean physically appearing so I can see with my own eyes. Just like he used to do.

And before you say 'You must find him yourself', St. Paul didn't did he? Jesus showed himself. He SHOWED himself to others too, so why not me?

2007-08-13 21:31:00 · 26 answers · asked by zeppelin_roses 4 in Religion & Spirituality

Lately my boss has been making remarks which seem more sexual in nature. The other time he remarked how he had not been getting sex from his wife since she got pregnant. He also joked about how I was trying to seduce the female colleagues / clients by bending over (I was arranging some items) and showing them my "tight ar*e" - his words. He also confided in me that he's so horny for sex he wouldn't mind having a fling regardless of that person's sex and do I know anyone up for that.

I'm confused ... our relationship has always been friendly ... but my boss can be a prat at times and I often engage in exchange of arguments / insults / sarcastic remarks (although purely on a joking level). Otherwise, we have an okay professional relationship.

Don't get me wrong ... my boss is quite handsome and desirable. I'd date him in a minute if I'd met him in other circumstances. I just worry that there might be repercussions in dating my boss (plus he is married).

2007-08-13 21:28:42 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Now, I am an atheist, but I was brought up Catholic, and this was something I never had answered. Being completely respectful, here.

Now, I'm going to assume, for the purpose of arguement, that during this hypothetical God exists. I personally don't believe that's so, but I'm asking religious people about their religion.

Why do you pray? If God has a plan, a divine plan, if he knows more than mortals, if s/he's the Alpha, the Omega, the beginning and end, all of that jazz, why pray? Surely you can't change his/her mind? If s/he has a plan, why bother praying? And I don't mean prayers of thanksgiving or anything like that. I mean specific prayers for help/wanting something. Why bother, if it's going to happen anyway?

2007-08-13 21:17:11 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

like.... I've heard of a word in Finnish which means The edge of the ice.

2007-08-13 21:13:11 · 19 answers · asked by zoeksalamander 4 in Languages

im worried why someone would do that any one have any solutions!!!

2007-08-13 21:06:34 · 17 answers · asked by keep it 100% 1 in Mythology & Folklore

conscienous> are they aware of things like we are?

2007-08-13 21:01:14 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I've been told that the Bible is the "true word of God".

Considering that over the past 2000 years it has been edited, translated, re-edited, had portions expunged (gospel of St Thomas for example)...and basically this 'word of God' has had mans 'handiwork' changing things around to fit the prevailing interest at the time...

Let me make the question simpler..how can it be a true word of God from 2000 years ago, when portions have been expunged around 300 AD? and edited all the time up to today?

2007-08-13 21:00:37 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Per this video:

God must surely exist in one of the time zones right?

2007-08-13 20:59:56 · 6 answers · asked by Jadochop 6 in Religion & Spirituality

Are you tolerant of other religions? Assuming that the extremists in each religion aren't representative of the religion as a whole? (IE-sacrifices, killing infidels because Allah says so, killing gay people because they think God hates gays)?

Or do you believe other religions ..other than yours..are a scourge than needs to be wiped out..and their masses converted to yours?

2007-08-13 20:49:45 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

In my school there is a good lookign girl everytime i look at her i commit lust what are some ways from stopping this.
like im in 3 of her classes and sometime i will have to look.

2007-08-13 20:46:52 · 8 answers · asked by dazzi_4592 1 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-08-13 20:42:56 · 20 answers · asked by Sarah 2 in Religion & Spirituality

I was told that i was not a christian cuz i am always deppressed. Is that true? it seems like it!

2007-08-13 20:37:42 · 23 answers · asked by thecrazygirl 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Some guy just asked a question nothing to do with religion and yet someone gave a religious answer... which was stretching.

Do these Christians have such a complete lack of conviction in faith that they constantly have to keep bandying phrases from the bible to try and convince themselves?

In a nutshell, cant Christians just mind their own business and keep their faith to themselves rather than forcing it on others...

Christians talk a good game about tollerance, but they seem to have trouble practising what they preach...

rant over.

2007-08-13 20:35:58 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

should, by now, have convinced most, if not all, of the religious people that religion is only in the mind, taking the place of something which, in the past, could not be explained, and completely disproved by science and intelligent thinking?

2007-08-13 20:35:04 · 19 answers · asked by Montgomery B 4 in Religion & Spirituality

Because most humans believe in God. Even scientists, who have admittantly said that theyve made many discoveries transpired by some higher source or power like God. then whats to say about you? You dont believe that there is a God, yet you are willing to use the work that has been brought forth through the inspiration of God through his children. Isnt that a huge contradiction? Not just scientists, doctors, builders, landscapers.......count in millions as many are Christians. You use our buildings, read our scientific studies, but one thing you fail to acknowledge is that many Christians believe that their work is made possible through a Christian God. Will you still continue being a minority in denial? Or finally face the possibility that you are important too? Christians and other religions love their God and acknowledge him in their lives. Because you use our use our buildings, buy our cars, eat our food....in some real way you do too! Duh!

2007-08-13 20:32:29 · 20 answers · asked by LooneyLu 2 in Religion & Spirituality

If you're going to say I've put it out of context, be so kind to put them in context and make sense out of it.

Two and twenty years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign.
- 2 Kings 8:26

Forty and two years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign.
- 2 Chronicles 22:2

2007-08-13 20:31:08 · 22 answers · asked by 恐龙 1 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-08-13 20:26:41 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

2007-08-13 20:24:44 · 26 answers · asked by Sarah 2 in Religion & Spirituality

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