I'm really sorry that you believe in a religion that will very likely always get in the way of your happiness. Catholisizm is almost the most backward, nonsensical religion I can think of. Almost. I hope that the fear of pissing God off doesn't keep you from opening your mind some day to the fact that this is pointless in every respect and you'll live the one short life you have been given to the fullest instead of always limiting yourself. Good luck.
2007-08-13 20:55:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Avoid looking towards this person as much as possible. There will be situations in which you have to look, maybe even work closely with on a project or something. Don't worry about that. Just do the best you can.
Any other time that you look, or feel compelled to look, or think about attractive ladies in lustful ways even when none are around, get into the habit of saying a quick prayer or favorite Bible verse. After a while, this will become automatic. This helps a great deal - but it does take conserted effort on your part to start this habit.
Also, don't forget Confession. You don't have to run to Confession every single time this sort of thing happens, lest you end up there every Saturday afternoon. I know. Maybe go every one or two months. This helps a great deal as well. But, again, you need to take the initiative and actually go to Confession.
Lastly, I would imagine this issue is filled in your "impossible causes" file? Develop a devotion to Saint Jude Thaddeus, one of the 12 Apostles. He is the Patron Saint of impossible/desparate causes. It works.
2007-08-14 11:13:04
answer #2
answered by Daver 7
I honestly think it is normal but no it isn't what God wants us to do but seriously we are only human and we have human feelings. I do it a million times a day but it isn't distracting tho. Do I feel bad about it? Yes I do. Is there anything I can do about it? I am sure there is. Do I do anything about it? Well umm I keep lookin lol. In your case I would go up to her and talk to her and become friends with her once you get to know her maybe it will turn into more so it won't be lust maybe she is your future wife dude go get her!
2007-08-14 03:54:46
answer #3
answered by biking for life 4
its gonna be almost impossible for you to completely stop lusting after girls. Specially because you're a guy. it'll actually be amazing if you do.. i don't know what you mean with the whole catholic thing.. but i suggest that you just pray. pray to God that he will help you control yourself whenever you do see a pretty girl.. and when you do.. don't keep your eyes on her if you know you're gonna do it again. do they "eye bounce" where if you see something you know will not be beneficial to you in anyway.. just bounce your eye sight to somewhere else. focus on other things.. distract yourself.. i guess i can say. otherwise.. i don't think there's any other way!
2007-08-14 04:03:09
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
"If, now, that right eye of yours is making you stumble, tear it out and throw it away from you. For it is more beneficial to you for one of your members to be lost to you than for your whole body to be pitched into Ge·hen´na. Also, if your right hand is making you stumble, cut it off and throw it away from you. For it is more beneficial to you for one of your members to be lost than for your whole body to land in Ge·hen´na. " [Matthew 5:29,30]
Of course this isn't literal, but it means that we much keep what is a sinful desire out of your mind. "Ripping it out" in the sense that you don't even allowing yourself to think about it.
"But each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. Then the desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin; in turn, sin, when it has been accomplished, brings forth death. " [James 1:14,15] This verse is straight to the point. Satan knows what is tempting to you. Take control of your thoughts and thus your actions by exercising self-control. You can't overcome anything that's tempting you if you "have to look". If you can't look at her in a way that is not lustful, don't look at her at all. Sounds simple, and I realize that it may not be. Keep trying and I'm sure that you can succeed.
Peace be with you
2007-08-14 03:59:53
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
well, a good way is to say a prayer for HER intentions and soul when you find yourself lusting for her.
2007-08-16 18:38:25
answer #6
answered by Daniel F 6
Its not possible to stop it. Scientifically impossible. You can control yourself outwardly, meaning you dont have to turn your head and look. But dont try not to think about it, its nature.
2007-08-14 03:52:03
answer #7
answered by John I 2
Pray through temptation. U can do it. I do.
2007-08-14 03:53:08
answer #8
answered by Anonymous