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Toddler & Preschooler - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

Ive been living at my moms house for the past 2 months with my 16 month old daughter. My little 6 year old brother is such a brat! Hes always screaming & crying. No matter wat anyone does, he does not listen. He screams at the top of his lungs all the time! Its so loud. My 1 year old is usually around him when he screams. Hes not directly in her ear but hes sometimes couple of feet away. He screams like crazy a few times a day. Will this be harmful to my babys ears?!? I dont know what to do since he doesnt listen.

2007-08-10 08:26:46 · 10 answers · asked by blueberry muffins 1

I'm just kind of worried that his new gf won't be nice to my daughter.

2007-08-10 06:30:50 · 13 answers · asked by Lulu 1

MY husband always hits back, which didn't help much

2007-08-10 06:14:27 · 14 answers · asked by 結縁 Heemei 5

My garrulous three and a half year old repeats words when she means "a lot" or repeated but it also crops up in unexpected places:
"The telephone is ringing-ringing"
"I came walking-walking"
"Mama;s sleeping-sleeping" (this at 4am on monday morning!)

Does this indicate a problem?

2007-08-09 20:35:48 · 16 answers · asked by blind_chameleon 5

Tomorow im babysting my Aunts kids ( my little cousins), there are two girls they are 18 months old and 4 years old. Im taking them to the park. Anywho my question is what should i bring to the park with us? And what should i pack for lunch ( they are not allergic to anything and my aunt trusts me to pack the lunches since i have done it before). Any help would be great thanks :)

2007-08-09 17:38:23 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 3 year old needs a (new) pediatrician - and I could really use your help!

We moved and I worry we won't have a doctor if/when we need one!

I'd really appreciate a 'good' recommendation! :-)

Thank you!!!

2007-08-09 17:28:51 · 1 answers · asked by homebody473 2

Just the other day we wrote down a discipline plan for our (just turned) 2 year old. He's overall a well-behaved child and we would like to keep it that way. (We do have our bad days though.) I tend to be pretty lienent and permissive--that's just my parenting style I guess. Anyway, looking for feedback from experienced parents (or whomever cares to answer). What do people think about this? What's missing? Anything that won't work?

1. Save yelling 'no' for dangerous activities.

2. Instead of saying 'no' or 'Don't...', show or tell the correct way to do something, or simply distract with something else.

3. Three strikes--meaning that he gets two warnings to stop a behavior and on the third he gets the object of misuse taken away.

4. Reward for good behavior--verbally or with hugs, etc

5. Be consistent about what is and is not acceptable behavior.

Not strict enough? Any suggestions? Thanks!

(pardon my spelling errors--my checker never works on here)

2007-08-09 16:43:04 · 18 answers · asked by blooming chamomile 6

the bubble is forming in the middle of the spacer. does this mean it has a abcess ans should I worry

2007-08-09 16:39:13 · 4 answers · asked by Beach Girl 1

My son is exactly 2 and 1 month and he knows all his colors ,(has for many months) he can count to 12 in English and Spanish, he recognizes some numbers and letters, he speaks in complete sentences, he sings simple songs,he knows every animal from an orangutan to a meerkat to a porcupine. He seems to speak much better than all his friends his age but I wanted to hear from others out there as to their opinion on how he is doing for 25 months?????

2007-08-09 16:15:54 · 11 answers · asked by Steenskees 2

She thinks it's funny,but it hurts. How do I get her to realize that it's not funny?

2007-08-09 15:23:09 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

He is my only child, If he is good all week I let him pick a toy out up to 10.00 dollars. My friend says that is way too much and I should not buy him one that often. What do you think?

2007-08-09 14:49:33 · 15 answers · asked by regina 6

My husband is leaving for 4 months and I am looking for some ways to pass the time with my children. (newborn and 2 1/2) I'm a stay at home mom so I tend to get pretty lonely even when my hubby is just working. We have about three hours that we need to fill a day in our schedule, preferably something outside of the home. I'm trying to find atleast 6 different activities that we can rotate throughout the weeks. So far I have came up with library and the park. Please any other suggestions?

2007-08-09 14:29:49 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend's child is exactly 24 months old and she weighs 43lbs. She is of average height for her age. My daughter at 24 months weighed 28lbs and now at 36 months my daughter weighs 35lbs. What is an average weight for a 2 year old...does anyone know? Thx!

2007-08-09 14:07:50 · 13 answers · asked by ~Brenda~ 4

Hard biscuits and did not break off in little ones mouths. The cookie turned to mush, instead of pieces. Please and thank you!!!

2007-08-09 12:38:02 · 11 answers · asked by Janice 1

My husband and friends say leave him in his room and let him cry it out and he will fall asleep. I really dont have the heart to do that when he is at the door, knocking saying "MMMooooooommy". My husband say thats manipulation. I dont know. I want to set a routine bed time for him but I dont want to give a complex about being shut up in a room by himself. HELP!!!

2007-08-09 10:16:06 · 6 answers · asked by anne 1

He has to be very conscious whenever he says a word with T or R. Even then, it is not up to the mark. Am bit worried. Please help me.

2007-08-09 06:47:39 · 6 answers · asked by Cibi 1

She will be 5 Aug. 23 and where I live the cut off date is Sept. 1, so she just makes it, but I have had so many different opinions on it. She knows her abc's she can count to 15, she knows her colors and a few shapes she can write her name. Kindergarten here is all day everyday, thats what I am worried about and the other thing is I don't know about her maturity level but I really have nothing to compare it with, I am just looking for some feedback on this and some experiences other people have had either sending their child or waiting. Thanks!

2007-08-09 06:04:50 · 26 answers · asked by AACTKLDT 2

Last night my little girl, who is 2 1/2 was going up the steps to our house, with out any help of course 'cause she a big girl, so she says, I can remember a time when she would crawl up them with my hands around her so she would'nt fall, Why do they grow up so fast, it breaks my heart.

2007-08-09 06:01:28 · 15 answers · asked by cherrie022 5


2007-08-09 05:35:10 · 15 answers · asked by norton152 2

My little boy has this big soft red dog that he cannot fall asleap without, no mater where we are. He calls is his "boggy". :)

2007-08-09 04:29:04 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

It doesnt happen every night, but he has been having accidents at least 3 times a week. He just holds it in and if he could, he would hold it all day!! Any ideas/suggestions?

2007-08-09 03:01:24 · 20 answers · asked by *Droogie* 5

My only concern is my 3ry old wil be jealous. My husband says it is not the 3yr old birthday and only the birthday child should recieve presents.

2007-08-09 02:52:49 · 12 answers · asked by sexy_gurlie 2

i have to go to a birthday party and have no idea what 2 year old girls would like to have ?!

2007-08-09 02:42:04 · 13 answers · asked by Addison 2

Drives me nuts! My son is 17mos. He does it with his food and his toys. I tried to ignore it. That hasn't worked. I've tried to tell him no-no and that hasn't worked. Do I just have to wait for him to out grow it?

2007-08-09 01:50:58 · 11 answers · asked by Just One Girl's Opinion 3

It's really hot where l Iive, at the moment. But she refuses to wear the hat when we are outside in the sun ... just pulls it off. I've tried everything but to no avail.

2007-08-08 22:56:20 · 24 answers · asked by George The Fat Pink Gay Hippo 6

My son (will be three this month) seems to have a problem talking sometimes, he will leave a long pause before he speaks. He will walk in to the room and say '........................uh.............uh.................look mum look.......'
Do you think i have anything to worry about?

2007-08-08 22:20:33 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-08 22:13:26 · 5 answers · asked by purple_labels 1

I have a 26 month old son and a 15 month old daughter and my son is rapidly turning into a nightmare child. I have no idea how to disipline him for the best. It seems that he is constantly looking for ways to stress me out and push me to the limit and I feel like I'm constantly doing the wrong thing regarding punishing him. I'm under alot of stress at the moment; we're moving after only having four weeks notice and my husband has been working away for the last fortnight so I've been trying to cope with the move and both of the kids alone. Our families live far away and it's too expensive to have them help out. I know it's wrong and I feel awful for doing it but I have resorted to smacking my son on several occasions, mainly because I've just come to the end of my tether. I know all 2 year olds push their parents to the limit but I'm struggling to cope. How are you supposed to disipline them if they refuse to pay any attention to you. I'm worried that my behaviour is making him worse.

2007-08-08 19:19:32 · 23 answers · asked by dnbgrrly 2

My son pees on the pot like a champ. He refuses to poop on it though! I've let him walk around the house naked so I could keep track and make sure nothing is coming out. lol But the second I take my eyes of him he will poop on the floor. Most days we just use diapers now because it's become such a hassle. I'm not mean and I don't use force. I just tell him and he refuses, even if he's sitting on the toilet! He's pooped on the floor before, just so he wouldn't have to go on the potty. I've bought him toys that I know he likes. (3 things to be exact) I put them up on his shelf and told him that he could have them once he poops. Well....any other suggestions? Is this a boy thing? Or a stubborn thing!

2007-08-08 18:33:39 · 6 answers · asked by cutesy76 6

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